CPL @1096 (82.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ were having a ball" "leashes for _" "companionship of other _" "I get along well with other _" "water bowls for _" "_ are natural hunters" "_ ’ paws" "_ eat the grass" "_ are clean animals" "doggie treats for _" "well behaved _" "manners with other _" "_ roam free" ] using four_legged_friends
CPL @1097 (69.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "I get along well with other _" "water bowls for _" "_ are natural hunters" "_ ’ paws" "_ eat the grass" "doggie treats for _" "well behaved _" ] using four_legged_friends
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (99.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 owners give their arg2" "arg1 owners allow their arg2" "arg1 lovers and their arg2" "arg1 owners to keep their arg2" "arg1 owners who leave their arg2" "arg1 owners feel their arg2" "arg1 owners to let their arg2" "arg1 food and treats for your arg2" ] using (dog, four_legged_friends)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (four_legged_friends, pet)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 owners give their arg2" "arg1 owners allow their arg2" "arg1 lovers and their arg2" "arg1 owners to keep their arg2" "arg1 owners to let their arg2" "arg1 food and treats for your arg2" ] using (dog, four_legged_friends)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (four_legged_friends, pet)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (four_legged_friends, pet)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (four_legged_friends, pet)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (four_legged_friends, pet)
CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 owners give their arg1" "arg2 owners allow their arg1" "arg2 lovers and their arg1" "arg2 owners to keep their arg1" "arg2 owners who leave their arg1" "arg2 owners feel their arg1" "arg2 owners to let their arg1" "arg2 food and treats for your arg1" ] using (four_legged_friends, dog)