MBL @683 (94.0%) on 15-jan-2013 [ Promotion of animal:elephants mammalsuchasmammal animal:leopards ]
CPL @1096 (85.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "offspring of female _" "migrating herds of _" "native animals including _" "_ were hunted in" "grazing ground for _" "_ swim the river" "_ roamed at" "enormous herd of _" "herd of tiny _" "herbivores , including _" "regular sightings of _" "other animals including _" "_ ' hooves" "Other mammals such as _" "_ are big animals" "_ have a remarkable sense" "_ are intensely social animals" "population of Asian _" "_ reach puberty" "_ named Harry" "African wildlife , including _" "companionship of other _" "whales , like _" "buffaloes , wild _" "big animal like _" "attacks by wild _" "_ learn better" "home to wild _" "illegal slaughter of _" "impressive herds of _" "humane handling of _" "fertility in male _" "_ ' tusks" "_ ' penises" "extensive herds of _" "_ were euthanized after" "_ once ranged throughout" "_ grazing outside" "_ are not solitary animals" "_ eat grass" "Other animals include _" "Other mammals , such as _" "big animals like _" "people hunted _" "massive herds of _" "other mammals like _" "mating season for _" "_ herded through" "_ ' diets" "_ ' stalls" "herd of native _" "herds of African _" "problems with wild _" "tracks of wild _" "pets such as _" "big game including _" "cruelty against _" "roundup of wild _" "chariots pulled by _" "_ are being slaughtered for" "_ become sexually mature" "body condition of _" "grazers like _" "herd of giant _" "_ socialize in" "many animals like _" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "animals as large as _" "breeds of _" "carcasses of dead _" "charismatic species like _" "commercial killing of _" "car drawn by _" "urine of female _" "_ slaughtered each year" "_ naturally live in" "_ roam through" "_ roamed free" "Herds of wild _" "Big herds of _" "Large animals such as _" "Wildlife is abundant with _" "_ are herd animals" "wildlife species including _" "_ play soccer" "_ have very good hearing" "_ are free roaming" "_ bite people" "elephants , wild _" "dogs , caring for _" "shrews are _" "population of wild _" "usual menagerie of _" "wild life like _" "several herds of _" "interesting animals such as _" "fine herd of _" "inhumane treatment of _" "exotic animals like _" "_ ' diabetes" "_ ' habitat" "Large mammals , such as _" "beautiful herd of _" "paddocks so _" "large herbivores like _" "lions , giant _" "_ are only fertile" "_ are intelligent creatures" "_ have long been hunted for" "tigers , giant _" "_ eat the bark" "_ are not the only animals" "_ grazing alongside" "_ graze while" "feet of wild _" "_ grazing around" "resident herds of _" "terrestrial mammals such as _" "slaughter of wild _" "_ eat leaves" "_ have been born at" "_ have been given a second chance" "_ have home ranges" "_ are grazing animals" "_ are enormous animals" "animals like wild _" "wildlife ranging from _" "_ are extremely social animals" "_ breeding centre" "wildlife species such as _" "big herds of _" "dangerous game such as _" "wild beasts such as _" "wild animals including _" "_ baying in" "_ eat the hay" "_ were eating grass" "_ peacefully grazing in" "_ only give birth" "_ roamed freely on" "_ roam the reserve" "_ once roamed throughout" "large mammals including _" "other animals , like _" "migrating herd of _" "many herds of _" "joint diseases in _" "_ leave the herd" "_ have big ears" "_ have a gentle nature" "_ have few natural enemies" "hunters killing _" "animal life includes _" "animals found here are _" "_ roam at" "veterinary supplies for _" "wild species like _" "larger mammals such as _" "lovely family of _" "pasture for _" "_ ' milk" "mammal , related to _" "mammals including _" "other wild animals like _" "population of domesticated _" "officials kill _" "_ roaming the park" "_ roam the hills" "_ live solitary lives" "_ are the only mammals" "_ are fed hay" "_ are aquatic mammals" "_ eat bark" "_ ' social structure" "Clinical signs in _" "wild buffalo , wild _" "veterinary care to _" "wildlife including wild _" "wide-ranging species such as _" "_ were once found throughout" "alligators to _" "animals like red _" "rare animals such as _" "large wild animals such as _" "shrews to _" "_ are highly social animals" "native animals , including _" "herds of domestic _" "herds of wild _" "_ graze on" "_ love the attention" "exotic animals such as _" "game species like _" "herd of red _" "larger mammals , such as _" "land mammals such as _" "larger game , such as _" "last herd of _" "population of giant _" "natural habitat of wild _" "damage by wild _" "cruel treatment of _" "children being attacked by _" "large game , such as _" "several rescued _" "cruelty towards _" "child raised by _" "game animals like _" "carnivores such as _" "videos of cute _" "_ are killed for" "killing of wild _" "subspecies of Asian _" "tapirs , wild _" "groups of wild _" "family of wild _" "heavy browsing by _" "larger animals , like _" "such mammals as _" "cheetahs , wild _" "wild pack of _" "rampaging herd of _" "welfare standards for _" "_ ' carcasses" "local herd of _" "lions , African _" "trade in live _" "tiger , Asian _" "resident wildlife including _" "_ once ranged across" "herd of domestic _" "illegal poaching of _" "large mammals , such as _" "_ roam freely on" "_ were slaughtered each year" "_ roaming the plains" "branches , like _" "dangerous animals , such as _" "Small herds of _" "Other animals , like _" "cute photos of _" "big mammals like _" "_ were babies" "couple of hungry _" "diving , swimming with _" "common animals such as _" "nearby herd of _" "lions , wild _" "large population of resident _" "_ galloping through" "_ browse the leaves" "Wild animals such as _" "disease transmitted to _" "care of abused _" "Mammals such as _" "GPS collars on _" "_ are also good swimmers" "_ grazing in" "dangerous animals like _" "domestic animals including _" "other wild animals such as _" "molar teeth of _" "large mammals , including _" "live animals like _" "radio collaring of _" "population of red _" "social animals like _" "good forage for _" "farm animals like _" "humane treatment of _" "horde of wild _" "mammals include _" "wild animals like _" "_ ' enclosure" "Behavioral problems in _" "Other animals such as _" "_ are very strong animals" "_ are very good swimmers" "_ ’ teeth" "herbivores like _" "herbivores such as _" "hunting scenes with _" "electric prods on _" "herd of tame _" "herd animals such as _" "wildlife including _" "whole heard of _" "you see wild _" "own herds of _" "first herd of _" "game animals , such as _" "endangered species including _" "_ roamed the park" "_ wear bells" "vast herds of _" "exotic animals including _" "entire herds of _" "play pen for _" "wolves , wild _" "forest animals like _" "grazers , including _" "enormous herds of _" "fights with other _" "hoofed animals like _" "_ have floppy ears" "_ are herbivorous animals" "small population of wild _" "various animals like _" "tranquilizer for _" "cruel killing of _" "elephant , white _" "chariots drawn by _" "domestic animals , such as _" "favourite animals are _" "_ ' birthday party" "_ ' natural habitats" "herd of young _" "poachers hunting _" "_ are grazers" "_ are herding animals" "_ ' hoofs" "_ are an umbrella species" "predators such as _" "Other mammals include _" "Animal species include _" "food supplements for _" "retirement facility for _" "exotic creatures such as _" "prides of _" "We saw wild _" "endangered species , like _" "fear of wild _" "_ have been domesticated in" "_ roam freely through" "_ ' digestive system" "_ outnumbered people" "_ roam wild" "capture of wild _" "_ still roam wild" "Wildlife here includes _" "_ ' feces" "_ ' body temperature" "_ roam freely throughout" "_ ' cages" "massive herd of _" "large breeding herds of _" "veterinary care for _" "tail hair of _" "_ have amazing memories" "herd of _" "hunting wild _" "favorite animals are _" "_ eat trees" "_ do n't eat people" "_ roaming freely over" "_ were grazing on" "_ ' tails" "Herds of _" "single herd of _" "sport hunting of _" "predation by _" "wild boars , wild _" "whole herd of _" "_ eating straw" "Large animals , such as _" "Socks Stylish lightweight socks featuring _" "small herds of wild _" "social species like _" "_ became tame" "elephants , white _" "veterinary care of _" "tiger , wild _" "spectacular sightings of _" "they had trained _" "rhinoceros , wild _" "mammals such as wild _" "sizeable herd of _" "_ are naturally social creatures" "_ are excellent swimmers" "_ are also trained for" "_ eat penguins" "_ are such social animals" "_ are quite social" "_ are considered a keystone species" "body weights of _" "exotic animals as _" "trophy hunting of _" "_ are kept indoors" "_ are majestic creatures" "herds of white _" "forest hunting _" "_ roamed the continent" "_ roam the property" "better pets than _" "common animals are _" "breeding herd of _" "_ have been hunted for" "abundant wildlife such as _" "_ wearing radio collars" "animals including wild _" "baby African _" "_ roam the acreage" "gibbons , wild _" "small herd of wild _" "Larger animals such as _" "Other wildlife , such as _" "herd of African _" "death by wild _" "bones of extinct _" "_ have larger ears" "breeding of _" "population of African _" "rare animals including _" "animals , including giant _" "nocturnal species such as _" "larger animals such as _" "breeding herds of _" "deers , wild _" "conservation information about _" "elusive populations of _" "_ do not have sweat glands" "_ are the only species" "_ grazing within" "_ are very social" "large mammals , like _" "many teeth do _" "huge herds of _" "mammal including _" "_ are gregarious animals" "_ are also killed for" "_ are given a bath" "_ have been slaughtered for" "_ humping on" "_ roam the park" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "stereotypic behavior in _" "radio collars on _" "pack of African _" "game animals such as _" "herd of Asian _" "herd of mad _" "_ were splashing" ] using elephants
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "nature show about _" "migrating herds of _" "native animals including _" "_ were hunted in" "behavioural needs of _" "_ swim the river" "enormous herd of _" "other animals including _" "Animal life includes _" "_ ' hooves" "Other mammals such as _" "_ actually walk on" "_ are intensely social animals" "population of Asian _" "population of migratory _" "population of resident _" "red headed _" "African wildlife , including _" "buffaloes , wild _" "breeding populations of _" "attacks by wild _" "favored food of _" "illegal slaughter of _" "humane handling of _" "fertility in male _" "_ ' tusks" "_ ' penises" "_ inhabit a variety" "_ have also been sighted in" "_ once ranged throughout" "_ are a common sighting" "_ grazing outside" "_ are not solitary animals" "native wildlife including _" "_ are confined indoors" "_ eat grass" "Other animals include _" "Other mammals , such as _" "_ migrating between" "_ have larger brains" "big animals like _" "massive herds of _" "other mammals like _" "more killing of _" "mating season for _" "_ ' diets" "herd of native _" "tracks of wild _" "wildlife , including wild _" "pets such as _" "big game including _" "cruelty against _" "roundup of wild _" "_ are frequently sighted in" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "animals as large as _" "breeds of _" "carcasses of dead _" "charismatic species like _" "commercial killing of _" "different animals , including _" "_ ' dung" "urine of female _" "_ slaughtered each year" "_ naturally live in" "_ roam through" "Herds of wild _" "Large animals such as _" "unusual animals like _" "_ are truly amazing animals" "_ are herd animals" "_ are also frequent visitors" "_ roamed the earth" "feeding grounds for _" "wildlife species including _" "_ have very good hearing" "_ are free roaming" "elephants , wild _" "population of wild _" "several herds of _" "interesting animals such as _" "fine herd of _" "inhumane treatment of _" "exotic animals like _" "_ ' diabetes" "_ ' throats" "living relatives to _" "living relative of _" "lions , giant _" "_ are only fertile" "_ are intelligent creatures" "_ have long been hunted for" "tigers , giant _" "_ eat the bark" "_ grazing alongside" "_ graze while" "feet of wild _" "fossilized bones of _" "_ grazing around" "resident herds of _" "terrestrial mammals such as _" "slaughter of wild _" "_ are such magnificent creatures" "_ have been born at" "_ are grazing animals" "animals like wild _" "wildlife ranging from _" "culling of wild _" "_ are extremely social animals" "_ are being killed for" "_ breeding centre" "Many animals such as _" "wildlife species such as _" "big herds of _" "dangerous game such as _" "wild beasts such as _" "wild animals including _" "_ baying in" "_ eat the hay" "_ are truly amazing creatures" "menagerie including _" "live animals such as _" "_ were eating grass" "_ roamed freely on" "_ once roamed throughout" "large mammals including _" "other animals , like _" "many herds of _" "joint diseases in _" "people are attacked by _" "_ leave the herd" "_ have big ears" "_ have few natural enemies" "hunters killing _" "_ take a dust bath" "animals found here are _" "vast flocks of _" "larger mammals such as _" "_ ' foreheads" "_ ' milk" "keystone species such as _" "mammal , related to _" "mammals including _" "other wild animals like _" "population of domesticated _" "_ roaming the park" "marine mammals including _" "_ are the only mammals" "_ have been seen along" "_ are aquatic mammals" "_ eat bark" "_ ' welfare" "_ ' social structure" "_ ' poop" "migratory paths of _" "_ waddling along" "wildlife including wild _" "beasts including _" "alligators to _" "animals like red _" "rare animals such as _" "large wild animals such as _" "_ are a threatened species" "_ eat other animals" "_ are now a protected species" "_ are highly social animals" "native animals , including _" "tropical species such as _" "lions , blue _" "herds of domestic _" "herds of wild _" "_ graze on" "exotic animals such as _" "game species like _" "herd of red _" "larger mammals , such as _" "land mammals such as _" "larger game , such as _" "last herd of _" "number of tame _" "population of giant _" "cruel treatment of _" "large game , such as _" "migratory population of _" "several rescued _" "endangered species such as _" "cruelty towards _" "common sightings of _" "game animals like _" "carnivores such as _" "chariot drawn by _" "videos of cute _" "threatened species , such as _" "killing of wild _" "_ face many threats" "groups of wild _" "family of wild _" "other rescued _" "larger animals , like _" "cheetahs , wild _" "wild pack of _" "vocal learning in _" "welfare standards for _" "_ ' carcasses" "lions versus _" "lions , African _" "fruits are eaten by _" "healthy population of wild _" "fish like _" "threatened species , including _" "trade in live _" "resident wildlife including _" "Animals like _" "herd of domestic _" "illegal poaching of _" "large mammals , such as _" "long-lived species such as _" "_ roam freely on" "branches , like _" "contact with wild _" "dangerous animals , such as _" "Small herds of _" "Other animals , like _" "big mammals like _" "birds , including wild _" "couple of hungry _" "diving , swimming with _" "common animals such as _" "lions , wild _" "large population of resident _" "_ find irresistible" "_ galloping through" "_ eat a varied diet" "_ ' migration patterns" "Wild animals such as _" "_ ' extinction" "care of abused _" "care of wild _" "Mammals such as _" "_ are also good swimmers" "_ do n't have sweat glands" "dangerous animals like _" "domestic animals including _" "other wild animals such as _" "molar teeth of _" "large mammals , including _" "live animals like _" "population of red _" "social animals like _" "farm animals like _" "humane treatment of _" "horde of wild _" "wild animals like _" "_ ' enclosure" "Behavioral problems in _" "Other animals such as _" "_ are very strong animals" "_ ’ teeth" "_ were culled in" "herbivores like _" "herd of tame _" "exotic wildlife , including _" "wildlife including _" "wildlife , from _" "game animals , such as _" "endangered species including _" "larger animals , including _" "_ wear bells" "wildlife , including _" "vast herds of _" "exotic animals including _" "entire herds of _" "playful antics of _" "unethical treatment of _" "varied wildlife including _" "wolves , wild _" "forest animals like _" "enormous herds of _" "fights with other _" "_ breed in" "_ are herbivorous animals" "small population of wild _" "threatened species such as _" "various animals like _" "cruel killing of _" "chariots drawn by _" "larger species like _" "domestic animals , such as _" "favourite animals are _" "_ ' birthday party" "_ ' natural habitats" "feeding habits of _" "herd of young _" "populations of red _" "_ are grazers" "_ are daily visitors" "vertebrates such as _" "_ ' hoofs" "_ are still wild animals" "predators such as _" "sanctuary for unwanted _" "Other mammals include _" "Animal species include _" "food supplements for _" "exotic creatures such as _" "game species such as _" "prides of _" "We saw wild _" "endangered species , including _" "excellent sightings of _" "_ roam freely through" "_ outnumbered people" "capture of wild _" "_ still roam wild" "_ splash around in" "_ ' food sources" "species , African _" "_ ' body temperature" "_ roam freely throughout" "_ ' cages" "flocks of wild _" "veterinary care for _" "tail hair of _" "species , including _" "habitat do _" "family raised _" "herd of _" "flock of white _" "hunting wild _" "favorite animals are _" "_ do n't eat people" "animals , such as wild _" "thousands of migratory _" "single herd of _" "sport hunting of _" "wild boars , wild _" "Large animals , such as _" "Socks Stylish lightweight socks featuring _" "social species like _" "veterinary care of _" "tiger , wild _" "spectacular sightings of _" "rhinoceros , wild _" "mammals such as wild _" "menagerie included _" "sizeable herd of _" "_ are naturally social creatures" "_ are excellent swimmers" "_ are also trained for" "_ eat penguins" "_ are such social animals" "body weights of _" "exotic animals as _" "ethical treatment of _" "trophy hunting of _" "_ are kept indoors" "_ are majestic creatures" "herds of white _" "_ roamed the continent" "_ roam the property" "animals including giant _" "better pets than _" "armadillos to _" "_ have been hunted for" "abundant wildlife such as _" "_ wearing radio collars" "animals including wild _" "baby African _" "animal shapes such as _" "_ roamed the Earth" "commercial hunting of _" "gibbons , wild _" "small herd of wild _" "Larger animals such as _" "herd of African _" "fruit eaten by _" "death by wild _" "creatures , such as _" "covey of _" "_ have larger ears" "breeding of _" "population of African _" "programs for wild _" "animals , including giant _" "birds such as _" "nocturnal species such as _" "larger animals such as _" "breeding herds of _" "captive bred _" "deers , wild _" "elusive populations of _" "_ do not have sweat glands" "_ are also social animals" "_ are the coolest animals" "_ are the only species" "_ crossing roads" "_ are a keystone species" "large mammals , like _" "huge herds of _" "_ are also killed for" "_ have been slaughtered for" "_ humping on" "potential encounters with _" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "radio collars on _" "game animals such as _" "herd of Asian _" "_ were splashing in" "captive propagation of _" "_ basking on" "socks featuring _" "farmers shoot _" "human encounters with _" "huge herd of _" "vulnerable species such as _" "rhinos , giant _" "sambar deer , wild _" "predators like _" "older trained _" "large prey such as _" "_ are beautiful animals" "_ are huge animals" "_ have smaller ears" "_ ' Christmas presents" "crocodiles , wild _" "monkeys , giant _" "large animals , like _" "migration of wild _" "thre" ] using elephants
CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=el 1.89836 LASTPREFIX=el 1.40476 PREFIX=eleph 1.19273 PREFIX=elep 1.19273 SUFFIX=ants 0.87118 LASTSUFFIX=ants 0.86935 LASTPREFIX=eleph 0.78278 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=A -0.20870 WORDS -0.65994 CHARS -2.22211 ] using elephants
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood fruit", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using elephants
SEAL @2 (100.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 12345678 ] using elephants
MBL @1093 (100.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ Promotion of animal:elephants animalistypeofanimal animal:mammals ]
CPL @1097 (82.1%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "native animals including _" "animal species , from _" "enormous herd of _" "other animals including _" "Animal life includes _" "_ ' hooves" "_ are intensely social animals" "buffaloes , wild _" "attacks by wild _" "fertility in male _" "_ ' tusks" "_ ' penises" "_ inhabit a variety" "indigenous animals such as _" "_ are a common sighting" "_ grazing outside" "Other animals include _" "Other mammals , such as _" "big animals like _" "massive herds of _" "other mammals like _" "Other animals , such as _" "herd of native _" "interesting wildlife including _" "animals , including _" "tracks of wild _" "wildlife , including wild _" "population of free-ranging _" "beasts such as _" "big game including _" "carriage drawn by _" "_ are frequently sighted in" "_ are orphaned in" "_ are given toys" "grazers like _" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "animals as large as _" "breeds of _" "charismatic species like _" "different animals , including _" "urine of female _" "_ slaughtered each year" "Herds of wild _" "Large animals such as _" "unusual animals like _" "_ are truly amazing animals" "_ are herd animals" "_ roamed the earth" "wildlife species including _" "elephants , wild _" "snow leopards to _" "such exotic animals as _" "several herds of _" "interesting animals such as _" "fine herd of _" "exotic animals like _" "Feeding time for _" "_ swimming around" "lions , giant _" "interesting animals like _" "_ are only fertile" "_ are intelligent creatures" "_ eat an enormous amount" "_ have long been hunted for" "_ are key species" "tigers , giant _" "_ eat the bark" "_ grazing alongside" "_ graze while" "resident herds of _" "terrestrial mammals such as _" "slaughter of wild _" "_ are such magnificent creatures" "_ are enormous animals" "animals like wild _" "wildlife ranging from _" "culling of wild _" "_ are extremely social animals" "Many animals such as _" "many endangered species including _" "wildlife species such as _" "chariot pulled by _" "big herds of _" "_ eat the hay" "_ are truly amazing creatures" "live animals such as _" "backbones , such as _" "_ once roamed throughout" "large mammals including _" "other animals , like _" "migrating herd of _" "many herds of _" "prey including _" "nutritional needs of _" "_ have few natural enemies" "sanctuary for abused _" "prey , such as _" "prey such as _" "familiar animals like _" "_ take a dust bath" "animals found here are _" "larger mammals such as _" "keystone species such as _" "mammal , related to _" "mammals including _" "other wild animals like _" "population of domesticated _" "_ are the only mammals" "_ are aquatic mammals" "_ ' poop" "large body size of _" "wildlife including wild _" "wide-ranging species such as _" "animal groups , including _" "animals like red _" "other animal except _" "tropical species such as _" "lions , blue _" "herds of domestic _" "herds of wild _" "_ graze on" "exotic animals such as _" "game species like _" "herd of red _" "larger mammals , such as _" "land mammals such as _" "larger game , such as _" "lions , see _" "last herd of _" "population of giant _" "large game , such as _" "endangered species such as _" "_ are very good mothers" "_ do n't wear glasses" "game animals like _" "_ love bath time" "carnivores such as _" "creatures such as _" "chariot drawn by _" "wild creatures such as _" "groups of wild _" "family of wild _" "larger animals , like _" "cheetahs , wild _" "healthy population of wild _" "food for wild _" "fish like _" "tiger , Asian _" "resident wildlife including _" "_ once ranged across" "herd of domestic _" "long-lived species such as _" "branches , like _" "dangerous animals , such as _" "Small herds of _" "Other animals , like _" "big mammals like _" "diving , swimming with _" "common animals such as _" "lions , wild _" "Wild animals such as _" "care of abused _" "Mammals such as _" "_ are also good swimmers" "_ roam North America" "dangerous animals like _" "such animals as _" "other wild animals such as _" "farm animals like _" "mammals include _" "wild animals like _" "Other animals such as _" "_ are very strong animals" "_ were culled in" "herbivores like _" "herbivores such as _" "herd of tame _" "wildlife including _" "whole heard of _" "game animals , such as _" "endangered species including _" "herds of giant _" "translocation of wild _" "_ were extirpated from" "wildlife , including _" "vast herds of _" "exotic animals including _" "wolves , wild _" "turns feeding _" "forest animals like _" "grazers , including _" "enormous herds of _" "exotic wildlife such as _" "_ breed in" "_ feed around" "small population of wild _" "various animals like _" "chariots drawn by _" "many species of _" "larger species like _" "domestic animals , such as _" "favourite animals are _" "_ ' natural habitats" "_ are grazers" "_ ' hoofs" "predators such as _" "Animal species include _" "exotic creatures such as _" "game species such as _" "endangered species , like _" "excellent sightings of _" "species including _" "terrestrial animals , such as _" "species , African _" "_ ' body temperature" "_ roam freely throughout" "flocks of wild _" "_ love the bubbles" "birds such as wild _" "terrestrial animals such as _" "traditional hunting of _" "tail hair of _" "habitat do _" "family raised _" "flock of white _" "favorite animals are _" "_ eat trees" "_ are adept swimmers" "animals , such as wild _" "thousands of migratory _" "single herd of _" "sport hunting of _" "predation by _" "wild boars , wild _" "Large animals , such as _" "Socks Stylish lightweight socks featuring _" "social species like _" "tiger , wild _" "rhinoceros , wild _" "mammals such as wild _" "_ are excellent swimmers" "_ are considered a keystone species" "care of domesticated _" "exotic creatures like _" "trophy hunting of _" "population declines of _" "_ roam the property" "animals including giant _" "armadillos to _" "common animals are _" "abundant wildlife such as _" "aardvarks to _" "animal shapes such as _" "_ roamed the Earth" "commercial hunting of _" "group of migratory _" "gibbons , wild _" "small herd of wild _" "Larger animals such as _" "fauna such as _" "herd of African _" "death by wild _" "breeding of _" "programs for wild _" "animals , including giant _" "birds such as _" "nocturnal species such as _" "larger animals such as _" "breeding herds of _" "deers , wild _" "elusive populations of _" "_ do not have sweat glands" "_ are the coolest animals" "_ are a keystone species" "large mammals , like _" "huge herds of _" "_ are also killed for" "_ roam the park" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "pack of African _" "game animals such as _" "captive propagation of _" "_ have an imaginary friend" "rare animals , such as _" "rhinos , giant _" "sambar deer , wild _" "predators like _" "large prey such as _" "_ are beautiful animals" "_ are huge animals" "crocodiles , wild _" "monkeys , giant _" "large animals , like _" "birth weight of _" "_ are dangerous creatures" "_ are terrestrial animals" "slaughter wild _" "land animals such as _" "intelligent animals like _" "large creatures such as _" "larger game such as _" "many herds of wild _" "many animals besides _" "I have seen wild _" "_ mate for" "herd of sacred _" "large populations of wild _" "herd of DD+ _" "pythons , wild _" "other animal species , such as _" "small animals such as _" "big game , including _" "attack by wild _" "animal closely related to _" "photos of rescued _" "rich wildlife including _" "endangered population of _" "_ are accomplished swimmers" "_ are born each year" "wild animals such as _" "team of wild _" "we swam with _" "big game animals like _" "research with wild _" "Other animals , including _" "Huge herds of _" "_ are a migratory species" "many animal species , including _" "boars , wild _" "radio-tracking of _" "ruminants such as _" "other mammals , including _" "potential predators like _" "_ ' migration route" "social animals , including _" "troop of wild _" "megafauna such as _" "large breeding populations of _" "mammoths , woolly _" "animal species like _" "other creatures like _" "Large animals like _" "_ ' natural behaviors" "_ do n't like humans" "_ are the only creatures" "_ are very sensitive animals" "_ forage for" "_ make chirping sounds" "large numbers of migratory _" "population of Asiatic _" "_ inhabit the sanctuary" "species of Asian _" "bison , wild _" "_ were running loose in" "Larger animals , such as _" "Larger animals like _" "_ once roamed over" "_ roam the plains" "_ once roamed the area" "_ live a long time" "mammal species such as _" "_ are forest animals" "_ are slaughtered each year" "cats , wild _" "creature related to _" "black bear , wild _" "dung beetles to _" "protected species such as _" "_ are shy animals" "_ are very curious animals" "chital , wild _" "peacocks , wild _" "offspring of domestic _" "_ are born every year" "_ are wearing collars" "bear , wild _" "abundant wildlife including _" "family herds of _" "immense herds of _" "dogs , wild _" "Certain animals , such as _" "_ ' favourite food" "creatures including _" "tigers , Asian _" "favourite animals were _" "grazers such as _" "great herd of _" "_ getting baths" "_ are all common sights" "_ being social animals" "migratory species like _" "many animals including _" "mammal after _" "mammals like _" "flock of wild _" "_ gamboling in" "_ are also mammals" "_ orphaned through" "food source for _" "extinct genus of _" "various animals such as _" "other animals such as _" "wild animals , like _" "large herds of wild _" "large animals like _" "wild pig , wild _" "diets for _" "_ are primarily grazers" "trade of live _" "herds of domesticated _" "extinct relatives of _" "Wild animals like _" "denizens such as _" "_ roam the grasslands" "wildlife , like _" "wildlife like _" "wagons pulled by _" "wildlife , such as _" "wild creatures like _" "many animals , such as " ] using elephants
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (elephants, leaves)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood leaves", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (elephants, leaves)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
OE @806 (95.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as zebras and arg1" "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 such as dwarf arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" "arg2 found here include arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 ranging from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds including arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys or arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 and birds such as arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like chimpanzees and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from ants to arg1" "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like camels and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like dolphins and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as birds and arg1" ] using (elephants, creatures)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 or other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, beasts)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like cows and arg1" "arg2 like zebras and arg1" "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as sheep and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" ] using (elephants, herbivores)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, larger_animals)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as camels and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like camels and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" ] using (elephants, zoo_animals)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 of prey and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
