Human feedback from bkisiel @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "clive_owen generalizations female", Action=(+male) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using clive_owen
SEAL @204 (72.4%) on 11-feb-2011 [ 123456789 ] using clive_owen
CPL @1100 (95.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "family , starring _" "fabulous performance by _" "City , starring _" "robber played by _" "lead role opposite _" "major stars such as _" "co-starring with _" "_ is a great actor" "_ plays a man" "_ is credited alongside" "movie starring _" "directors like _" "phenomenal performance from _" "_ plays the title role" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "Arthur , played by _" "cast featured _" "City starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Ridley Scott , starring _" "Eyes starring _" "_ plays a father" "film series starring _" "films starring _" "father played by _" "series , starring _" "film , starring _" "small role opposite _" "Arthur , starring _" "films starred _" "gangster played by _" "passionate is _" "movie , starring _" "thriller , starring _" "He’s played by _" "TV series , starring _" "short film starring _" "breakout role for _" "father is played by _" "starring vehicle for _" "_ co-starred in" "_ gives a riveting performance" "mancrush on _" "cast , including _" "doctor , played by _" "He appeared alongside _" "him starring _" "comedy starring _" "_ plays the dad" "_ is badly miscast as" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie also starring _" "Hollywood movie starring _" "British cast including _" "Men starring _" "_ 's new movie" "horror starring _" "_ plays Charles" "actors like _" "_ 's new film" "_ currently has no TV shows" "leader is played by _" "_ gives a fine performance" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "she starred with _" "cast including _" "central performance from _" "adaptation , starring _" "character played by _" "favorite actor is _" "movie stars _" "protagonist played by _" "recent movie with _" "_ plays the main character" "character portrayed by _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "thriller starring _" "_ was offered the role" "character , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "star vehicle for _" "espionage thriller starring _" "flick starring _" "mini-series stars _" "Series starring _" "horror thriller starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "Men stars _" "role opposite _" "Smith played by _" "BBC , starring _" "figure , played by _" "_ plays Louis" "new film starring _" "series starring _" "manager played by _" "great actors like _" "full filmography for _" "_ plays the bad guy" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "year , starring _" "crime drama starring _" "_ played Dan" "Hollywood film starring _" "it stars _" "agent played by _" "British film starring _" "_ leads a cast" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ delivers a solid performance" "_ cameos as" "he was portrayed by _" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ plays Will" "comedy film , starring _" "cast includes _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "Trailer starring _" "actor like _" "film starred _" "_ plays the central character" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ 's political thriller" "_ There are fewer" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "_ heads the cast" "she starred opposite _" "stellar cast including _" "Actors such as _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "feature film starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "ads starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "thriller staring _" "_ deserves an Oscar nomination" "_ also stars as" "leader played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "_ plays Arthur" "film also starring _" "criminal played by _" "he 's played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ is an English actor" "guest stars including _" "_ is well cast as" "uncredited cameo by _" "intimate is _" "_ owns this film" "_ plays the title character" "co-stars with _" "People feature on _" "hero is played by _" "Men , starring _" "cast members , including _" "such talents as _" "_ was doing a movie" "movies starring _" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "main character is played by _" "_ owns this movie" "_ is a British actor" "_ plays a doctor" "film starring _" ] using clive_owen
CPL @1112 (93.5%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "City , starring _" "major stars such as _" "co-starring with _" "_ is a great actor" "_ is credited alongside" "_ plays the title role" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "Arthur , played by _" "City starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "film series starring _" "films starring _" "series , starring _" "film , starring _" "small role opposite _" "gangster played by _" "movie , starring _" "film , also starring _" "same title starring _" "TV series , starring _" "_ gives a riveting performance" "doctor , played by _" "comedy starring _" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "_ was not the only choice" "Hollywood movie starring _" "Men starring _" "_ 's new movie" "_ 's new film" "_ currently has no TV shows" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "people like _" "she starred with _" "cast including _" "adaptation , starring _" "favorite actor is _" "protagonist played by _" "character portrayed by _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "thriller starring _" "character , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "flick starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "role opposite _" "new film starring _" "great actors like _" "_ gives a great performance" "full filmography for _" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "crime drama starring _" "Hollywood film starring _" "agent played by _" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ cameos as" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "comedy film , starring _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "_ joins the cast" "film starred _" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ There are fewer" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "television movie starring _" "she starred opposite _" "Actors such as _" "trailers featuring _" "drama starring _" "film is starring _" "feature film starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "ads starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "thriller staring _" "leader played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "Films starring _" "film also starring _" "he 's played by _" "guest stars including _" "uncredited cameo by _" "_ plays the title character" "People feature on _" "Men , starring _" "movies starring _" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ is a British actor" "film starring _" ] using clive_owen
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of actor:clive_owen hasspouse actor:jennifer ] using concept:actor:clive_owen
SEAL @138 (93.8%) on 26-jul-2010 [ 1234 ] using clive_owen
SEAL @178 (96.9%) on 14-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using clive_owen
MBL @937 (93.8%) on 07-jul-2015 [ Promotion of actor:clive_owen actorstarredinmovie movie:king_arthur ]
CPL @1099 (97.6%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "family , starring _" "it starred _" "fabulous performance by _" "City , starring _" "lead role opposite _" "major stars such as _" "cast featuring _" "Man , opposite _" "_ delivers a powerful performance" "actors , including _" "co-starring with _" "Russell , played by _" "_ is a great actor" "well-known actors , such as _" "_ plays a man" "_ is credited alongside" "movie starring _" "_ plays the title role" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "Arthur , played by _" "cast featured _" "City starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Eyes starring _" "wonderful performance by _" "_ plays a father" "film series starring _" "films starring _" "father played by _" "series , starring _" "film , starring _" "small role opposite _" "Arthur , starring _" "films starred _" "gangster played by _" "passionate is _" "movie , starring _" "film , also starring _" "stars including _" "thriller , starring _" "same title starring _" "He’s played by _" "TV series , starring _" "short film starring _" "title starring _" "screen chemistry with _" "you 're really about with _" "breakout role for _" "father is played by _" "series stars _" "_ co-starred in" "_ gives a riveting performance" "cast , including _" "doctor , played by _" "He appeared alongside _" "stars opposite _" "him starring _" "comedy starring _" "_ plays the dad" "_ is badly miscast as" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "cast included _" "stunt double for _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie also starring _" "It stars _" "casting choice of _" "Hollywood movie starring _" "British cast including _" "Men starring _" "_ plays the guy" "horror starring _" "_ plays Charles" "actors like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "_ gives a fine performance" "stars like _" "hottie like _" "movie alongside _" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "_ had been offered the role" "she starred with _" "cast including _" "central performance from _" "adaptation , starring _" "character is played by _" "character played by _" "favorite actor is _" "_ plays a writer" "movie stars _" "investigator , played by _" "_ commands the screen" "protagonist played by _" "recent movie with _" "_ plays the main character" "character portrayed by _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "thriller starring _" "_ was offered the role" "character , played by _" "_ did n't take the role" "psychological thriller starring _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "star vehicle for _" "_ enlarge Share" "flick starring _" "mini-series stars _" "Good acting from _" "Series starring _" "horror thriller starring _" "horror movie starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "Men stars _" "role opposite _" "Smith played by _" "_ is convincing as" "figure , played by _" "_ plays Louis" "new film starring _" "series starring _" "excellent performances by _" "manager played by _" "great actors like _" "_ gives a great performance" "_ also turns in" "full filmography for _" "_ plays the bad guy" "_ quotes at" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "spy thriller starring _" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "year , starring _" "crime drama starring _" "cameo by _" "episodes starring _" "_ played Dan" "Hollywood film starring _" "it stars _" "agent played by _" "_ leads a cast" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ delivers a solid performance" "_ cameos as" "he was portrayed by _" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ plays Will" "comedy film , starring _" "celebrities , such as _" "actors including _" "_ steals the movie" "cast includes _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "_ is the only actor" "Trailer starring _" "_ joins the cast" "celebrities like _" "actor like _" "film starred _" "assassins led by _" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ There are fewer" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "_ heads the cast" "television movie starring _" "she starred opposite _" "star power like _" "stellar cast including _" "Actors such as _" "acting talents of _" "trailers featuring _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "film is starring _" "feature film starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "other actors like _" "_ 's audition tape" "ads starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "thriller staring _" "_ deserves an Oscar nomination" "_ also stars as" "parents are played by _" "Arthur is played by _" "leader played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "Kaiser Posted in _" "Films starring _" "_ plays Arthur" "film also starring _" "criminal played by _" "he 's played by _" "on-screen romance with _" "_ had been cast as" "_ is an English actor" "guest stars including _" "new thriller starring _" "_ is well cast as" "performance is given by _" "novel starring _" "uncredited cameo by _" "lead role along with _" "intimate is _" "_ owns this film" "_ plays the title character" "film casts _" "co-stars with _" "actors such as _" "_ present the award" "People feature on _" "_ stole every scene" "hero is played by _" "Men , starring _" "_ stars in" "cast members , including _" "such talents as _" "movies starring _" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ has also joined the cast" "central character , played by _" "_ owns this movie" "_ is a British actor" "_ plays a doctor" "stars such as _" "film starring _" ] using clive_owen
