MBL @215 (98.4%) on 02-mar-2011 [ Promotion of language:polish languageofcountry country:lithuania ]
SEAL @746 (59.6%) on 27-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using polish
CPL @1098 (69.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "literary translations from _" "legal translation from _" "novels published in _" "more speakers of _" "original verses in _" "friends spoke _" "foreign languages into _" "free translation dictionary from _" "interface is now available in _" "pages translated into _" "_ is not English" "_ spoken in" "_ speaking teachers" "common translations are from _" "day tasks performed in _" "accurate translation into _" "_ speaking backgrounds" "_ was the official language" "_ was a lingua franca" "books are being translated into _" "_ is a weird language" "_ is a minority language" "you are n't fluent in _" "I translate from _" "He is also fluent in _" "Windows Mobile interface to _" "I do n't speak _" "English documents to _" "We also speak _" "She is fluent in _" "you did n't speak _" "didn speak _" "citizen , fluent in _" "communication skills in _" "_ is a funny language" "_ is the primary language" "Books written in _" "I did n't know much _" "polite phrases in _" "other translations from _" "journal appears in _" "town spoke _" "simultaneous translation from _" "translations from Japanese to _" "speech output in _" "you are not speaking _" "you speak good _" "weak command of _" "you only speak _" "Bible translations into _" "Bible translated into _" "I translated to _" "I speak very good _" "parents spoke only _" "population speak _" "real word in _" "reading knowledge of _" "original site is in _" "people speaking _" "families spoke _" "work was translated into _" "publications are printed in _" "programme taught in _" "poems translated into _" "_ is an official language" "I speak also _" "Works written in _" "separate language from _" "site is translated into _" "short stories have been translated into _" "language , besides _" "We speak _" "I barely speak _" "minority speaking _" "main language spoken is _" "group spoke _" "foreign language , like _" "_ being spoken on" "_ are the dominant languages" "population speaking _" "other languages , in particular _" "word pronunciation in _" "_ speaking voice artist" "_ informed consents" "_ is the first language" "_ owned ship" "people spoke _" "own translation from _" "family speak _" "guys speak _" "site interface is available in _" "them only speak _" "tongues , such as _" "they 're speaking _" "_ is still the dominant language" "grammar rules of _" "records written in _" "Instruction was in _" "film was dubbed in _" "husband speaks fluent _" "elective courses taught in _" "works translated into _" "you started speaking _" "titles translated into _" "_ is an inflected language" "authors translated into _" "book was originally written in _" "site is only in _" "songs sung in _" "works translated from _" "electronic newsletter in _" "dozen languages , including _" "edition has been translated into _" "works were translated into _" "language set to _" "You are fluent in _" "More people speak _" "He also translated into _" "summary written in _" "translator , from _" "such languages as _" "translations from Vietnamese to _" "they do not speak _" "they 've been translated into _" "_ are the official languages" "_ is spoken in" "good level in _" "he speaks fluent _" "_ is spoken by over" "We do n't speak _" "European languages into _" "He presents in _" "I have begun learning _" "exceptional online translation services in _" "instructions are written in _" "group speaking _" "folks speak _" "European languages such as _" "_ is an interesting language" "_ became a language" "words were borrowed into _" "treatises written in _" "version has been translated into _" "website is also available in _" "dentists speak _" "brother speak _" "complex grammar of _" "programs taught in _" "professional teachers of _" "feminine noun in _" "him speaking _" "grandfather spoke _" "father spoke _" "page are in _" "basic grammar of _" "_ is a mother tongue" "Alex is fluent in _" "_ sworn interpreting Search" "they translated into _" "_ speaking staff" "short-story writer in _" "servers speak _" "works have been translated into _" "interview was translated into _" "historian writing in _" "_ speaking travelers" "books written in _" "_ was the first language" "_ was widely spoken in" "book was translated into _" "_ speaking audiences" "_ speaking population" "book originally written in _" "texts were translated into _" "telephone/e-mail skills in _" "same approximate level of _" "site is available in _" "way they speak _" "you speak excellent _" "i dont speak _" "he translates from _" "human-recorded speech output in _" "it has been translated from _" "many borrowings from _" "literature has been translated into _" "you do speak _" "It has been translated into _" "I 'm not fluent in _" "French literature into _" "poor mastery of _" "optional subtitles in _" "_ are all official languages" "other native speakers of _" "languages other than _" "others were speaking _" "_ are also spoken in" "_ is mainly spoken in" "person speaking _" "family members speak _" "I didn speak _" "Class is conducted in _" "Order Now Learn _" "They do n't speak _" "classes in conversational _" "novel translated into _" "people also speak _" "members are fluent in _" "signs written in _" "something translated into _" "parents translated into _" "report was translated into _" "ancestors spoke _" "bi-lingual , speaking _" "woman spoke _" "_ has many words" "work has been translated into _" "whole site is in _" "website translated into _" "workers spoke _" "words incorporated into _" "mumbles something in _" "novel written in _" "poems have been translated into _" "mother speaks _" "players speaking _" "poems , written in _" "common phrases in _" "text is entirely in _" "them do n't speak _" "translators working from _" "_ uses the Roman alphabet" "someone speaking _" "sources written in _" "several translations into _" "_ translate Medicine Search" "_ was still the language" "_ speaking host" "_ subtitled version" "She also speaks _" "I not speak _" "Jewish literature in _" "They speak _" "_ has so many words" "foreigners speak _" "_ was once the lingua franca" "people speak only _" "own dialect of _" "web source files to _" "excellent communication skills in _" "everyone spoke _" "first book translated into _" "flawless command of _" "hotel speaks _" "good spoken _" "first language was _" "document has been translated into _" "she speak _" "staff speak fluent _" "residents speak _" "site has been translated into _" "subjects are taught in _" "placement tests in _" "people here speak _" "pronunciation words in _" "practice conversational _" "_ being spoken in" "many other languages including _" "language setting to _" "Anyone speak _" "Nouns in _" "English has borrowed from _" "I enjoy speaking _" "She did not speak _" "inhabitants speak _" "many speak _" "native language is _" "manuscripts written in _" "ones written in _" "family speaking _" "driver spoke _" "desk spoke _" "fact sheets are also available in _" "child spoke _" "dialect of modern _" "questionnaire is available in _" "practice speaking _" "alphabet , including _" "she does not speak _" "She 's fluent in _" "I’ve never studied _" "I 'm quite fluent in _" "We only speak _" "_ is still the main language" "basic fluency in _" "basic phrases in _" "menu is written in _" "many spoke _" "inhabitants spoke _" "I hardly speak _" "use of colloquial _" "website is primarily in _" "site is currently available in _" "magazines written in _" "_ Speaking Staff" "_ Do n't hesitate in" "kids do n't speak _" "they don’t speak _" "texts from Romanian to _" "translation from/to _" "translation into _" "song translated into _" "staff is fluent in _" "parents speak _" "poetry has been translated into _" "original language is _" "grammars of _" "several other languages such as _" "poster is also available in _" "_ became the official language" "basic conversation in _" "documents , written in _" "bilingual , speaking _" "transliterations from _" "I learned very little _" "Languages available are _" "We speak fluent _" "tongues such as _" "they were translated into _" "catechism into _" "children do n't speak _" "Jews spoke _" "I have been speaking _" "It has since been translated into _" "I speaking _" "sites written in _" "specific examination in _" "several dialects of _" "teacher speaking _" "it translated into _" "language , other than _" "page is available in _" "us was speaking _" "them translated into _" "spelling rules of _" "they only speak _" "she spoke little _" "tracks are sung in _" "translation from German to _" "you do n't speak _" "writings have been translated into _" "I am fluent in _" "you guys speak _" "website is only available in _" "retranslation from _" "works written in _" "man , speaking _" "_ has been the language" "_ is the official languages" "decent command of _" "sentence written in _" "_ born director" "site itself is in _" "_ uses the Latin alphabet" "subject pronouns in _" "third language , after _" "English , subtitled in _" "Spoken languages are _" "German text into _" "Ireland speak _" "publications translated into _" "periodical is in _" "encyclopedia written in _" "language sequence in _" "card translated into _" "He does n’t speak _" "Luke , has been translated into _" "_ speaking actors" "_ speaking Administration jobs" "_ born scientist" "I love speaking _" "He only spoke _" "English words into _" "Foreign Language Learning for _" "He spoke fluent _" "English , translated into _" "She was fluent in _" "Subtitles are in _" "English texts into _" "text is only in _" "different languages , including _" "work has been translated from _" "conversational proficiency in _" "dialects including _" "courses conducted in _" "_ is not the only language" "I do speak _" "novels translated into _" "official language is _" "few spoke _" "other language than _" "people speak _" "courses are taught in _" "characters speaking _" "dictionary of contemporary _" "site translated into _" "translation dictionary from _" ] using polish
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of language:polish languageofcountry agent:canada ] using concept:language:polish
CMC @1019 (100.0%) on 06-oct-2016 [ SUFFIX=ish 3.12632 LASTSUFFIX=sh 2.79890 SUFFIX=sh 2.39134 LASTSUFFIX=ish 2.37400 SUFFIX=lish 1.55821 LASTSUFFIX=lish 1.13409 PREFIX=po 1.02229 POS=NN -1.04649 FULL_POS=NN -1.17562 WORDS -2.98028 ] using polish
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 ethnicity living in arg2" "arg1 language teaching in arg2" "arg1 ethnic minority in arg2" "arg1 speaking citizens of arg2" "arg1 language education in arg2" "arg1 is also spoken in arg2" ] using (polish, lithuania)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 emigrants living in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" "arg1 ethnicity living in arg2" ] using (polish, canada)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 is an official language in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" ] using (polish, uk)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 is an official language in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" ] using (polish, uk)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 emigrants living in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" "arg1 ethnicity living in arg2" ] using (polish, canada)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1105 (93.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 emigrants living in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" "arg1 ethnicity living in arg2" ] using (polish, canada)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a native speaker of arg1" "arg2 and speak fluent arg1" "arg2 he is fluent in arg1" "arg2 but also speak arg1" "arg2 and I speak arg1" ] using (polish, english)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 language newspaper in arg2" "arg1 is an official language in arg2" "arg1 speaking population in arg2" ] using (polish, uk)