CPL @1097 (68.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ were milked in" "_ ' udders" "_ were fed a diet" "body condition in _" "_ ' coats" "clinical signs in _" "_ are purebreds" "culling of infected _" "blood serum of _" "_ fed hay" "small herd of _" "_ are home-raised" "noisy flocks of _" "pasturing of _" "breeding of _" "_ ' teats" "_ are slaughtered each year" "_ often give birth" "_ were slaughtered after" "flock of DDD+ _" "_ graze in" "_ ' natural instincts" "_ fed a diet" "grain fed to _" "mixed bred _" "_ experimentally infected with" "uteri of _" "number of purebred _" "_ 's milk" "home raised _" "_ ' diets" "_ fed a diet low" "_ immunized against" "_ typically give birth" "Small herds of _" "milk from infected _" "flock of DD+ _" "_ are fed large amounts" "_ graze on" "many herds of _" "_ sold steady" "_ reach sexual maturity" "_ immunized with" "feces of infected _" "_ ' milk" "_ roaming freely on" "udders of _" "number of pregnant _" "flock of _" "_ fed indoors" "you have young _" "herd of bighorn _" "first flock of _" "_ are bred each year" "_ are pastured on" "_ were euthanized with" "_ were anesthetized by" "own flock of _" "fine flock of _" "supplement formulated for _" "_ are shorn once a year" "_ ' hooves" "_ are excellent mothers" "_ are only fertile" "_ produce more milk" "_ ' milk cheese" "supplemental feeding of _" "_ were immunized with" "different breeds of _" "few flocks of _" "_ were anesthetized with" "_ are milked in" "quality purebred _" "_ fed diets" "Different breeds of _" "_ licked the blood" "_ fed high levels" "_ were housed individually in" "_ are shorn in" "small flock of _" "many different breeds of _" "_ fed the control diet" "_ were anaesthetized with" "_ fed soybean meal" "herd of _" "_ ’ milk" "flock of white _" "herds of _" "active immunisation of _" "_ pasturing on" "_ are vaccinated for" "_ weaned at" "huge flocks of _" "_ fed ad libitum" "_ chronically treated with" "_ are seasonal breeders" "_ were necropsied" "hormones given to _" "flock of fat _" "grain is fed to _" "milk from healthy _" "_ are grazed on" "_ housed indoors" "_ are fed grain" "_ were grazed on" "breed of _" "estrus in _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "_ ' diet" "_ are grazing on" "vaccination of healthy _" "_ eat the grass" "_ were sacrificed at" "large herd of _" "_ are good mothers" "milk of transgenic _" "_ require more protein" "_ were fasted for" "live weight of _" "_ are sired by" "body weights of _" "milk production in _" "_ were grazing in" "_ were bred with" ] using ewes