CPL @1099 (95.1%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "family , starring _" "it starred _" "fabulous performance by _" "City , starring _" "lead role opposite _" "major stars such as _" "cast featuring _" "Man , opposite _" "_ delivers a powerful performance" "co-starring with _" "_ is a great actor" "_ plays a man" "_ is credited alongside" "movie starring _" "directors like _" "_ plays the title role" "VHS films starring _" "Arthur , played by _" "cast featured _" "City starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Ridley Scott , starring _" "Eyes starring _" "wonderful performance by _" "_ plays a father" "films starring _" "father played by _" "series , starring _" "film , starring _" "small role opposite _" "Arthur , starring _" "films starred _" "gangster played by _" "passionate is _" "movie , starring _" "film , also starring _" "thriller , starring _" "same title starring _" "He’s played by _" "TV series , starring _" "short film starring _" "title starring _" "breakout role for _" "father is played by _" "series stars _" "_ co-starred in" "_ gives a riveting performance" "cast , including _" "doctor , played by _" "stars opposite _" "him starring _" "comedy starring _" "_ is badly miscast as" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "cast included _" "stunt double for _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie also starring _" "It stars _" "Hollywood movie starring _" "Globe goes to _" "British cast including _" "Men starring _" "_ plays the guy" "_ 's new movie" "horror starring _" "actors like _" "_ 's new film" "_ currently has no TV shows" "leader is played by _" "_ gives a fine performance" "stars like _" "hottie like _" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "she starred with _" "cast including _" "central performance from _" "adaptation , starring _" "character is played by _" "character played by _" "favorite actor is _" "_ plays a writer" "movie stars _" "investigator , played by _" "protagonist played by _" "recent movie with _" "_ plays the main character" "character portrayed by _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "thriller starring _" "character , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "star vehicle for _" "flick starring _" "Series starring _" "horror thriller starring _" "horror movie starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "Men stars _" "role opposite _" "Smith played by _" "new film starring _" "series starring _" "great actors like _" "_ gives a great performance" "full filmography for _" "_ plays the bad guy" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "spy thriller starring _" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "year , starring _" "crime drama starring _" "episodes starring _" "Hollywood film starring _" "it stars _" "agent played by _" "_ leads a cast" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ delivers a solid performance" "_ cameos as" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ plays Will" "comedy film , starring _" "celebrities , such as _" "actors including _" "_ steals the movie" "cast includes _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "Trailer starring _" "_ joins the cast" "celebrities like _" "film starred _" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ There are fewer" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "_ heads the cast" "television movie starring _" "she starred opposite _" "star power like _" "stellar cast including _" "Actors such as _" "trailers featuring _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "film is starring _" "feature film starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "thriller staring _" "_ also stars as" "parents are played by _" "Arthur is played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "Kaiser Posted in _" "_ plays Arthur" "criminal played by _" "he 's played by _" "_ had been cast as" "_ is an English actor" "guest stars including _" "new thriller starring _" "_ is well cast as" "performance is given by _" "uncredited cameo by _" "intimate is _" "_ plays the title character" "film casts _" "co-stars with _" "People feature on _" "hero is played by _" "Men , starring _" "cast members , including _" "such talents as _" "movies starring _" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ has also joined the cast" "_ owns this movie" "_ plays a doctor" "film starring _" ] using clive_owen
CPL @1107 (89.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "family , starring _" "it starred _" "fabulous performance by _" "City , starring _" "lead role opposite _" "major stars such as _" "Man , opposite _" "co-starring with _" "_ is a great actor" "upcoming film starring _" "_ plays a man" "_ is credited alongside" "movie starring _" "_ plays the title role" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "Arthur , played by _" "cast featured _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Eyes starring _" "_ plays a father" "films starring _" "father played by _" "series , starring _" "film , starring _" "Arthur , starring _" "gangster played by _" "passionate is _" "movie , starring _" "film , also starring _" "stars including _" "thriller , starring _" "same title starring _" "He’s played by _" "TV series , starring _" "short film starring _" "series stars _" "_ co-starred in" "_ gives a riveting performance" "cast , including _" "doctor , played by _" "He appeared alongside _" "stars opposite _" "him starring _" "comedy starring _" "_ plays the