CPL @1107 (71.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ grazing near" "mammals , like _" "summer range for _" "_ usually give birth" "herd of _" "local herd of _" "trophy hunting of _" "grazers like _" "herd of wild _" "huge herd of _" "animals such as _" "coyote predation on _" "_ roamed North America" "ungulates like _" "animals like _" "gastrointestinal parasites in _" "breeding of _" "other subspecies of _" "_ were grazing near" "_ once ranged throughout" "animal called _" "few herds of _" "mammals like _" "exotic animals as _" "big herd of _" "population control for _" "small herds of _" "herd of female _" "smaller game such as _" "_ have no predators" "_ grazing along" "wild animals , including _" "wildlife including _" "large herds of _" "wildlife species such as _" "impressive herds of _" "winter range for _" "wildlife species like _" "herd of native _" "several herds of _" "vast herds of _" "game species like _" "_ were hunted in" "_ is the only mammal" "glassing for _" "large mammals , including _" "summer forage for _" "game animals like _" "mammals , including _" "_ are ruminants" "small herd of _" "mammals such as _" "first herd of _" "herds of _" "large mammals , like _" "huge herds of _" "_ have excellent eyesight" "Other animals , like _" "larger mammals like _" "migrating herd of _" "many herds of _" ] using pronghorn
MBL @683 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2013 [ Promotion of animal:pronghorn mammalsuchasmammal animal:caribou ]
SEAL @677 (66.1%) on 31-dec-2012 [ 12 ] using pronghorn
SEAL @9 (50.0%) on 13-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using pronghorn
CPL @1097 (76.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "mammals , like _" "herd of _" "trophy hunting of _" "dozen species of _" "species , including _" "animals , like _" "herd of wild _" "huge herd of _" "animals such as _" "ungulates like _" "animals like _" "gastrointestinal parasites in _" "breeding of _" "_ are polygamous" "_ are common residents" "other subspecies of _" "_ were grazing near" "_ once ranged throughout" "few herds of _" "feeding of wild _" "mammals like _" "world’s population of _" "exotic animals as _" "big herd of _" "population control for _" "herd of female _" "Many species such as _" "smaller game such as _" "living relatives of _" "free ranging _" "wildlife species , such as _" "wild animals , including _" "wildlife including _" "_ are commonly seen from" "large herds of _" "wildlife species such as _" "wildlife , like _" "wildlife like _" "migration routes for _" "wildlife species , including _" "wildlife , such as _" "winter habitat for _" "herd of native _" "several herds of _" "vast herds of _" "wildlife , including _" "game species like _" "_ were hunted in" "other species , including _" "large mammals , including _" "summer forage for _" "_ have binocular vision" "game animals like _" "mammals , including _" "_ are ruminants" "small herd of _" "serious predators of _" "mammals such as _" "herds of _" "large mammals , like _" "huge herds of _" "Other animals , like _" "many herds of _" ] using pronghorn
SEAL @778 (60.8%) on 13-oct-2013 [ 1 ] using pronghorn
CPL @1100 (73.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "mammals , like _" "trophy hunting of _" "_ 's diet" "terrestrial animals such as _" "animals , like _" "grazers like _" "forage for _" "herd of wild _" "animals such as _" "species such as _" "animals like _" "gastrointestinal parasites in _" "breeding of _" "_ are common residents" "_ were grazing near" "feeding of wild _" "mammals like _" "predators , including _" "species including _" "_ is a large mammal" "wildlife species , such as _" "wildlife including _" "large herds of _" "wildlife species such as _" "wildlife , like _" "wildlife like _" "wildlife , such as _" "wildlife species like _" "winter habitat for _" "herd of native _" "several herds of _" "vast herds of _" "wildlife , including _" "such exotic animals as _" "game species like _" "_ is the only mammal" "summer forage for _" "game animals like _" "animals , including _" "animals , such as _" "mammals , including _" "_ are ruminants" "small herd of _" "mammals such as _" "herds of _" "large mammals , like _" "huge herds of _" "Other animals , like _" "migrating herd of _" "many herds of _" ] using pronghorn
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey