MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:flowers agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures landscapefeatures:grassland ]
CPL @1107 (60.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "forest , alpine _" "green areas , including _" "slopes of high _" "square kilometres of _" "mosaic of open _" "many habitats from _" "forest , national _" "habitat is wooded _" "swamps , open _" "DD-minute hike through _" "They inhabit open _" "hike through _" "lush , rolling _" "peaks , rolling _" "meadows , open _" "stretch of natural _" "biomes include _" "hours walking in _" "fertile , rolling _" "tract of undisturbed _" "swamps , dense _" "trail leads through _" "vast areas of natural _" "lots of sandy _" "system of protected _" "trail climbs steeply through _" "habitat is moist _" "areas of lush _" "miles of green _" "forests , green _" "acres of protected _" "area of sandy _" "valleys , vast _" "reforestation of degraded _" "stretch of lush _" "forests , open _" "trail enters _" "crosses open _" "gradual climb through _" "dry , rolling _" "elephant ride through _" "rivers , picturesque _" "DD-acre stretch of _" "rainforest , open _" "forest , temperate _" "DDD+ acres of _" "short cut through _" "vast area of virgin _" "animals roamed _" "mixed landscape of _" "trails run through _" "clearings , open _" "rainforest , secondary _" "large tracts of undisturbed _" "lakes , green _" "open areas such as _" "minutes walk through _" "area of rocky _" "area of preserved _" "dense forests , rolling _" "Trail through _" "buffalo roamed _" "herds grazing on _" "miles of unspoilt _" "gentle climb through _" "serene rolling _" "plains , open _" "forest , secondary _" "footpaths through _" "rainforest , temperate _" "area of wooded _" "deer roam _" "miles of empty _" "national park , national _" "many habitats including _" "trek through _" "trails wander through _" "miles of lovely _" "lush , emerald _" "mammals live in _" "horse ride through _" "vegetation structure of _" "forests , dry _" "mountains , broad _" "hills , undulating _" "habitat ranging from _" "fertile rolling _" "ponds , wet _" "marshes , wet _" "hills , open _" "area of virgin _" "areas of intact _" "stretches of green _" "short trail through _" "terrain is rolling _" "tracts of dry _" "Wildlife abounds in _" "stretches of beautiful _" "forests , fertile _" "habitat of open _" "habitat types such as _" "flats , coastal _" "tracts of undisturbed _" "tract of pristine _" "indicator of ancient _" "fields , coastal _" "wetlands , wet _" "meadows , dry _" "land of green _" "land of expansive _" "habitat includes open _" "inhabits open _" "replacement of tropical _" "land , rolling _" "area of temperate _" "forest to dry _" "deserts , open _" "expanses of tropical _" "easy walk through _" "mountains , endless _" "grassland , tropical _" "remnant patches of _" "well-maintained trails through _" "swamps , flooded _" "marsh , coastal _" "habitats from open _" "common birds of _" "vegetation types including _" "park , national _" "plains , dry _" "wildlife , open _" "way to fertile _" "habitat types , from _" "forests , vast _" "many acres of _" "groves , open _" "habitat is dry _" "many different habitats from _" "Hills , surrounded by _" "natural habitats such as _" "mountains , vast _" "trail through _" "stretch of sandy _" "valleys , extensive _" "taiga , temperate _" "tracts of native _" "forests to dry _" "_ once stretched across" "palm lined _" "desert , lush _" "fields , open _" "DD-acres of _" "chaparral , open _" "deer roamed _" "areas of untouched _" "trails through _" "beaches , lush _" "area of untouched _" "peaks , vast _" "forests , rolling _" "prairies , open _" "ponds , flooded _" "contiguous tracts of _" "perennial herb of _" "expanses of intact _" "acres of green _" "region of open _" "mountains , golden _" "habitats , including open _" "remote patch of _" "They like open _" "forest , tropical _" "brush , open _" "habitats including open _" "trails lead through _" "habitats include open _" "contiguous tract of _" "beautiful rolling _" "breeding habitat is _" "water , vast _" "roosevelt national _" "desert , vast _" "deserts to lush _" "deserts , vast _" "land area is covered by _" "It is found in open _" "stretches of golden _" "area of pristine _" "acres of coastal _" "woodland , dry _" "bison roaming _" "_ is a biome" "wooded areas , open _" "meadows , lush _" "walks through _" "different habitats from _" "deer feeding in _" "large tract of _" "areas , moist _" "acres of natural _" "nature trail through _" "more acres of _" "meadows , wet _" "habitat types , such as _" "short hike through _" "expanses of golden _" "undisturbed area of _" "tundra , temperate _" "preferred habitat is _" "DD-acre plot of _" "Cattle grazing in _" "DD-acre parcel of _" "rainforest , tropical _" "forests , endless _" "They live in open _" "habitats ranging from _" "rain forests to dry _" "It grows in open _" "rain forest , tropical _" "mountains , beautiful _" "dry forest , tropical _" "ecosystems range from _" "cultivated lands to _" "forest , rolling _" "farmland , rolling _" "habitats ranging from open _" "stretches of pristine _" "river national _" "region of broad _" "desert meets _" "cultivated land to _" "different habitats , including _" "mountains , rolling _" "kilometres of protected _" "long walk in _" "habitats , from coastal _" "valleys , through _" "They inhabit _" "grassland , seasonal _" "woods , sandy _" "woodlands , open _" "species of dry _" "many more acres of _" "plantations , open _" "mile of dense _" "sandy beaches , lush _" "soil in open _" "jungle covered _" "conversion of natural _" "valleys , open _" "we hiked through _" "trails wind through _" "flats , dry _" "flower rich _" "glaciers , rolling _" "DDD-acre parcel of _" "Conversion of natural _" "scenic rolling _" "miles of tropical _" "large areas of undisturbed _" "narrow trails through _" "larger tracts of _" "large areas of tropical _" "area of tropical _" "path travels through _" "zones , ranging from _" "region of tropical _" "habitats from coastal _" "kilometers of wild _" "perennial found in _" "hiking route through _" "slopes in open _" "forest , wooded _" "DD-minute walk through _" "short walk through _" "habitats from wet _" "DDD-acres of _" "They prefer open _" "trails leading through _" "hour walk through _" "flat , rolling _" ] using grassland
SEAL @175 (50.0%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 1 ] using grassland
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:locatedat,concept:agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures" "Y~_X0~concept:itemexistsatlocation,concept:locatedat,concept:agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures" "Y~_z-concept:agriculturalproduct:products~concept:agriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures" "Y~_X0~concept:agriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcamefromcountry,concept:agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures" "Y~_X0~concept:agriculturalproducttoattractinsect,concept:inverseofagriculturalproducttoattractinsect,concept:agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures" ] using (flowers, grassland)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 covered with wild arg1" "arg2 rich in wild arg1" "arg2 full of wild arg1" "arg2 abundant with wild arg1" ] using (flowers, grassland)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey