CMC @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=ray 1.74478 LASTPREFIX=an 1.51276 CHARS 1.33208 SUFFIX=mals 1.31570 LASTSUFFIX=mals 1.25204 LASTSUFFIX=als 1.09280 SUFFIX=als 0.98535 PREFIX=stra -0.57082 FULL_POS=JJ_NNS -0.78036 WORDS -5.31997 ] using stray_animals
CPL @1113 (63.1%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "_ roam the area" "spaying/neutering of _" "good homes for _" "humane treatment of _" "_ euthanized in" "thousands of feral _" "_ roam freely throughout" "loving homes for _" "cruelty against _" "cruel treatment of _" "_ cross roads" "_ running free in" "_ are cared for until" "_ including dogs" "_ are euthanized in" "problem of homeless _" "_ roaming free" "inhumane killing of _" "_ facing euthanasia" "_ enter shelters" ] using stray_animals
CPL @1107 (70.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ roam the area" "spaying/neutering of _" "_ find loving homes" "good homes for _" "humane treatment of _" "_ euthanized in" "thousands of feral _" "adoption programs for _" "_ roam freely throughout" "loving homes for _" "cruelty against _" "_ have puppies" "cruel treatment of _" "_ often wander into" "_ are cared for until" "_ needing homes" "_ roam at" "_ are euthanized in" "problem of homeless _" "_ entering animal shelters" "_ have fleas" "_ euthanized every year" "_ roaming free" "_ being euthanized every year" "homes for as many _" "inhumane killing of _" "_ facing euthanasia" "_ enter shelters" "_ need good homes" "_ grazing on" "_ ' medical bills" ] using stray_animals