CMC @566 (100.0%) on 11-may-2012 [ PREFIX=ja 4.79789 PREFIX=ste 2.51299 FIRST_WORD=james 2.31725 PREFIX=jame 2.23987 SUFFIX=ames 2.22419 SUFFIX=mes 2.16787 PREFIX=jam 1.79501 POS=NNS -1.12575 WORDS -1.78246 CHARS -3.99727 ] using james_stewart
SEAL @204 (62.7%) on 11-feb-2011 [ 12345678910 ] using james_stewart
Human feedback from bsettles @181 on 02-jan-2011 [ james_stewart generalizations female Action=(+male) (from ELL.08m.181.SSFeedback.csv) ] using james_stewart
CPL @1114 (86.8%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "adaptation starred _" "Ford featuring _" "Romantic comedy starring _" "Story , starring _" "detective , played by _" "_ plays a man" "_ is credited alongside" "_ gives a remarkable performance" "same name , starring _" "persons named _" "films starring _" "performance opposite _" "name starring _" "Story starring _" "U.S. named _" "husband , played by _" "movies starring _" "hit film starring _" "it stars _" "star-studded cast includes _" "cast , including _" "other persons named _" "_ gives an excellent performance" "_ gives a career" "life starring _" "Life , starring _" "_ 's assassination" "he costarred with _" "Stewart , see _" "several actors including _" "Favorite actor is _" "cast includes _" "main character played by _" "films starred _" "famous men like _" "_ plays a photographer" "film stars including _" "cast headed by _" "co-starring role opposite _" "drama stars _" "film starring _" "thriller stars _" "male stars such as _" "movie stars _" "movie stars , including _" "Featured stars include _" "man played by _" "man named _" "cast also included _" "favorite actors is _" "classic , starring _" "character , played by _" "Actor went to _" "man , played by _" "_ also stars as" "_ gives a terrific performance" "biopic starring _" "superb acting by _" "professor , played by _" "drama starred _" "_ Includes filmography" "war drama starring _" "movie , also starring _" "role opposite _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "role portrayed by _" "cast led by _" "detective played by _" "drama film starring _" "_ plays the title role" "major motion picture starring _" "guy , played by _" "big actors like _" "business luminaries as _" "impressive cast , including _" "force performance from _" "such guest stars as _" "Alfred Hitchcock , starring _" "doctor played by _" "comedy drama starring _" "role made famous by _" "_ was a fantastic actor" "stellar cast includes _" "actors like _" "Pictures starring _" "cast headlined by _" "leading men as _" "character originated by _" "supporting cast includes _" "film starred _" "_ 's second film" "picture starring _" "Lions running back _" "version starring _" "Hitchcock , starring _" "feature film starring _" "thriller starring _" "she starred opposite _" "greats , from _" "it also stars _" "great cast includes _" "_ was Narrator" "Cast Includes _" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "cast including _" "Life starring _" "motion picture starring _" "actor , see _" "_ was a great actor" "character played by _" "overwhelming cast includes _" "cast is headed by _" "drama starring _" "movie played by _" "movie starring _" "_ also join the cast" "movie stars like _" "movie starred _" "great actors like _" "series staring _" "courtroom drama starring _" "comedy starring _" "featured star is _" "He is played by _" "old movie with _" "character portrayed by _" "_ gives an unforgettable performance" "_ gives a fine performance" "senator played by _" "thriller , starring _" "_ plays a lawyer" "name , starring _" "she co-starred with _" "hero , played by _" "_ plays a scientist" "Alfred Hitchcock featuring _" "_ plays Scott" "Mann , starring _" "she was cast opposite _" "[VHS]DD reviews _" "movie , played by _" "industry legends such as _" "original , starring _" "favorite actor is _" "main character , played by _" "film , starring _" "hero played by _" "_ 's Filmography" "Westerns starring _" "great supporting cast includes _" "_ portray in" "favourite actors are _" "Smith , played by _" "westerns starring _" "same name starring _" "_ appears briefly as" "_ was not the only choice" "_ plays the young" "movie , starring _" "visuals while _" "_ plays a widower" "patriarch played by _" "Mann featuring _" "crime drama starring _" "lawyer played by _" "photographer played by _" "_ stars as" "role went to _" "_ plays a journalist" "_ play the following character" "father , played by _" "cast such as _" "early performance from _" "_ played Gen" "early appearance by _" "Best Actor went to _" "Smith played by _" "[VHS]DDD reviews _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "story , starring _" "Hitchcock featuring _" "_ delivers a strong performance" ] using james_stewart