CPL @1096 (80.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "habitats including open _" "pleasant walk through _" "paved trails through _" "Trail travels through _" "DDD-acre parcel of _" "squirrels are found in _" "rivers , lush _" "scenic trails through _" "rocky slopes of _" "rivers , remote _" "Natural features include _" "_ were denuded by" "_ help control flooding" "edges of deciduous _" "streams , small _" "we hike through _" "marshes , wet _" "pine studded _" "area of boreal _" "deserts to lush _" "countless acres of _" "_ cover a total area" "land , rolling _" "natural areas like _" "oak woodlands , riparian _" "areas of coniferous _" "rugged mountains , beautiful _" "I have been roaming _" "It is found in open _" "_ meet the Great" "_ meet the prairie" "gardens , dense _" "terrain is rolling _" "plains , dense _" "diverse habitats , including _" "deer thrive in _" "easy trail through _" "pastures , natural _" "drive through scenic _" "countryside , spectacular _" "DD-acre parcel of _" "DD-acre plot of _" "squirrels inhabit _" "trek through _" "destruction of virgin _" "easy stroll through _" "center nestled in _" "deck overlooking _" "_ is an ecoregion" "fields , pristine _" "nature trail through _" "lush surrounding _" "oak dominated _" "_ not only provide habitat" "deserts , temperate _" "dirt trails through _" "It grows in open _" "It is surrounded by extensive _" "Preferred habitat is _" "topography includes _" "habitats ranging from _" "fields , mixed _" "hikes into _" "marshes , riparian _" "habitats ranging from open _" "ferns grow in _" "forest , rolling _" "beautiful walks through _" "acres of private _" "footpath through _" "habitats from open _" "hills , verdant _" "pleasant stroll through _" "_ surrounding a large lake" "beaches , hidden _" "climate , beautiful _" "trails meander through _" "scenic walk through _" "_ surrounding the monastery" "pass through dense _" "pastures , ancient _" "canopy layer of _" "way through scenic _" "trees in native _" "grasslands , open _" "short hike through _" "beautiful lake surrounded by _" "dirt road through _" "mountains , unspoiled _" "last remaining untouched _" "beautiful protected _" "open areas adjacent to _" "natural environments like _" "waters , pristine _" "wolves roamed _" "historic sites , beautiful _" "habitats ranging from tropical _" "rice paddies , tropical _" "lakes , beautiful _" "horseback through _" "habitats , including dry _" "forests , snowy _" "fields , dense _" "tracts of unfragmented _" "trek into _" "trails through rugged _" "turtles prefer _" "sandy beaches , dense _" "fields , open _" "_ support a great diversity" "acres of beautiful _" "bicycle ride through _" "prairies , open _" "restful view of _" "ponds , flooded _" "deserts , open _" "communities , beautiful _" "DD-acre area of _" "beaches , dense _" "backdrop of small _" "ridges , through _" "destruction of old-growth _" "It grows naturally in _" "coastline , beautiful _" "_ surrounding Walden Pond" "hours walking through _" "hikes through _" "squirrel is found in _" "timber from local _" "remnant patches of _" "Hiking trails wind through _" "extensive clearing of _" "green hills , lush _" "landscape features such as _" "many different habitats including _" "midst of dense _" "nice walk in _" "fields , deciduous _" "forestry on private _" "forest , grassy _" "rainforests , temperate _" "views of dense _" "wooded areas , open _" "trails leading through _" "walking trail through _" "other habitats , including _" "marshes , open _" "non-timber products from _" "hiking trail through _" "trails weave through _" "tracts of mature _" "delightful walk through _" "habitats , from dry _" "hills , small _" "bogs , open _" "_ surrounding Oslo" "excellent walks through _" "farmland , ancient _" "flower rich _" "habitat in local _" "hikers through _" "fragmentation of native _" "savannas , open _" "hills , lush _" "glade in _" "Enjoy walking through _" "range reported from _" "indicator of ancient _" "lanes , through _" "natural landscapes including _" "night camping in _" "peat bogs to _" "region of extensive _" "tree of dry _" "deer living in _" "horse ride through _" "beautiful rolling _" "tracts of native _" "valleys , dense _" "valleys , extensive _" "scenery , lush _" "vegetation structure of _" "trek through beautiful _" "beautiful beaches , natural _" "acres of pristine _" "beauty of rocky _" "peaceful walk through _" "_ surrounding the lakes" "backdrop of picturesque _" "pleasant walk in _" "nature walk in _" "meadows , dense _" "gentle strolls through _" "forests , deciduous _" "trails throughout _" "swamps , flooded _" "areas to dense _" "areas of unspoiled _" "groves , open _" "swampy areas in _" "tract of undeveloped _" "common tree in _" "Coast , surrounded by _" "Hills , surrounded by _" "dense surrounding _" "meadows , open _" "level walk through _" "landscape of majestic _" "nice walks in _" "rainforest to dry _" "beautiful acres of _" "habitats , including open _" "grassy openings in _" "forests , mixed _" "hike up through _" "resort is surrounded by lush _" "forest , aspen _" "habitat is deciduous _" "cross-country skiing through _" "shortcut through _" "Miles of beautiful _" "plains , ancient _" "mountains , lush _" "large clearings in _" "long treks through _" "beaches , peaceful _" "pond , through _" "quiet walk through _" "grassland , open _" "grasslands meet _" "lakes , towering _" "large areas of intact _" "gentle walk through _" "fields , lush _" "long hike through _" "landscapes , dense _" "nature trails through _" "mountains , natural _" "rivers , thick _" "ponds , wet _" "rides through _" "_ surrounding the beaches" "beaches , natural _" "grasslands , coastal _" "hike leads through _" "homes hidden in _" "trails through dense _" "bucks roaming _" "parks , protected _" "vistas , pristine _" "timber out of _" "wind through scenic _" "tract of dense _" "acres of natural _" "areas of deciduous _" "afternoon hike in _" "cliffs , through _" "meadows , small _" "trees in dense _" "forests to dry _" "habitats are moist _" "two-lane roads through _" "springs , dense _" "community surrounded by _" "rivers , dense _" "_ provide miles" "lakes , dense _" "site nestled in _" "trail through _" "many different habitats , including _" "lakes , through _" "forests , dry _" "hiking through _" "pastures , open _" "ponds , mixed _" "sustainable management of private _" "sustainable , managed _" "different habitats , including _" "bike rides through _" "clearing in _" "ramble through _" "immense tracts of _" "forest , mixed _" "cliffs , forested _" "hills , open _" "hike through pristine _" "deforestation of natural _" "coniferous forest , deciduous _" "areas of intact _" "cliffs , dense _" "clear cutting of _" "miles of undeveloped _" "miles of unspoiled _" "marshes , small _" "gardens backing onto _" "forest to dry _" "circular walk through _" "last remaining primeval _" "forests , moist _" "habitats include open _" "acres of undeveloped _" "area of rugged _" "bike ride through _" "_ provide a safe refuge" "meadows , rich _" "characteristic birds of _" "lakes , pristine _" "many acres of _" "peaks , verdant _" "plains meet _" "plains , rolling _" "rainforest , tropical _" "mountains , vast _" "meadows , rugged _" "natural habitats such as _" "narrow valley surrounded by _" "chaparral , open _" "tree species found in _" "territory is covered by _" "bogs , wet _" "trail leading through _" "stretches of undisturbed _" "walk in beautiful _" "nature walks through _" "trails weaving through _" "sand beaches , lush _" "trails exploring _" "streams , rolling _" "rainforests , open _" "_ are abloom with" "_ are biologically diverse" "diversity in temperate _" "lush , rolling _" "hike in nearby _" "footpaths through _" "edges of open _" "_ provide beautiful scenery" "acres of public _" "pressure on natural _" "villages , unspoiled _" "trails , through _" "Preferred habitats include _" "nature tour through _" "It is found in moist _" "Trails lead through _" "They live in dense _" "roadsides , open _" "sandy beaches , quiet _" "_ are the haunt" "house hidden away in _" "prairie , riparian _" "retreat center nestled in _" "valleys , coastal _" "shack in _" "tropical deciduous _" "beautiful views of nearby _" "stroll through lush _" "vineyards , green _" "walk through tropical _" "loop trail through _" "first trip into _" "habitat is moist _" "habitats , including riparian _" "forests , rolling _" "beautiful area surrounded by _" "canyons , open _" "miles of beautiful _" "lakes , lush _" "They inhabit _" "trails through pristine _" "acres of undisturbed _" "acres of uninhabited _" "_ are unique habitats" "little house in _" "_ are heavily forested with" "rivers , vast _" "_ are densely forested with" "hills , natural _" "timber production from _" "trails wind through _" "marked trails through _" "paths , through _" "log cabin in _" "streams , dense _" "trails through mature _" "preferred habitat is _" "fens , wet _" "sunny edges of _" "views , pristine _" "temperate deciduous _" "thickets , open _" "mountains , rolling _" "lakes , unspoiled _" "swamps , to _" "We went walking in _" "We hike through _" "_ cover almost half" "white sand beaches , lush _" "trail leads through _" "trails lace _" "trail through dense _" "large private deck overlooking _" "beaches , lush _" "streams , thick _" "_ are criss-crossed with" "paper from sustainable _" "paved trail through _" "place of dense _" "mountains , beautiful _" "open areas including _" "lakes , lush green _" "stretch of natural _" "midst of lush _" "lakes , peaceful _" "lakes , scenic _" "miles of pristine _" "mountains , green _" "lagoons , vast _" "solitary life in _" "temples , tropical _" "pastures , dense _" "waterfalls , picturesque _" "waterfalls , quiet _" "tracts of undisturbed _" "hot tub overlooking _" "mild climate , beautiful _" "natural habitats , such as _" "natural environments such as _" "They like open _" "plains , through " ] using woodlands
SEAL @808 (52.2%) on 28-jan-2014 [ 1 ] using woodlands
CMC @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=wood 1.80995 PREFIX=woo 1.63084 LASTSUFFIX=lands 1.53001 LASTSUFFIX=ands 1.50069 SUFFIX=lands 1.41656 SUFFIX=ands 1.39772 PREFIX=wo 1.37928 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.84321 WORDS -2.36628 CHARS -2.66729 ] using woodlands
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and other deciduous arg2" "arg1 and silver birch arg2" "arg1 and willow arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" ] using (alder, woodlands)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and cedar arg2" "arg1 and broadleaf arg2" "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and sycamore arg2" "arg1 and beech arg2" ] using (fir, woodlands)
OE @821 (100.0%) on 09-mar-2014 [ ] using (fir, woodlands)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and sycamore arg2" "arg1 and sugar maple arg2" "arg1 and pecan arg2" "arg1 and alder arg2" "arg1 and tanoak arg2" "arg1 and yew arg2" "arg1 and California bay arg2" "arg1 and Ponderosa pine arg2" "arg1 and aspen arg2" "arg1 and ash arg2" "arg1 and hornbeam arg2" "arg1 and valley oak arg2" "arg1 and wild cherry arg2" "arg1 and sweet chestnut arg2" "arg1 and hickory arg2" "arg1 and beech arg2" "arg1 and coast live oak arg2" "arg1 and madrone arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and ponderosa pine arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and mixed conifer arg2" ] using (oak, woodlands)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 marten in arg2" "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 and aspen arg2" "arg1 and spruce arg2" "arg1 trees and birch arg2" "arg1 or spruce arg2" "arg1 and holm oak arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and red bay arg2" "arg1 and white oak arg2" "arg1 and beech arg2" "arg1 and chestnut oak arg2" ] using (pine, woodlands)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and poplar arg2" "arg1 and larch arg2" "arg1 and cedar arg2" "arg1 and birch arg2" "arg1 and alder arg2" "arg1 and jack pine arg2" ] using (spruce, woodlands)