CPL @1095 (80.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ is the official language" "they were translated into _" "_ has been the language" "high quality translations from into _" "they do speak _" "Service broadcasts in _" "_ speaking community" "_ are different languages" "_ was made the national language" "words are transliterated in _" "_ is the native language" "importance of competent _" "experience working with highly-technical _" "standard dialect of _" "someone does not speak _" "translators working from _" "Local language is _" "certain words in _" "women spoke _" "us spoke _" "_ speaking countries" "_ speaking users" "She does n't speak _" "_ are the predominant languages" "_ speaking city" "Poems written in _" "men spoke _" "_ are the main languages" "particular dialect of _" "_ linguists in" "_ is a national language" "_ is an Indo-European language" "_ speaking audience" "I spoke little _" "we translate into _" "_ is not the primary language" "_ is a major language" "local languages , such as _" "_ are other languages" "They do n't speak _" "conversational skills in _" "She does n’t speak _" "movies dubbed into _" "rest speak _" "languages , including _" "major languages are _" "Broadcasts are in _" "soldiers spoke _" "_ speaking Muslims" "people speak _" "_ is widely spoken in" "_ is the primary language" "brief speech in _" "citizen fluent in _" "I am fluent in _" "_ are the official languages" "_ speaking members" "complete fluency in _" "Application form in _" "we translated into _" "them speak _" "guys speak _" "languages , like _" "small website from _" "phrases translated into _" "poets writing in _" "several dialects of _" "_ speaking people" "she speaks fluent _" "languages other than _" "he did not speak _" "several languages , including _" "translation into _" "regional languages , such as _" "regional languages like _" "_ are spoken among" "_ speaking regions" "_ speaking volunteers" "areas speak _" "someone fluent in _" "they do n't even speak _" "people do n't speak _" "they spoke _" "numerous languages , including _" "local languages are _" "lyrics are in _" "many languages , including _" "interface is available in _" "Translation Try _" "_ is also widely spoken in" "_ is the main language" "consonant inventory of _" "_ speaking world" "books written in _" "local languages such as _" "translations from into _" "several languages including _" "specialist teams of _" "_ speaking brothers" "_ is the major language" "_ speaking persons" "they also speak _" "people fluent in _" "principal language is _" "_ linguists offer services" "primary language is _" "_ is the indigenous language" "_ is not only spoken in" "population spoke _" "principal languages are _" "Interview conducted in _" "_ is also an official language" "official language is _" "indigenous languages such as _" "foreign languages into _" "_ speaking jobs" "_ speaking journalists" "_ speaking translator" "members fluent in _" "people also speak _" "_ is an Iranian language" "_ is spoken throughout" "I do n't speak much _" "other such events organized in _" "languages such as _" "major language is _" "lexical similarity with _" "extensive experience working with highly-technical _" "grammatical structures of _" "he did n't speak _" "_ are Indo-European languages" "he only speaks _" "NOT speak _" "soldiers speak _" "schools teaching in _" "English text into _" "They were speaking _" "complete translation in _" "document translated from _" "_ is still spoken in" "manual translated into _" "many languages including _" "_ are official languages" "_ has also borrowed words" "_ is the second language" "minority speaking _" "They speak _" "language is closely related to _" "native languages including _" "_ speaking groups" "_ linguistic proofreading" "Activities are conducted in _" "mother tongue is _" "native language is _" "loan words from _" "tribe speaks _" "_ speaking areas" "original language was _" "mother tongue was _" "languages , such as _" "many people speak _" "_ is primarily spoken in" "basic conversational skills in _" "spelling system of _" "_ is mostly spoken in" "He spoke perfect _" "monthly journal in _" "_ is a rich language" "_ speaking individuals" "_ was the language" "clitics in _" "_ are the primary languages" "poems written in _" "many speakers of _" "he spoke fluent _" "fluency in _" "Asian languages such as _" "regional languages such as _" "she speaks _" "_ spoken in" "local languages , including _" "such events organized in _" "first language is _" "population speak _" "article was originally written in _" "fluent in _" "_ speaking cities" "_ speaking communities" "_ speaking visitors" "_ there is a proverb" "_ is spoken by around" "_ speaking province" "they speak _" "_ has many dialects" "right terminological knowledge in _" "_ are widely spoken by" "He is fluent in _" "_ borrowed many words" "they 're speaking _" "different dialects of _" "course spoke _" "_ is spoken among" "_ speaking population" "book , originally written in _" "common language is _" "ergativity in _" "_ has a long past history" "he was fluent in _" "district speak _" "English words into _" "translators specifically trained in _" "financial clients including _" "I did n't speak _" "Bibles translated into _" "_ speaking refugees" "online , speak _" "_ speaking students" "_ speaking family" "word order in _" "you do not speak _" "Many words in _" "_ speaking citizens" "_ is an ancient language" "tribes speak _" "track records providing _" "_ is a compulsory subject" "_ is the other official language" "words in common with _" "dialect influenced by _" "men speak _" "I translate from _" "I do n't speak _" "Languages include _" "She is fluent in _" "_ informed consents" "_ is the first language" "He was fluent in _" "first language was _" "_ speaking parts" "_ speaking jobs click" "many languages like _" "_ speaking market" "_ is also spoken by" "_ is the native tongue" "native tongue is _" "she already spoke _" "good command of _" "he speak _" "them have been translated into _" "excellent command of _" "_ has borrowed words" "national language is _" "_ is not spoken in" "various dialects of _" "he also speaks _" "language , known as _" "terminological knowledge in _" "_ are not mutually intelligible" "_ Speaking Households" "phonemes of _" "_ linguists support mission-critical initiatives" "_ is spoken widely in" "language here is _" "_ is an official language" "normal word order in _" "spoken language is _" "_ are both official languages" "it had been translated from _" "_ is also spoken in" "official languages are _" "native speaker of _" "_ is the first official language" "_ is an Indo-Aryan language" "other poems written in _" "_ is an important language" "whatamieating.com in _" "he spoke only _" "them spoke _" "_ was declared the official language" "_ is also the national language" "_ was the official language" "residents speak _" "quality translations from into _" "population speaks _" "_ speaking person" "they do n't speak _" "language other than _" "_ is spoken in" "They still speak _" "southern dialect of _" "native speakers of _" "personnel speak _" "native-fluent speaker of _" ] using pashto
SEAL @211 (61.4%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using pashto
MBL @601 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2012 [ Promotion of language:pashto languageofcountry country:afghanistan ]
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is not only spoken in arg2" "arg1 and other languages spoken in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 speaking areas of arg2" "arg1 is an official language of arg2" "arg1 speaking population of arg2" "arg1 word used in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is a national language of arg2" "arg1 and other poets from arg2" "arg1 language spoken in arg2" "arg1 speaking regions of arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" "arg1 is the official language in arg2" "arg1 are the official languages of arg2" "arg1 linguists are located in arg2" "arg1 language users in arg2" ] using (pashto, afghanistan)
OE @826 (98.9%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (pashto, afghanistan)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is not only spoken in arg2" "arg1 and other languages spoken in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 speaking areas of arg2" "arg1 is an official language of arg2" "arg1 speaking population of arg2" "arg1 word used in arg2" "arg1 spoken in arg2" "arg1 is a national language of arg2" "arg1 and other poets from arg2" "arg1 language spoken in arg2" "arg1 speaking regions of arg2" "arg1 is the official language of arg2" "arg1 is the official language in arg2" "arg1 are the official languages of arg2" "arg1 linguists are located in arg2" "arg1 language users in arg2" ] using (pashto, afghanistan)
OE @826 (98.9%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (pashto, afghanistan)