MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:herbs agriculturalproductgrowninlandscapefeatures landscapefeatures:mountains ]
CMC @1105 (97.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=ains 1.19489 PREFIX=moun 1.17044 PREFIX=mount 1.16986 LASTSUFFIX=ains 1.13402 PREFIX=mou 1.12822 PREFIX=mo 1.01210 SUFFIX=tains 0.94646 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -1.01657 CHARS -1.88872 WORDS -3.05122 ] using mountains
SEAL @89 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2010 [ 12 ] using mountains
CPL @1107 (55.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ meet the Pacific Ocean" "road was cut through _" "rivers , magnificent _" "rivers , glacial _" "snow showers over _" "resorts are situated on _" "short hike through _" "_ provide a spectacular setting" "natural boundaries like _" "landscape , rolling _" "monastery nestled in _" "miles of gorgeous _" "grasslands , rocky _" "hunters roam _" "her lost in _" "landscapes of green _" "hillslopes of _" "hunting trip into _" "expanse of golden _" "expeditions to nearby _" "gorgeous rolling _" "houses , lush _" "houses nestled in _" "first trip into _" "hotel high in _" "rivers running from _" "road plunges into _" "sediments washed down from _" "streams running from _" "ravines , rocky _" "scenic beauty , including _" "rivers winding through _" "rivers , unspoiled _" "crystal clear waters , beautiful _" "camping out in _" "climate , lovely _" "deserts , ancient _" "cities , rolling _" "vistas , rugged _" "tropical islands , lush _" "sun sets among _" "unspoilt rolling _" "trees , rocky _" "valleys adjacent to _" "_ are tributaries" "_ are criss-crossed with" "I were walking through _" "Old Man of _" "_ have many endemic species" "beaches , verdant _" "beaches , unspoilt _" "_ there are ruins" "_ surrounding Los Angeles" "beautiful hike through _" "beautiful setting surrounded by _" "elk grazing in _" "runoff from adjacent _" "resorts , stunning _" "reserves , beautiful _" "rainforest , dry _" "settlements surrounded by _" "breath-taking panorama of _" "brisk hike through _" "lake is surrounded by high _" "mountain biking trails in _" "morning runs through _" "natural trails in _" "kids out into _" "land of magnificent _" "lakes , glacial _" "access to untouched _" "_ surrounding Chiang" "_ remain uninhabited" "short drive to beautiful _" "road climbs into _" "rivers , spectacular _" "rivers , green _" "roads , steep _" "rocky crags in _" "remote shack in _" "trails , rugged _" "temples , scenic _" "tromp through _" "small town up in _" "trails crisscrossing _" "_ provide great locations" "_ join the sea" "desert meets _" "child lost in _" "cultivated land to _" "day hikes through _" "Darwin visited _" "It has rugged _" "Spectacular scenery of _" "Mediterranean climate , beautiful _" "rivers , dramatic _" "pristine , ancient _" "easy walk through _" "hike through _" "green valleys , beautiful _" "glaciers , forested _" "farmland overlooking _" "rain shadow effect of _" "scenic ride through _" "sand , lush _" "sage covered _" "rivers originate in _" "rugged surrounding _" "secret path through _" "mountains , pure _" "natural environments such as _" "many people fled to _" "little walk in _" "mild climate , beautiful _" "lifestyle , beautiful _" "miles of undisturbed _" "dry , rolling _" "high snow capped _" "hiking tours through _" "dunes meet _" "day trips to nearby _" "cluster of volcanic _" "beach , hiking through _" "beautiful walks in _" "cliffs , small _" "countryside , rolling _" "deep valleys with _" "beauty of secluded _" "small path into _" "short path through _" "valley high in _" "tree clad _" "view of snowcapped _" "teams combed _" "views of dramatic _" "central plain with _" "deer still roam _" "childhood playing in _" "coach ride through _" "climate , pristine _" "country of pristine _" "castle high in _" "edge of beautiful _" "edible plants from _" "_ surrounding Mount Desert Island" "animals roamed _" "coastline , magnificent _" "coral reefs , volcanic _" "short hike in _" "remote cabin in _" "rivers , small _" "scenic walks through _" "_ surrounding Luang Prabang" "_ soar thousands" "_ surrounding the Cape" "_ preserve remnants" "little town up in _" "lush , emerald _" "jungle , across _" "I enjoy hiking in _" "cliffs , forested _" "day hiking in _" "beach , walking in _" "bird fauna of _" "day trek through _" "backdrop of jagged _" "coastline with beautiful _" "lovely landscape of _" "national parks , beautiful _" "numerous trails through _" "lakes , breathtaking _" "jungle trek through _" "large tract of _" "little cottage in _" "_ surrounding the plain" "beaches , redwood _" "beaches , hiking _" "beautiful views of nearby _" "coast range of _" "cottage out in _" "delightful scenery of _" "dispersal along _" "day hike through _" "_ surrounding Santiago" "boy gets lost in _" "balcony views over _" "sandy beaches , lush green _" "rivers , crossing _" "rural community nestled in _" "river out in _" "several miles through _" "plains interspersed with _" "region of rugged _" "rambles through _" "port surrounded by _" "Today we drive through _" "Reef meets _" "_ surrounding Cairns" "_ surrounding Prescott" "Aleutian chain of _" "We ascend through _" "midst of scenic _" "lakes , gorgeous _" "gardens , serene _" "jungles , over _" "solitary walks in _" "steep trail through _" "temples , tropical _" "solitary life in _" "hills , majestic _" "gardens , artificial _" "geography ranges from _" "grasslands , rugged _" "horseback exploring _" "rugged scenery of _" "road nestled in _" "populations are also found in _" "riding , beautiful _" "ridgetops of _" "desert , high _" "currents flow around _" "catena)chain of _" "coast has beautiful _" "chain of steep _" "_ are low-lying" "_ are best explored on" "I 've been hiking in _" "footslopes of _" "habitat types from _" "green valley surrounded by _" "glaciers , high _" "hiking trails through _" "huts nestled in _" "I was hiking in _" "natural stands in _" "mixed landscape of _" "land rises towards _" "muddy path through _" "lowlands adjacent to _" "land of rocky _" "long range views of _" "hills , down _" "idyllic landscape of _" "lakes , serene _" "he was riding through _" "log cabins nestled in _" "island of lush _" "_ meeting the ocean" "few miles through _" "expanses of unspoiled _" "hotel surrounded by beautiful _" "island has high _" "forests , soaring _" "city nestled against _" "de-forestation of _" "day we drove through _" "situation overlooking _" "valleys , soaring _" "village is surrounded by beautiful _" "forests , glacial _" "It grows naturally in _" "rivers flowing down from _" "rivers , majestic _" "rocky slopes of _" "rivers , lush _" "scenic trails through _" "school tucked away in _" "moist soils in _" "monastery high in _" "loggers working in _" "occasional walks in _" "island with high _" "narrow valley through _" "natural settings such as _" "mountains to lush _" "nature hike through _" "lakes , cool _" "landscape , rugged _" "many animals live in _" "lodges overlooking _" "lakes , splendid _" "landscape with high _" "lake , exploring _" "little hiking in _" "little house in _" "miles up into _" "lakes , snow-capped _" "junction of several _" "landscape of scenic _" "beaches , lush _" "amazing views over _" "canyons , vast _" "awe-inspiring views over _" "_ surround the capital" "_ surrounding Chiang Mai" "cozy cottage in _" "chain of beautiful _" "evergreen covered _" "deserts , rolling _" "_ afford good pasturage" "_ bordering the town" "They inhabit _" "short hike into _" "settlement west of _" "sight of snow-capped _" "ponds , small _" "rivers , wooded _" "peaceful walk through _" "red clay found in _" "snow peaked _" "stream high in _" "sand dunes , rugged _" "rainforests , magnificent _" "sea , surrounding _" "_ cross the island" "_ are used intensively for" "_ are small villages" "_ contain caves" "_ are mostly rocky" "paths cut through _" "roads were cut through _" "rocks , steep _" "_ provide great hiking" "_ offer great scenery" "valley between high _" "short walks through _" "small clearing in _" "backdrop of snow-capped _" "beaches , isolated _" "long hikes in _" "morning ride through _" "rocky beds of _" "pastures , high _" "plains , lush _" "plains , low _" "paths leading through _" "nice trails in _" "_ are the bluest" "old cabin in _" "landscape of gentle _" "miles of lush _" "inland coastal _" "green hills , blue _" "images of serene _" "environments , coastal _" "edge of steep _" "_ offer boating" "_ provide hiking trails" "deserts , rugged _" "coastline , stunning _" "Hotel is surrounded by beautiful _" "River begins high in _" "sea level surrounded by _" "ruins scattered throughout _" "edges of rocky _" "forests , green _" "first domesticated in _" "extended walk in _" "hot tub overlooking _" "hiking tour through _" "fantastic panoramic view of _" "hills , shady _" "home , nestled in _" "highway runs parallel to _" "coastlines , beautiful _" "clear lakes , beautiful _" "countryside , beautiful _" "chains of volcanic _" "cloud patterns over _" "scenic location between _" "rustic cabin in _" "paths next to _" "range of lofty _" "plains to rocky _" "quaint town nestled in _" "rugged terrain such as _" "series of rugged _" "plains , through _" "_ provide miles" "villages dotting _" "trips to nearby _" "strenuous hike through _" "valleys , hidden _" "township is surrounded by _" "trails , through _" "views of sandy _" "time hiking in _" "peaks , high _" "others fled into _" "trails lead into _" "waterfalls , picturesque _" "waterfalls , rocky _" "town surrounded by beautiful _" "waters , beautiful _" "views of rocky _" "villages , breathtaking _" "you are surrounded by lush _" "white sand , lush _" "they migrate back to _" "we are hiking in _" "town up into _" "valleys , of _" "trail ride through _" "varied landscapes from _" "culture , lush _" "beach , hiking in _" "beaches , snow-capped _" "bowl , surrounded by _" "coastline , majestic _" "area of forested _" "biking , walking in _" "beautiful walks around _" "four-day trek through _" "green rolling _" "hour hike through _" "otters live in _" "path led into _" "morning run through _" "many hours roaming _" "lakes , small _" "leeward slopes of _" "mix of rocky _" "narrow trail into _" "miles of glorious _" "narrow valleys between _" "landscape varying from _" "many spectacular views of _" "villas surrounded by _" "waterways among _" "walk through" ] using mountains
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and spices found in arg2" "arg1 and flowers typical of arg2" "arg1 of the carpathian arg2" "arg1 collected from the surrounding arg2" "arg1 that grew on its arg2" ] using (herbs, mountains)
OE @802 (100.0%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (herbs, mountains)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 that carpet arg2" "arg1 and plants indigenous to arg2" "arg1 and animals which inhabit arg2" ] using (flowers, mountains)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)
CPL @1105 (98.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are a dusty arg2" "arg1 were covered with its arg2" "arg1 turn a vibrant arg2" "arg1 turn a beautiful arg2" "arg1 turn a brilliant arg2" "arg1 were a darker arg2" ] using (mountains, shade)