OE @830 (85.6%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are used as draft arg1" "arg2 are very social arg1" "arg2 and all the wild arg1" "arg2 and other zoo arg1" "arg2 and other rescued arg1" "arg2 eat other arg1" "arg2 are not solitary arg1" "arg2 are grazing arg1" "arg2 and other hoofed arg1" "arg2 and other ferocious arg1" "arg2 are extremely social arg1" "arg2 are shy arg1" "arg2 are intelligent and social arg1" "arg2 and domesticated arg1" "arg2 are gregarious arg1" "arg2 are among the most intelligent arg1" "arg2 are very intelligent arg1" "arg2 are the biggest land arg1" "arg2 are highly intelligent and social arg1" "arg2 are intensely social arg1" "arg2 are still wild arg1" "arg2 and other fierce arg1" "arg2 are such social arg1" "arg2 are sociable arg1" "arg2 and other ground dwelling arg1" "arg2 are intelligent and sensitive arg1" "arg2 are the largest living land arg1" "arg2 and other large game arg1" "arg2 and other wild arg1" "arg2 and other prehistoric arg1" "arg2 are highly social arg1" "arg2 and other big game arg1" "arg2 and many other wild arg1" "arg2 are naturally social arg1" "arg2 are herd arg1" "arg2 are large and powerful arg1" "arg2 and other extinct arg1" "arg2 are naturally herd arg1" "arg2 are very curious arg1" "arg2 as pack arg1" "arg2 are pack arg1" "arg2 are the largest land arg1" "arg2 and other grazing arg1" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like bears and arg2" "arg1 and birds including arg2" "arg1 and birds like arg2" "arg1 such as rhinos and arg2" "arg1 including lions and arg2" "arg1 such as bears and arg2" "arg1 like hippos and arg2" "arg1 such as monkeys or arg2" "arg1 like wolves or arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 and birds such as arg2" "arg1 like leopards and arg2" "arg1 such as giraffes and arg2" "arg1 such as lions and arg2" "arg1 like lions and arg2" "arg1 like boar and arg2" "arg1 like tigers and arg2" ] using (wild_animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as Sumatran arg2" "arg1 such as zebras and arg2" "arg1 including rats and arg2" "arg1 like rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as lions and arg2" "arg1 such as cows and arg2" "arg1 ranging from mice to arg2" "arg1 such as cows or arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 such as rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as wolves and arg2" "arg1 like tigers and arg2" "arg1 like lions and arg2" ] using (mammals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like camels and arg2" "arg1 such as giraffes and arg2" "arg1 like tigers and arg2" "arg1 like pygmy arg2" "arg1 like bears and arg2" "arg1 like rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as lions and arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 such as birds and arg2" ] using (creatures, elephants)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like cows and arg2" "arg1 like zebras and arg2" "arg1 such as rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as sheep and arg2" "arg1 like giraffes and arg2" ] using (herbivores, elephants)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as lions and arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 like tigers and arg2" "arg1 such as Sumatran arg2" ] using (large_mammals, elephants)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as camels and arg2" "arg1 such as giraffes and arg2" "arg1 like camels and arg2" "arg1 like giraffes and arg2" ] using (zoo_animals, elephants)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
OE @806 (93.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 from ants to arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like dolphins and arg1" "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, creatures)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, larger_animals)
OE @830 (97.1%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are used as draft arg1" "arg2 are very social arg1" "arg2 and all the wild arg1" "arg2 and other zoo arg1" "arg2 and other rescued arg1" "arg2 are not solitary arg1" "arg2 are grazing arg1" "arg2 and other hoofed arg1" "arg2 and other ferocious arg1" "arg2 are extremely social arg1" "arg2 are herbivorous arg1" "arg2 are intelligent and social arg1" "arg2 and various other exotic arg1" "arg2 are the biggest land arg1" "arg2 are highly intelligent and social arg1" "arg2 are still wild arg1" "arg2 and many more wild arg1" "arg2 and other stuffed arg1" "arg2 are sociable arg1" "arg2 are intelligent and sensitive arg1" "arg2 are the largest living land arg1" "arg2 are kept as domestic arg1" "arg2 are highly social arg1" "arg2 are herd arg1" "arg2 are large and powerful arg1" "arg2 are naturally herd arg1" "arg2 as pack arg1" "arg2 are pack arg1" "arg2 are the largest land arg1" "arg2 and other grazing arg1" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like bears and arg2" "arg1 such as rhinos and arg2" "arg1 including lions and arg2" "arg1 such as bears and arg2" "arg1 like hippos and arg2" "arg1 such as monkeys or arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 such as giraffes and arg2" "arg1 such as lions and arg2" "arg1 like lions and arg2" "arg1 like tigers and arg2" ] using (wild_animals, elephants)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as camels and arg2" "arg1 such as giraffes and arg2" "arg1 like camels and arg2" "arg1 like giraffes and arg2" ] using (zoo_animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of wildebeest or arg2" "arg1 of plains game such as arg2" "arg1 of Buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of giraffes and arg2" "arg1 of buffalos and arg2" "arg1 of buffaloes and arg2" "arg1 of antelopes and arg2" "arg1 of zebra or arg2" "arg1 of zebra and arg2" "arg1 of wildebeest and arg2" "arg1 of young bull arg2" "arg1 of stampeding arg2" "arg1 of antelope and arg2" "arg1 of wildebeests and arg2" "arg1 of wild Asian arg2" "arg1 of Zebras and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of zebras and arg2" ] using (herds, elephants)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of buffalo or arg2" "arg1 of stampeding arg2" "arg1 of zebra and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of nine Asian arg2" "arg1 of young bull arg2" "arg1 of wild Asian arg2" "arg1 after herd of arg2" "arg1 of about DD wild arg2" "arg1 of sixty or more arg2" "arg1 of elephants arg2" ] using (herd, elephants)
