CPL @1111 (51.8%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "_ are n't rodents" "_ has ear mites" "breeding of _" "_ were strays" "domestic animals such as _" "_ 's normal body temperature" "herd of _" "_ 's regular diet" "_ 's natural instincts" "favorite pet is _" "adorable pictures of _" "_ once ranged over" "small animal like _" "_ 's nails" "predators such as _" "_ is a sociable animal" "mammals except for _" "_ did not have rabies" "vet care for _" "pets , such as _" "_ caged for" "_ 's large ears" "_ is scratching a lot" "_ have been domesticated for" "furry animals such as _" "_ 's poop" "other mammals , such as _" "different breeds of _" "_ named Sammy" "_ named Taz" "house trained _" "rough play with _" "animals such as _" "_ named Rascal" "_ had rabies" "mammals , such as _" "heartworm disease in _" "she gets along great with _" "_ is a small mammal" "mammals like _" "_ needing a good home" "_ 's milk" "blue eyed white _" "carnivores , such as _" "_ 's main food source" "heartworm infection in _" "veterinary care for _" "fursona is _" "_ is a social animal" "_ have poor vision" "_ is a solitary animal" "_ breeding center" "pets such as _" "flea control products for _" "man evolved from _" "collars worn by _" "_ 's crate" "_ are solitary animals" "liver failure in _" "pets , including _" "ear mites in _" "normal body temperature for _" "lymphosarcoma in _" "aversion learning in _" "well behaved _" "male albino _" "furry friends , including _" "estrus in _" "_ named Kiki" "mammals including _" "person adopting _" "critters including _" "_ 's front paw" "_ 's grooming needs" "Other animals such as _" "_ named Silver" "you euthanize _" "_ getting rabies" "_ wears a collar" "owner surrendered _" "_ named Kirby" "_ is a mammal" "adrenal disease in _" "_ loved playing in" "ocular diseases in _" "curiosity killed _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "_ being adopted from" "_ do something cute" "heartworm positive _" "_ 's poo" "mammal related to _" "native predators such as _" "intestinal blockage in _" "harborer of _" "predator such as _" "rabies from _" "hyperadrenocorticism in _" "_ named Jasper" "_ named Marley" "body weight gain in _" "carnivores like _" "healthy , well adjusted _" "_ named Coco" "_ has been vaccinated against" "_ do n't mind the taste" "_ 's toenail" "harness worn by _" "_ 's natural diet" ] using ferret
MBL @1116 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of arthropod:flea arthropodcanbeveryirritatingtomammal mammal:ferret ] using concept:arthropod:flea
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 control products for arg2" "arg1 control for my arg2" "arg1 infestation in your arg2" "arg1 and tick medication for arg2" ] using (flea, ferret)