dad" "_ is badly miscast as" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "cast included _" "_ was not the only choice" "movie also starring _" "Hollywood movie starring _" "British cast including _" "horror starring _" "intense performance from _" "_ plays Charles" "actors like _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "leader is played by _" "_ gives a fine performance" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "_ had been offered the role" "she starred with _" "cast including _" "central performance from _" "adaptation , starring _" "character played by _" "favorite actor is _" "movie stars _" "investigator , played by _" "_ commands the screen" "protagonist played by _" "recent movie with _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "thriller starring _" "character , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "star vehicle for _" "mini-series stars _" "Series starring _" "horror thriller starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "role opposite _" "Smith played by _" "_ plays Louis" "new film starring _" "series starring _" "great actors like _" "full filmography for _" "_ plays the bad guy" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "year , starring _" "crime drama starring _" "episodes starring _" "_ played Dan" "Hollywood film starring _" "agent played by _" "_ leads a cast" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ cameos as" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ plays Will" "comedy film , starring _" "_ steals the movie" "cast includes _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "Trailer starring _" "_ joins the cast" "celebrities like _" "film starred _" "_ plays the central character" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ 's political thriller" "_ There are fewer" "_ is a phenomenal actor" "_ heads the cast" "television movie starring _" "she starred opposite _" "stellar cast including _" "Actors such as _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "film is starring _" "feature film starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "other actors like _" "ads starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "thriller staring _" "_ deserves an Oscar nomination" "_ also stars as" "parents are played by _" "leader played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "Films starring _" "_ plays Arthur" "film also starring _" "criminal played by _" "he 's played by _" "on-screen romance with _" "_ had been cast as" "_ is an English actor" "new thriller starring _" "_ is well cast as" "lead role along with _" "_ owns this film" "_ plays the title character" "co-stars with _" "People feature on _" "_ stole every scene" "Men , starring _" "such talents as _" "_ was doing a movie" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ has also joined the cast" "_ owns this movie" "_ is a British actor" "_ plays a doctor" "film starring _" ] using clive_owen
SEAL @210 (75.0%) on 15-feb-2011 [ 12 ] using clive_owen
CPL @1115 (88.4%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "picture starring _" "cast led by _" "husband , played by _" "guy played by _" "family , starring _" "it starred _" "fabulous performance by _" "City , starring _" "lead role opposite _" "major stars such as _" "Man , opposite _" "co-starring with _" "_ is a great actor" "movie starring _" "_ plays the title role" "Movie , starring _" "VHS films starring _" "City starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "Ridley Scott , starring _" "film series starring _" "films starring _" "father played by _" "film , starring _" "gangster played by _" "passionate is _" "movie , starring _" "film , also starring _" "thriller , starring _" "same title starring _" "TV series , starring _" "short film starring _" "father is played by _" "_ co-starred in" "_ gives a riveting performance" "doctor , played by _" "stars opposite _" "him starring _" "comedy starring _" "debut opposite _" "flick stars _" "_ was not the only choice" "Hollywood movie starring _" "Men starring _" "_ 's new movie" "horror starring _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "doctor played by _" "father , played by _" "Scott , starring _" "she starred with _" "adaptation , starring _" "character is played by _" "character played by _" "protagonist played by _" "good actors like _" "role was opposite _" "character , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "wallpaper Perfect People feature on _" "_ 's Biography Quote" "_ 's Charity Work" "flick starring _" "film also stars _" "film also starred _" "Men stars _" "new film starring _" "series starring _" "great actors like _" "full filmography for _" "film stars _" "thriller stars _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "Smith , played by _" "Trailer Starring _" "crime drama starring _" "agent played by _" "dazzling cast includes _" "_ has joined the cast" "_ cameos as" "Town , starring _" "_ stars as" "upcoming movies featuring _" "upcoming movie starring _" "comedy film , starring _" "celebrities , such as _" "_ gives a memorable performance" "series starred _" "Trailer starring _" "_ joins the cast" "film starred _" "movie trailers featuring _" "_ There are fewer" "_ heads the cast" "television movie starring _" "she starred opposite _" "stellar cast including _" "trailers featuring _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "film is starring _" "agent , played by _" "professor , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "Poster , Starring _" "thriller staring _" "parents are played by _" "leader played by _" "Movie Credits Starring _" "Kaiser Posted in _" "Films starring _" "film also starring _" "he 's played by _" "_ had been cast as" "guest stars including _" "uncredited cameo by _" "_ plays the title character" "People feature on _" "Men , starring _" "such talents as _" "movies starring _" "She stars with _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "_ has also joined the cast" "_ owns this movie" "_ is a British actor" ] using clive_owen
SEAL @520 (75.0%) on 26-feb-2012 [ 12 ] using clive_owen
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey