MBL @704 (98.8%) on 28-feb-2013 [ Promotion of language:telugu languageofcountry country:republic_of_india ]
SEAL @628 (65.2%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 12 ] using telugu
CPL @1096 (73.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "different languages like _" "articles are translated into _" "It was dubbed into _" "I am fluent in _" "standard dialects of _" "_ is the primary language" "regional languages such as _" "TRADUguide translator community are _" "_ is an official language" "languages — _" "_ is mainly spoken in" "_ Speaking Community" "important languages are _" "_ are the main languages" "Languages like _" "'s Learn _" "documents translated from _" "communicative skills in _" "neuter gender in _" "local languages including _" "languages , like _" "we did n't speak _" "she speak _" "native tongue is _" "films are dubbed into _" "she speaks _" "It was dubbed in _" "I am also fluent in _" "language spoken here is _" "_ speaking neighbours" "_ speaking Hindus" "_ is spoken by over" "Other languages spoken are _" "He speaks fluently _" "Indian languages such as _" "_ has more speakers" "it was dubbed into _" "original language was _" "It is broadcast in _" "manuals translation into _" "oral proficiency in _" "_ using Lipikaar" "grammars of _" "_ is the mother tongue" "_ is a local language" "languages other than _" "people here speak _" "rest speak _" "schooling has been in _" "Indian languages , including _" "poetic works in _" "population speak _" "official languages along with _" "_ informed consents" "_ speaking girls" "bilingual , speaking _" "brief speech in _" "first novel written in _" "movie dubbed in _" "regional languages including _" "Indian language of _" "She also speaks _" "native speakers than _" "language spoken is _" "movies dubbed in _" "conversational skills in _" "etymological dictionary of _" "_ are official languages" "_ linguistic proofreading" "_ remains the official language" "_ is not the mother tongue" "official language is _" "quarterly newsletter in _" "other speaks _" "_ is spoken in" "_ is a spoken language" "people also speak _" "_ speaking Muslims" "_ speaking region" "main languages spoken are _" "languages , such as _" "many people speak _" "everybody speaks _" "languages spoken here are _" "such languages as _" "communicative competence in _" "dialects like _" "_ speaking brothers" "_ speaking friends" "they spoke _" "_ speaking peoples" "_ is spoken mainly in" "_ were the languages" "_ speaking state" "other such events organized in _" "languages such as _" "multiple languages such as _" "people speaking _" "_ speaking area" "Sanskrit works into _" "_ is a sister language" "_ is a complete fun" "_ speaking areas" "_ speaking country" "basic conversation in _" "texts have been translated into _" "Dialects of _" "They mostly speak _" "_ speaking majority" "good communication skills in _" "excellent communication skills in _" "experience working with highly-technical _" "linguistic study of _" "native speaker of _" "_ linguists offer services" "books have been translated from _" "brochure translation into _" "peoples speaking _" "population speaks _" "I did n't speak _" "Indian languages , such as _" "principal language is _" "such events organized in _" "subtitles in _" "language except _" "poems written in _" "first book printed in _" "comment written in _" "numerous languages including _" "regional languages are _" "official state language is _" "different dialects of _" "I had translated into _" "Asian languages , such as _" "He also speaks _" "Other languages spoken include _" "_ Speaking People" "teaching conversational _" "language here is _" "language other than _" "_ speaking communities" "_ is the predominant language" "I hardly spoke _" "Indian sub-continent , including _" "I translated into _" "article is written in _" "local languages such as _" "_ is also widely spoken in" "_ is the main language" "languages – _" "more people speak _" "USA speaking _" "He blogs in _" "It was translated in _" "other languages than _" "_ was a common language" "loanwords from _" "native speakers of _" "India speaking _" "movies dubbed into _" "_ speaking guy" "I butcher _" "_ dubbed movies" "many languages , including _" "_ is being taught as" "regional languages , including _" "many languages other than _" "poems composed in _" "plays written in _" "_ speaking citizens" "I am not fluent in _" "I don’t speak _" "extensive experience working with highly-technical _" "_ is also spoken in" "_ is an Indian language" "it was later translated into _" "mothertongue is _" "course speaking _" "_ speaking people" "official language along with _" "_ Speaking Union" "_ speaking movies" "_ speaking children" "children do not speak _" "signs are written in _" "books have been translated into _" "_ has several dialects" "_ is not the language" "_ speaking women" "_ has a long past history" "movie was dubbed into _" "_ speaking part" "poet writing in _" "mother speak _" "book printed in _" "native fluency in _" "several languages such as _" "They still speak _" "languages spoken are _" "speakers learning _" "typing table for _" "financial clients including _" "he only spoke _" "_ speaking persons" "document translated from _" "main languages spoken here are _" "movie was dubbed in _" "old , speaks _" "principal languages are _" "_ is primarily spoken in" "several languages , including _" "songs are sung in _" "tribe speak _" "_ was made the official language" "_ speaking girl" "_ being the official language" "_ Given below is some additional information" "_ are widely spoken in" "_ speaking native" "_ speaking populace" "_ is the target language" "_ speaking students" "novel written in _" "equivalent word in _" "translator community are _" "words in modern _" "other languages include _" "them also speak _" "Indian languages including _" "English documents to _" "She is fluent in _" "I do n't speak _" "He is also fluent in _" "fluency in _" "he translated into _" "he spoke fluent _" "Languages spoken include _" "_ speaking young people" "_ speaking candidates" "word order in _" "translators speak _" "_ including Tamil" "_ is spoken principally in" "Canada speaking _" "she speaks only _" "_ are the primary languages" "work has been translated into _" "many languages like _" "other Indian languages like _" "_ linguists support mission-critical initiatives" "native language is not _" "first language is _" "many languages including _" "languages spoken include _" "He barely speaks _" "_ Speaking Children" "I only speak _" "_ speaking group" "_ speaking minority" "world languages like _" "_ are other languages" "fluent speaker of _" "we translate into _" "work was translated into _" "website translation into _" "Indian languages like _" "_ spoken in" "works translated into _" "mother tongue was _" "language was changed to _" "it was translated into _" "large technical manuals translation into _" "translation into _" "many other languages such as _" "other language other than _" "you also speak _" "other regional languages like _" "other language except _" "people are speaking _" "many Indian languages including _" "_ speaking artists" "_ is an inflected language" "People speak _" "Sanskrit texts into _" "loan words from _" "manuscripts written in _" "native language is _" "language status to _" "mother tongue is _" "ones speaking _" "mother-tongue was _" "translations into _" "woman poet in _" "English words into _" "village speak _" "books written in _" "_ speaking world" "novels published in _" "_ dubbed versions" "various languages like _" "_ speaking Indian" "_ is a dialect" "_ is the dominant language" "translators working from _" "localization services in _" "other translations from _" "mother-tongue is _" "_ speaking person" "_ was the court language" "_ Speaking Groom" "_ speaking inhabitants" "he speaks good _" "local dialects of _" "technical manuals translation into _" "_ is the native language" "_ speaking lands" "primary language is _" "native languages including _" "_ speaking regions" "local dialect of _" "complex scripts such as _" "English I speak _" "people mostly speak _" "first translated into _" "_ speaking districts" "poetry translated from _" "_ speaking community" "grammatical rules of _" "sub-continent , including _" "she is singing in _" "_ speaking parents" "_ was not spoken in" "_ remake rights" "members speak _" "_ speakers out" "_ speaking woman" "_ speaking Bride" "Portuguese brochure translation into _" "Interpretation Services provides _" "population speaking _" "majority speak _" "posts written in _" "standard dialect of _" "languages , including _" "_ is the state language" "language , after _" "they speak _" "It was translated into _" "_ was the only language" "stories have been translated into _" "They spoke only _" "_ is also the official language" "_ is the administrative language" "language is related to _" "literal translation from _" "_ speaking audience" "she speaks fluent _" "state language is _" "_ is the principal language" "film was dubbed in _" "translators specifically trained in _" "auxiliary verb in _" "_ is the native tongue" "they 're speaking _" "_ is a Dravidian language" "_ speaking population" "_ speaking audiences" "_ was the language" "_ is the Official Language" "_ is also widely spoken by" "other language than _" "people speak _" "film was dubbed into _" "family speaks _" "_ was the dominant language" "_ speaking lady" "_ speaking Groom" "many speak only _" "different languages including _" "main language is _" "language status for _" "_ dubbed version" "courses registered for _" "Luke , has been translated into _" "_ Speaking Bride Seeks Groom" "stories translated from _" "knowledge of conversational _" "district speak _" "it had been translated from _" "them speak _" "He speaks fluent _" "English website translation into _" "works are translated into _" "communication skills in _" "_ is the official language" "Languages including _" "I speak fluent _" "regional languages like _" "other Indian languages such as _" "Kannada is _" "_ speaking city" "_ also includes IAS Question Papers" "_ are also spoken in" "_ is" ] using telugu
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 speaking people of arg2" "arg1 speaking area of arg2" "arg1 speaking South arg2" "arg1 language of southern arg2" "arg1 and other languages of arg2" "arg1 and Hindi in arg2" "arg1 People of Northern arg2" "arg1 languages of Southern arg2" "arg1 speaking people in arg2" "arg1 satellite channel in arg2" "arg1 is spoken mainly in arg2" "arg1 is spoken in arg2" "arg1 speaking residents of arg2" "arg1 film director from arg2" ] using (telugu, india)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 speaking regions of arg2" "arg1 speaking region of arg2" "arg1 and Tamil in arg2" "arg1 speaking areas of arg2" ] using (telugu, south_india)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 speaking regions of arg2" "arg1 speaking region of arg2" "arg1 and Tamil in arg2" "arg1 speaking areas of arg2" ] using (telugu, south_india)