CPL @1107 (60.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "trek through _" "It is surrounded by thick _" "flee into _" "wide path through _" "extensive clearing of _" "circular walk through _" "trails , through _" "he fled into _" "trails through _" "trail through _" "path leading into _" "hike through _" "strolls through _" "tromp through _" "hike through dense _" "paths cut through _" "acres of dense _" "hike through thick _" "miles of dense _" "hills , through _" "trek into _" "DDD-acres of _" "clearing in _" "hills , thick _" "forest , dense _" "We hiked through _" "area of tropical _" "trail through dense _" "you are trekking through _" "new trails through _" "clearings in _" "cliffs , dense _" "traipsing through _" "you hike through _" "tromping through _" "it ran off into _" "footpath through _" "narrow trail through _" "shortcut through _" "turkeys live in _" "short walk through _" "steep path through _" "trail into _" "sleigh ride through _" "roads , cleared _" "hikes through _" "they fled into _" "way through dense _" "we hiked through _" "long walk through _" ] using underbrush