CPL @967 (99.2%) on 26-dec-2015 [ "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of antelopes and arg2" "arg1 of Buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of Zebras and arg2" "arg1 of buffaloes and arg2" "arg1 of buffalos and arg2" ] using (large_herds, elephants)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and Asiatic black arg1" "arg2 and grizzly arg1" "arg2 and sloth arg1" "arg2 and Sloth arg1" ] using (bears, elephants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of cattle or arg2" "arg1 of wildebeest or arg2" "arg1 of plains game such as arg2" "arg1 of giraffes and arg2" "arg1 of rhinos and arg2" "arg1 of buffalos and arg2" "arg1 of buffaloes and arg2" "arg1 of antelopes and arg2" "arg1 of zebra or arg2" "arg1 of zebra and arg2" "arg1 of wildebeest and arg2" "arg1 of stampeding arg2" "arg1 of antelope and arg2" "arg1 of wildebeests and arg2" "arg1 of wild Asian arg2" "arg1 of grazing arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of ungulates and arg2" "arg1 of real wild arg2" "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of zebras and arg2" ] using (herds, elephants)
CPL @665 (96.9%) on 03-dec-2012 [ "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of antelopes and arg2" "arg1 of buffaloes and arg2" "arg1 of buffalos and arg2" ] using (large_herds, elephants)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very vocal arg2" ] using (elephants, creatures)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as cheetahs and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" ] using (elephants, endangered_species)
OE @806 (95.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as zebras and arg1" "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 such as dwarf arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" "arg2 found here include arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 ranging from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 like apes and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" ] using (elephants, social_animals)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 and domesticated arg1" "arg2 and animals including arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
OE @806 (93.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
SEAL @671 (50.2%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 12 ] using (herd, elephants)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of buffalo or arg2" "arg1 of DD wild arg2" "arg1 of stampeding arg2" "arg1 of zebra and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of grazing arg2" "arg1 of wild Asian arg2" "arg1 of about DD wild arg2" ] using (herd, elephants)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (elephants, leaves)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood leaves", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (elephants, leaves)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (elephants, leaves)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood leaves", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (elephants, leaves)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (elephants, leaves)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood leaves", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (elephants, leaves)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (elephants, leaves)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "elephants animaleatfood leaves", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (elephants, leaves)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, megafauna)
OE @806 (95.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as zebras and arg1" "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 such as dwarf arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" "arg2 found here include arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 ranging from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 from mice to arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 or other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, beasts)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds including arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys or arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 and birds such as arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like chimpanzees and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds including arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys or arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 and birds such as arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like chimpanzees and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds including arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys or arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 and birds such as arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like chimpanzees and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gorillas and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like gorillas and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" "arg2 such as buffalo and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as Sumatran arg1" "arg2 such as antelope and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 of prey and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 of prey and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as chimpanzees and arg1" "arg2 such as camels and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, circus_animals)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, megafauna)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 in the park include arg1" "arg2 of prey and arg1" "arg2 such as wild arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like monkeys and arg1" "arg2 like giraffes and arg1" "arg2 like pygmy arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, things)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 are intelligent arg2" "arg1 are used as draft arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 and all the wild arg2" "arg1 and other zoo arg2" "arg1 and other rescued arg2" "arg1 eat other arg2" "arg1 are not solitary arg2" "arg1 are WILD arg2" "arg1 are grazing arg2" "arg1 and other hoofed arg2" "arg1 and other birds and arg2" "arg1 and other ferocious arg2" "arg1 and other terrestrial arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are shy arg2" "arg1 are herbivorous arg2" "arg1 are intelligent and social arg2" "arg1 and various other exotic arg2" "arg1 and other game arg2" "arg1 and domesticated arg2" "arg1 and bears and other arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are among the most intelligent arg2" "arg1 are very intelligent arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and caged arg2" "arg1 evolved from other arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are still wild arg2" "arg1 and many more wild arg2" "arg1 and other fierce arg2" "arg1 and other rare species of arg2" "arg1 are such social arg2" "arg1 and other stuffed arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are sociable arg2" "arg1 and other ground dwelling arg2" "arg1 are migratory arg2" "arg1 are herding arg2" "arg1 are the largest living land arg2" "arg1 are one of the smartest arg2" "arg1 and a variety of wild arg2" "arg1 and hoofed arg2" "arg1 and all exotic arg2" "arg1 as well as other wild arg2" "arg1 and other large game arg2" "arg1 and other jungle arg2" "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are kept as domestic arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 and other big game arg2" "arg1 are very smart arg2" "arg1 and many other wild arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" "arg1 are naturally social arg2" "arg1 as guard arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are large and powerful arg2" "arg1 or any other wild arg2" "arg1 are very sensitive arg2" "arg1 are very curious arg2" "arg1 are considered sacred arg2" "arg1 as pack arg2" "arg1 are social arg2" "arg1 are pack arg2" "arg1 and other captive arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @163 (50.0%) on 13-nov-2010 [ 1 ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, megafauna)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as seals and arg1" "arg2 like whales and arg1" "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as wolves and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
OE @806 (93.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, mammals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 such as rhinos and arg1" "arg2 including lions and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like leopards and arg1" "arg2 such as crocodiles and arg1" "arg2 like snakes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 found in the park include arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 such as whales and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 and domesticated arg1" "arg2 and animals including arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 and domesticated arg1" "arg2 and animals including arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like rhinos and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, megafauna)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mammals including arg1" "arg2 and domesticated arg1" "arg2 and animals including arg1" ] using (elephants, birds)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are very destructive arg1" "arg2 and other ground dwelling arg1" "arg2 are social arg1" ] using (animals, elephants)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 including rats and arg1" "arg2 such as monkeys and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as cows and arg1" "arg2 such as cows or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as primates and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" ] using (elephants, mammals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like bears and arg1" "arg2 and birds like arg1" "arg2 such as bears and arg1" "arg2 like wolves or arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 such as giraffes and arg1" "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 like lions and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, wild_animals)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as lions and arg1" "arg2 such as tigers and arg1" "arg2 like tigers and arg1" ] using (elephants, large_mammals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
SEAL @177 (93.8%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 1234 ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:relatedto,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other wild arg2" "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are gregarious arg2" "arg1 are very social arg2" "arg1 are intensely social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 are the largest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are wild arg2" "arg1 are extremely intelligent arg2" "arg1 and humans are the only arg2" "arg1 are very adaptable arg2" "arg1 are highly sociable arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" "arg1 are extremely social arg2" "arg1 are highly intelligent arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (elephants, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (elephants, animals)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are highly social arg2" "arg1 are the biggest land arg2" "arg1 and other grazing arg2" "arg1 are herd arg2" ] using (animals, elephants)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, elephants)
CPL @1082 (87.5%) on 04-dec-2017 [ "arg1 like rhinos and arg2" "arg1 such as tigers and arg2" "arg1 like lions and arg2" ] using (larger_animals, elephants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to rare and endangered arg2" "arg1 to an abundance of arg2" "arg1 to some rare arg2" ] using (home, elephants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to rare and endangered arg2" "arg1 to an abundance of arg2" "arg1 to some rare arg2" ] using (home, elephants)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are very destructive arg1" "arg2 and other ground dwelling arg1" "arg2 are social arg1" ] using (animals, elephants)