SEAL @178 (96.9%) on 14-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using kenneth_branagh
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=eth 2.45226 PREFIX=ke 2.17108 LASTSUFFIX=gh 1.75292 SUFFIX=gh 1.31712 SUFFIX=nneth 1.27999 FIRST_WORD=kenneth 1.24340 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.23437 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -1.56894 WORDS -2.07597 CHARS -2.50525 ] using kenneth_branagh
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using kenneth_branagh
CPL @1103 (94.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "series narrated by _" "passionate is _" "Film starring _" "People feature on _" "new film is directed by _" "supporting cast , including _" "astrological interpretation of _" "adventure film starring _" "film is directed by _" "TV miniseries starring _" "He also appeared alongside _" "movie starring _" "film directors , including _" "comedy , starring _" "feature film , directed by _" "_ 's new film" "it stars _" "TV , starring _" "It 's directed by _" "cast including _" "_ is an amazing director" "_ 's new movie" "regia di _" "fine cast includes _" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "notable actors like _" "short film directed by _" "_ appreciates relationships" "impressive cast includes _" "new film starring _" "_ 's central performance" "_ was named Best Actor" "British cast including _" "It directed by _" "star cast includes _" "_ played the hero" "_ is a great actor" "exclusive biography of _" "excellent cast including _" "Pictures , starring _" "_ was originally cast for" "international stars including _" "name starring _" "film also stars _" "Famous quotes by _" "_ 's magnificent film" "film was narrated by _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "ex-husband , played by _" "television series starring _" "_ 's Quotation" "_ is a fine actor" "star cast including _" "co-stars , including _" "British actors including _" "_ directs a script" "production , starring _" "actor named _" "great actors such as _" "movie directed by _" "(voice of _" "VHS films starring _" "cast members include _" "general played by _" "ensemble cast including _" "Dog starring _" "Hamlet , starring _" "Perfect People feature on _" "guy played by _" "film , directed by _" "comedy starring _" "Hollywood film starring _" "Hamlet starring _" "journalist played by _" "movie , directed by _" "Photographic illustrations of _" "Dog , starring _" "film starring _" "central performance by _" "movie was directed by _" "miniseries starring _" "documentary narrated by _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "_ leads an all-star cast" "_ Quotes Keywords" "play starred _" "film directed by _" "adaptations starring _" "supporting cast includes _" "confounding cast includes _" "movie is directed by _" "series starring _" "_ 's HAMLET" "It was directed by _" "_ was named Best Supporting Actor" "_ 's Characters View" "anything directed by _" "comedy directed by _" "speaker booking agency for _" "all-star cast , including _" "co-star was _" "British actors like _" "Other cast members include _" "movie version starring _" "such actors as _" "bad guy played by _" "cast includes _" "_ Writing credits" "Albert , played by _" "_ directed this movie" "_ 's screen version" "film-makers including _" "films starring _" "film was directed by _" "drama , starring _" "guy was played by _" "He also starred alongside _" "_ 's King Lear" "BBC series starring _" "_ craves very intense" "_ directed the first film" "production was directed by _" "production , directed by _" "film adaptation directed by _" "_ plays the title role" "play , directed by _" "great supporting cast includes _" "TV series starring _" "U.S. named _" "detective series starring _" "He co-starred with _" "it ’s directed by _" "tv series starring _" "visuals while _" "_ 's over-the-top performance" "It , directed by _" "British actors , including _" "writer played by _" "such talents as _" "version starring _" "series , starring _" "_ narrates the film" "intimate is _" "production directed by _" "new film directed by _" "_ is a brilliant actor" "Hamlet directed by _" "movies starring _" "famous faces , including _" "movie also stars _" "_ is an amazing actor" "co-stars including _" "available photos of _" "great direction by _" "film , starring _" "films directed by _" "film version starring _" "version is directed by _" "features narration by _" "year she starred opposite _" "works , starring _" "_ also seeks nurturing" "thriller also stars _" "she played opposite _" "movie , starring _" "documentary hosted by _" "_ stars as" "_ directed film" "such directors as _" "show , directed by _" "series , narrated by _" "BBC , starring _" "She appeared opposite _" "_ is an awesome actor" "_ is the perfect actor" "novel , directed by _" "film is being directed by _" "epic directed by _" "_ is an excellent actor" "documentary is narrated by _" "movie stars _" "drama starring _" "adaptation , starring _" "picture was directed by _" "mini-series starring _" "marketing company , hire _" "Special Edition)DDD reviews _" "_ is directing the film" "It also stars _" "_ values friendship" "cast also includes _" "_ is a favorite actor" "_ is perfectly cast as" "talented actors including _" "she co-starred with _" "directors such as _" "actors like _" "well-known actors including _" "voice talents of _" "cast , including _" "_ 's forthcoming film" "documentary , narrated by _" "character played by _" "_ provide the voices" "adaptation directed by _" "directing by _" "character actors including _" "character is portrayed by _" "cast headed by _" "Directed , written by _" "solid cast , including _" "_ directs the film" "comedy film starring _" "it was directed by _" "directors like _" "great cast includes _" "Movie stills of _" "VHS featuring _" "Frankenstein starring _" "_ is a great director" "_ selected DVDs" "co-stars such as _" "Color Cast includes _" "He appeared alongside _" "Night , directed by _" "_ 's recent film" "good cast , including _" "hilarious performance by _" "Net presents _" "film-makers like _" "he appeared alongside _" "movie trailers featuring _" "she starred opposite _" "_ See Full Cast" ] using kenneth_branagh
Human feedback from bsettles @181 on 02-jan-2011 [ kenneth_branagh generalizations female Action=(+male) (from ELL.08m.181.SSFeedback.csv) ] using kenneth_branagh
SEAL @180 (93.8%) on 16-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using kenneth_branagh
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
Human feedback from NELL.08m.160.SSFeedback.csv @161 on 09-nov-2010 [ concept:person:kenneth_branagh concept:actorstarredinmovie concept:movie:hamlet Action=(+directorDirectedMovie -1) ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 film adaptation of arg2" "arg1 film version of arg2" ] using (kenneth_branagh, hamlet)