CPL @1104 (76.3%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "larger breeds of _" "pack of stray _" "packs of hungry _" "_ were bred with" "mixed breeds of _" "packs of feral _" "European breeds of _" "_ have high energy levels" "_ make good house pets" "breed of white _" "_ were originally bred for" "_ are family pets" "_ are not pets" "_ make excellent hunters" "_ were barking in" "_ have long ears" "other breeds of _" "_ are house pets" "few breeds of _" "_ are not bred for" "he gets along well with other _" "_ bark for" "_ eat sheep" "several other breeds of _" "_ find forever homes" "_ are independent creatures" "_ chasing a hare" "_ have an incredible sense" "_ really have fun" "_ have excellent noses" "_ yelping at" "_ wear collars" "_ have excellent sense" "pack of hungry _" "beasts , like _" "_ were barking at" "radio collared _" "_ wearing radio collars" "_ running loose on" "veterinary care for _" "baying of _" "dogs are small _" "sabre toothed _" "certain breeds of _" "aggression towards other _" "breeding of _" "home raised _" "several breeds of _" "breed of _" "_ find loving" "distant baying of _" "fox hunting with _" "foster homes for _" "predation by _" "joints of young _" "_ are very playful" "_ are kenneled in" "pack of vicious _" "favorite breed of _" "_ ' diets" "wolf attacks on _" "_ barking in" "lives of homeless _" "_ do bark" "_ are AKC" "pack of ferocious _" "distant barking of _" "radio collars on _" "_ requiring homes" "first breed of _" "Different breeds of _" "pack of savage _" "_ ' tails" "humane treatment of _" "_ ’ teeth" "small breed of _" "_ sniffing the ground" "animals such as _" "special breeds of _" "children , other _" "whole herd of _" "couple of spoiled _" "couple of hungry _" "_ are sight hounds" "obedience training for _" "modern breeds of _" "He is great around _" "_ ' coats" "rehoming of _" "_ lost the scent" "_ were bred as" "herd of _" "pure bred _" "_ follow prey" "_ wore collars" "GPS collars on _" "_ need more exercise" "_ specially trained for" "fine breeds of _" "hares with _" "hungry pack of _" "howling of _" "Various breeds of _" "loving homes for _" "more humane treatment of _" "mange in _" "_ killing a deer" "_ ' nails" "vicious pack of _" "fed to _" "_ love the challenge" "_ prowl in" "wolves look like _" "_ are hunting dogs" "various breeds of _" "_ chase rabbits" "_ are killed for" "several different breeds of _" "_ make good family pets" "_ are very affectionate" "_ euthanized in" "_ roaming the moors" "_ are better hunters" "chariots drawn by _" "foster program for _" "_ are very social" "_ run loose through" "dangerous breed of _" "he is around other _" "_ are beloved pets" "_ swam after" "well behaved _" "_ ' tummies" "specific breeds of _" "cute photos of _" "pack of starved _" "homes for homeless _" "_ find loving homes" "He is great with _" "_ needing homes" "breeds of small _" "_ run loose at" "barks like _" "re-homing of _" "_ came bounding out of" "_ are unadoptable" "horses , hunting _" "_ awaiting adoption" "pack of trained _" "_ are pack animals" "_ were working animals" "wild pack of _" "_ make great family pets" "many breeds of _" "drug sniffing _" "distant howling of _" "different breeds of _" "_ are scent hounds" "_ were howling in" "Irish bred _" "pack of feral _" "I get along great with _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "cruelty to _" "social skills with other _" "AKC registered _" "UKC registered _" "_ are barking at" "_ were interbred with" "_ were hunted in" "_ bark a lot" "_ ' barks" "necessary veterinary care for _" "old breeds of _" "wading pool for _" "pack of ravenous _" "ancient breeds of _" "barking of _" "_ awaiting homes" "howl like _" "young started _" "_ have great temperaments" "stampeding herd of _" "packs of wild _" "hunting scenes with _" "_ have found loving homes" "_ baying in" "_ need homes" "whinnying of _" "_ chased the deer" "pack of wild _" "leashes for _" "major breeds of _" ] using hounds
CPL @1108 (72.1%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "larger breeds of _" "pack of stray _" "_ were bred with" "mixed breeds of _" "packs of feral _" "European breeds of _" "_ make good house pets" "respiratory disease in _" "_ were originally bred for" "_ are family pets" "_ are not pets" "_ make excellent hunters" "_ have long ears" "other breeds of _" "_ are house pets" "few breeds of _" "_ are not bred for" "he gets along well with other _" "_ eat sheep" "several other breeds of _" "_ are pets first" "_ chasing a hare" "_ have an incredible sense" "_ have excellent noses" "_ yelping at" "_ wear collars" "_ have excellent sense" "_ have come home" "pack of hungry _" "_ were barking at" "_ scenting blood" "radio collared _" "_ wearing radio collars" "veterinary care for _" "baying of _" "sabre toothed _" "certain breeds of _" "aggression towards other _" "breeding of _" "home raised _" "several breeds of _" "breed of _" "_ find loving" "fox hunting with _" "foster homes for _" "We have been breeding _" "joints of young _" "_ are very playful" "pack of vicious _" "favorite breed of _" "fox among _" "_ ' diets" "_ barking in" "lives of homeless _" "_ do bark" "_ are AKC" "_ were let out of" "distant barking of _" "radio collars on _" "cages of live _" "_ became pets" "_ roam the neighborhood" "Different breeds of _" "pack of savage _" "humane treatment of _" "_ ’ teeth" "animals such as _" "_ are non-aggressive" "couple of hungry _" "obedience training for _" "_ ' coats" "rehoming of _" "_ lost the scent" "_ make wonderful companions" "family raised _" "herd of _" "_ are popular pets" "_ need more exercise" "_ specially trained for" "fine breeds of _" "Various breeds of _" "_ ' welfare" "loving homes for _" "more humane treatment of _" "vicious pack of _" "_ make excellent pets" "_ prowl in" "_ are hunting dogs" "various breeds of _" "several different breeds of _" "_ had mange" "chariot drawn by _" "_ euthanized in" "_ are better hunters" "chariots drawn by _" "foster program for _" "_ crossing roads" "dangerous breed of _" "he is around other _" "_ are beloved pets" "well behaved _" "_ ' tummies" "specific breeds of _" "homes for homeless _" "breeds of small _" "_ run loose at" "barks like _" "re-homing of _" "_ came bounding out of" "_ are unadoptable" "_ awaiting adoption" "They are very intelligent _" "_ are pack animals" "Collars for _" "wild pack of _" "permanent homes for _" "short faced _" "_ make great family pets" "many breeds of _" "drug sniffing _" "distant howling of _" "different breeds of _" "pair of hungry _" "_ were howling in" "Irish bred _" "pack of feral _" "few spotted _" "other rescued _" "I get along great with _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "cruelty to _" "social skills with other _" "AKC registered _" "_ are barking at" "fishing for _" "_ hunting near" "_ were hunted in" "_ bark a lot" "_ ' dung" "old breeds of _" "wading pool for _" "_ are raised in" "pack of ravenous _" "ancient breeds of _" "I started hunting _" "young started _" "stampeding herd of _" "packs of wild _" "flock of _" "_ baying in" "pack of wild _" "major breeds of _" ] using hounds
CPL @1108 (66.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "larger breeds of _" "pack of stray _" "_ were originally bred for" "other breeds of _" "_ are house pets" "_ are not bred for" "he gets along well with other _" "several other breeds of _" "_ are pets first" "_ have excellent noses" "_ have excellent sense" "pack of hungry _" "_ were barking at" "_ scenting blood" "_ do cry" "baying of _" "sabre toothed _" "Larger breeds of _" "certain breeds of _" "breeding of _" "_ bounded through" "fox hunting with _" "predation by _" "_ do bark" "pack of ferocious _" "distant barking of _" "cages of live _" "_ became pets" "feed is given to _" "_ roam the neighborhood" "Different breeds of _" "pack of savage _" "animals such as _" "couple of spoiled _" "rehoming of _" "_ lost the scent" "_ usually hunt in" "_ make wonderful companions" "family raised _" "fine breeds of _" "several different breeds of _" "chariot drawn by _" "_ euthanized in" "chariots drawn by _" "_ run loose through" "_ are beloved pets" "specific breeds of _" "_ run loose at" "barks like _" "_ bounding along" "horses , hunting _" "pack of trained _" "_ are pack animals" "many breeds of _" "different breeds of _" "creatures including _" "pack of feral _" "breeds of _" "animals like _" "UKC registered _" "animals , such as _" "old breeds of _" "pack of ravenous _" "ancient breeds of _" "_ love chasing after" "_ awaiting homes" "sound of hungry _" "stampeding herd of _" "packs of wild _" "pack of wild _" "major breeds of _" ] using hounds
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make wonderful family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 make good family arg1" "arg2 that are kept as arg1" "arg2 are house arg1" "arg2 make good house arg1" ] using (pets, hounds)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make wonderful family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make wonderful family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make wonderful family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make wonderful family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 make great family arg2" "arg1 make good family arg2" "arg1 that are kept as arg2" "arg1 are house arg2" "arg1 make good house arg2" ] using (hounds, pets)