CPL @1094 (97.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "great herd of _" "bird life including _" "immense herds of _" "Huge herds of _" "enormous herds of _" "species including _" "great herds of _" "many species of _" "huge herds of _" "herds of _" "wildlife including _" "trophy hunting for _" "large herds of _" "vast herds of _" "big herds of _" "Large herds of _" ] using plains_game
CPL @1098 (97.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "great herd of _" "bird life including _" "feeding grounds for _" "migrating herds of _" "immense herds of _" "Huge herds of _" "_ roam freely in" "enormous herds of _" "_ still roam free" "migration route for _" "herd of _" "great herds of _" "_ still roam in" "huge herds of _" "Vast herds of _" "spectacular sightings of _" "free ranging _" "herds of _" "wildlife including _" "large herds of _" "wildlife , from _" "animal species including _" "_ roaming free" "_ migrating between" "vast herds of _" "_ graze peacefully on" "big herds of _" "Large herds of _" "_ roaming the park" ] using plains_game
CPL @1095 (94.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "great herd of _" "abundant herds of _" "migrating herds of _" "immense herds of _" "Huge herds of _" "excellent hunting for _" "_ roam freely in" "enormous herds of _" "_ still roam free" "herd of _" "great herds of _" "_ including lion" "_ still roam in" "huge herds of _" "numerous herds of _" "regular sightings of _" "small herds of _" "Vast herds of _" "_ roaming the plains" "spectacular sightings of _" "herds of _" "_ grazing on" "wildlife including _" "trophy hunting for _" "large herds of _" "animal species including _" "_ roaming free" "vast herds of _" "_ graze peacefully on" "large heard of _" "big herds of _" "_ grazing in" "Large herds of _" "_ roaming the park" ] using plains_game
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of cattle and arg2" "arg1 of elephant and arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and arg2" "arg1 of elephants and arg2" "arg1 of wildebeest and other arg2" "arg1 of buffalo and other arg2" "arg1 of elephants and other arg2" ] using (herds, plains_game)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @668 (87.5%) on 12-dec-2012 [ "arg1 of elephants and arg2" "arg1 of elephants and other arg2" "arg1 of wildebeest and other arg2" ] using (large_herds, plains_game)