little_english (language)
literal strings: Little English, little English
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- language(100.0%)
- CMC @1046 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2017 [ SUFFIX=ish 1.62149 SUFFIX=sh 1.53969 LASTSUFFIX=sh 1.35187 LASTSUFFIX=ish 1.14354 SUFFIX=lish 1.13427 SUFFIX=glish 1.10909 PREFIX=en 1.10293 CHARS -0.70105 POS=NN -1.19162 WORDS -5.18941 ] using little_english
- LE @1076 (56.1%) on 06-sep-2017
- CPL @1094 (97.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "everyone speaks _" "Japanese , speak _" "men spoke _" "lady spoke _" "majority speak _" "_ spoken here in" "she speaks only _" "I only speak _" "pilot spoke _" "She only speaks _" "she spoke only _" "them even speak _" "boys spoke _" "us spoke _" "women spoke _" "she speaks _" "father spoke _" "officials speak _" "people speak _" "natives spoke _" "owner spoke _" "people spoke _" "boss speaks _" "officers spoke _" "them speak _" "people generally speak _" "parents spoke _" "family spoke _" "guys spoke _" "he speaking _" "he speaks only _" "_ spoken in" "I speak only _" "teachers speak _" "She spoke only _" "them speaks _" "they only spoke _" "They speak only _" "people spoke only _" "owners speak _" "_ speaking girl" "Dutch people speak _" "They usually speak _" "office staff speak _" "few spoke _" "agent spoke _" "guide spoke _" "sister spoke _" "boys speak _" "drivers speaking _" "I do speak _" "They spoke _" "car spoke _" "few people spoke _" "friends speak _" "group spoke _" "grandmother spoke _" "mom speaks _" "doctor spoke _" "many people spoke _" "mother spoke _" "shopkeepers speak _" "they also speak _" "villagers speak _" "daughter speak _" "father speaks _" "hosts speak _" "she already speaks _" "I just speak _" "People here speak _" "_ speaking children" "parents speak _" "member speaks _" "girls speak _" "_ is spoken across" "taxi drivers speak _" "office speaks _" "crew speak _" "women speak _" "people now speak _" "few speak _" "driver speaks _" "them speaking _" "son speak _" "he even spoke _" "_ is spoken throughout" "people speak only _" "today speak _" "guy spoke _" "they only speak _" "He also spoke _" "He only speaks _" "members speak _" "_ speaking world" "He did speak _" "them spoke _" "they even speak _" "family speaks _" "We only speak _" "he spoke only _" "wife speaks _" "people speaking _" "They also speak _" "mother speaks _" "kids speak _" "lady speaks _" "owners spoke _" "tourists speak _" "students spoke _" "I met spoke _" "people here speak _" "guides speak _" "he only spoke _" "children speak _" "_ being spoken by" "They only speak _" "I only spoke _" "She speaks only _" "someone speaks _" "folks speak _" "he only speaks _" "He only spoke _" "she only speaks _" "doctors speak _" "people there spoke _" "_ speaking church" "dad speaks _" "_ is spoken among" "desk spoke _" "She only spoke _" "workers spoke _" "them only speak _" "clerk spoke _" "Mexico speak _" "families speak _" "He also speaks _" "hotel speaks _" "people do speak _" "driver spoke _" "staff speaks _" "soldiers spoke _" "He does speak _" "Maria spoke _" "Many people speak _" "owner speaks _" "they speak only _" "they speak _" "everyone spoke _" "languages I speak _" "locals speak _" "many people speak _" "girl speaks _" "drivers speak _" "employees spoke _" "they spoke _" "staff speak _" "family speak _" "_ speaking ability" "brother speaks _" "countries teach _" "members spoke _" "mother speak _" "people , speak _" "counter spoke _" "I also speak _" "vendors speak _" "waiters speak _" "wife spoke _" "He spoke only _" "_ is spoken on" "daughter speaks _" "employees speak _" "islanders speak _" "residents speak _" "mom spoke _" "I spoke only _" "many speak _" "I did speak _" "fact speak _" "Quebec speak _" "manager speaks _" "He speaks only _" "woman spoke _" "husband spoke _" "volunteers speak _" "languages besides _" "you already speak _" "_ is spoken in" "worker spoke _" "guide speaks _" "_ was spoken at" "waitress spoke _" "they spoke only _" "staff spoke _" "they do speak _" "waitresses speak _" "hostess speaks _" "waiter spoke _" "people actually speak _" "students speak _" "assistants speak _" "office speak _" "workers speak _" "clerks speak _" "team speaks _" "restaurant spoke _" "you only speak _" ] using little_english
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- countrylanguage
- arabic
- CPL @1097 (50.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (arabic, little_english)
- italian
- CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and we speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (italian, little_english)