CPL @1100 (54.5%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ is a dominant language" "several languages , including _" "first grammar of _" "_ speaking person" "translation into _" "He spoke only _" "Christian hymns in _" "large technical manuals translation into _" "we don’t speak _" "_ speaking province" "books are written in _" "works , written in _" "comfortable conversing in _" "near-native fluency in _" "languages spoken include _" "songs are sung in _" "main languages are _" "voices speaking _" "vernacular languages like _" "Languages taught include _" "He spoke fluent _" "many languages like _" "you do n't speak _" "equivalent word in _" "first language was _" "_ is a dialect" "writing proficiency in _" "mother tongue is _" "native language is _" "popular language after _" "_ speaking patients" "_ is spoken by about" "music sung in _" "language speakers of _" "_ speaking group" "_ speaking staff" "wh-movement in _" "translators working from _" "speakers also speak _" "_ are the primary languages" "Forms are in _" "translations into _" "translation was into _" "text underlay in _" "_ are widely spoken in" "_ is the chief language" "_ is a Latin language" "official languages include _" "novel written in _" "technical manuals translation into _" "person speaking _" "residents speak _" "first language is _" "words translated from _" "_ speaking congregation" "_ spoken in" "reasonable command of _" "She sings in _" "_ is spoken predominantly in" "students speak _" "word order in _" "I do n't speak _" "English documents to _" "I speak very little _" "She is fluent in _" "teachers speak _" "language groups , such as _" "_ speaking native" "_ was the official language" "indigenous languages such as _" "friends spoke _" "Category :Works in _" "mother tongue was _" "it was translated into _" "_ is the dominant language" "people are speaking _" "word pronunciation in _" "website translation into _" "English phrases into _" "fluency in _" "_ speaking men" "additional languages such as _" "home language is _" "mutual intelligibility with _" "Fluency in _" "_ was also spoken in" "good command of _" "it 's sung in _" "interpreter fluent in _" "_ speaking people" "majority spoke _" "he is fluent in _" "I don’t speak _" "he also speaks _" "people spoke _" "local languages such as _" "_ is the indigenous language" "_ Speaking Students" "orthography of _" "I am conversant in _" "_ speaking children" "He also spoke _" "_ is the prominent language" "simultaneous translation from _" "population speaks _" "languages spoken are _" "mother spoke _" "lyrics are sung in _" "vowel system of _" "_ is a difficult language" "boys speak _" "Scriptures into _" "native pronunciation in _" "website fully translated into _" "native speakers of _" "_ is the main language" "_ is also widely spoken in" "common greeting in _" "children speak _" "novels ever written in _" "_ is also an important language" "_ is the traditional language" "_ speaking homes" "poems written in _" "normal word order in _" "_ speaking communities" "brochure translation into _" "series has been translated into _" "_ is a pro-drop language" "_ is a tonal language" "_ has no word" "soldiers spoke _" "_ are commonly spoken in" "grammatical features of _" "_ speaking nations" "minority languages such as _" "_ are mutually intelligible" "Africa speak _" "_ speaking women" "language other than _" "_ is the mother language" "_ is the home language" "_ is the predominant language" "_ is also spoken in" "_ is a complete fun" "_ is a Bantu language" "I also speak _" "people speaking _" "African languages , including _" "English , learn _" "_ speaking learners" "African languages like _" "telephone/e-mail skills in _" "same approximate level of _" "father spoke _" "African languages such as _" "linguistic study of _" "language abilities in _" "languages such as _" "specialised level of _" "lyrics translated to _" "they spoke _" "_ speaking guides" "phrases spoken in _" "course is conducted in _" "specific examination in _" "I was speaking _" "population speak _" "he speaks fluent _" "dialects , including _" "basic communication skills in _" "_ speaking members" "languages , such as _" "lyrics sung in _" "instructor fluent in _" "main languages spoken are _" "various languages , including _" "native speaker of _" "language citation in _" "native tongue is _" "_ is the first language" "language spoken here is _" "translation services from _" "_ uses the Latin alphabet" "poetry translated into _" "first novel written in _" "lyrics are mostly in _" "languages , in particular _" "language closely related to _" "online translation services in _" "main language was _" "I am fluent in _" "African languages including _" "_ is the mother tongue" "manuals translation into _" "business protocol in _" "Jesus film in _" "languages , like _" "exceptional online translation services in _" "_ is spoken in" "conversations were in _" "name translated from _" "dialects such as _" "songs sung in _" "language descended from _" "she speak _" "_ has borrowed many words" "they don’t speak _" "It has been translated into _" "people do n't speak _" "grammatical aspects of _" "_ is spoken mainly in" "she speaks _" "they do not speak _" "everyone spoke _" "flawless command of _" "_ is the primary language" "_ speaking areas" "_ has more speakers" "traditional songs in _" "basic conversation in _" "document was translated into _" "literal translation from _" "children speak only _" "literature written in _" "Excellent communication skills in _" "Portuguese brochure translation into _" "country speaking _" "lyrics are in _" "knowledge of conversational _" "more languages including _" "she spoke only _" "Taster lessons in _" "conversational proficiency in _" "He is fluent in _" "I did n't learn much _" "languages , including _" "language besides _" "new translation into _" "_ speaking countries" "language akin to _" "language , after _" "_ remains the language" "she speaks fluent _" "people speak _" "day tasks performed in _" "all-round level of _" "_ is the only language" "_ is widely spoken in" "fluent in _" "languages are spoken including _" "they speak fluent _" "Luke , has been translated into _" "_ is the native language" "actual texts in _" "African languages , such as _" "sister spoke _" "they did n’t speak _" "_ speaking youth" "several languages including _" "native command of _" "story translated from _" "sisters speak _" "Languages including _" "I am very fluent in _" "I even speak _" "population speaking _" "primary language is _" "pronunciation guide to _" "poem written in _" "few simple phrases in _" "_ speaking population" "_ speaking audiences" "ethnic groups include _" "they do n't speak _" "fluent speakers in _" "wife speaks _" "everyone speaks _" "stories translated from _" "_ speaking migrants" "technical translations from _" "speech sounds of _" "simple phrases in _" "original text is in _" "actors speaking _" "communication skills in _" "page fully translated into _" "we translated into _" "we were speaking in _" "_ Quizzes Based On" "terminology into _" "He even learned _" "basic telephone/e-mail skills in _" "they speak _" "users speak _" "_ speaking populations" "tongues such as _" "_ speaking ability" ":Works in _" "English website translation into _" ] using zulu
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey