CPL @1097 (87.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "growth hormone secretion in _" "importation of live _" "herds of wild _" "breeding of domestic _" "ungulates such as _" "heritage breeds of _" "several animal species , including _" "coyotes , feral _" "imports of live _" "wolves , wild _" "pearls before _" "various breeds of _" "wild boar , feral _" "Many species such as _" "reproduction in female _" "animal species including _" "trapping of feral _" "white muscle disease in _" "_ become feral" "living raising _" "herds of _" "welfare of domestic _" "white-tailed deer , wild _" "white-tailed deer , feral _" "trade in live _" "_ infected experimentally with" "mammals , including _" "livestock such as _" "transport of live _" "feed fed to _" "_ named Wilbur" "scavengers like _" "presence of feral _" "contagious viral disease of _" "wild herd of _" "feces of infected _" "unusual breeds of _" "_ vaccinated for" "_ immunized with" "mammals such as _" "humane slaughter of _" "signs in affected _" "pressure in conscious _" "reproductive performance in _" "other species including _" "particular breeds of _" "several herds of _" "other animals such as _" "indigenous breeds of _" "many other breeds of _" "large animals such as _" "other species , including _" "white breed of _" "clinical signs in _" "deer , wild _" "internal parasites in _" "other animals , such as _" "trade of live _" "large herds of _" "impacts of feral _" "vast herds of _" "creatures , such as _" "mammals , such as _" "American breeds of _" "sturdy breed of _" "_ are not ruminants" "favorite breed of _" "huge herd of _" "vaccination of healthy _" "trap feral _" "many mammals including _" "popular breed of _" "slaughtering of _" "_ were unclean animals" "intestinal tracts of _" "domestic animals , such as _" "great herds of _" "import of live _" "breeds of domestic _" "_ experimentally infected with" "_ are dirty animals" "_ are slaughtered for" "_ are raised under" "subspecies of wild _" "_ slaughtered each year" "animals , except _" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "_ reared for" "cats , miniature _" "Animals such as _" "artery ligation in _" "_ slaughtered at" "herd of wild _" "flock of _" "_ have free run" "mammals like _" "Great herds of _" "farm animals like _" "feed efficiency in _" "large herd of _" "pack of hungry _" "large animals , like _" "laboratory animals such as _" "raccoons , feral _" "larger animals such as _" "humans , domestic _" "intelligent breed of _" "_ are unclean animals" "_ fed diets" "herd of feral _" "lions , wild _" "other breed of _" "killing of wild _" "number of feral _" "issue of feral _" "large populations of feral _" "big herd of _" "diseases of domestic _" "huge herds of _" "infection in domestic _" "respiratory diseases of _" "problem of feral _" "milking cows , feeding _" "several breeds of _" "tail docking of _" "gastrointestinal tracts of _" "few head of _" "exports of live _" "_ are omnivorous" "carcass characteristics of _" "animals , like _" "specific breeds of _" "_ are fed grain" "enormous herd of _" "enormous herds of _" "several animal species including _" "other livestock such as _" "_ were domesticated about" "humane euthanasia of _" "immense herds of _" "breeder of purebred _" "_ fed a normal diet" "excellent feed for _" "estrus in _" "pigs , feral _" "uteri of _" "_ have come home" "_ are a non-native species" "pets including _" "deer , feral _" "_ are naturally clean animals" "cows , feeding _" "_ roaming free" "_ were slaughtered after" "carcasses of infected _" "reproductive traits in _" "infections in domestic _" "factory farming of _" "rabbits , feral _" "_ fed diets deficient" "normal body temperature for _" "lymphosarcoma in _" "feed additives for _" "quality nutrition for _" "Livestock , such as _" "feed supplements for _" "animals including _" "family raised _" "herd of _" "domestic animals such as _" "herd of red _" "antelope , wild _" "population of feral _" "price of live _" "respiratory disease of _" "domesticated animals such as _" "_ showing clinical signs" "animals , domestic _" "breeders of purebred _" "different breeds of _" "_ are not an animal" "other breeds of _" "populations of feral _" "secretions of infected _" "single herd of _" "coccidiosis in _" "gastric ulceration in _" "infection of domestic _" "breed of _" "animal species such as _" "_ were anesthetized with" "carcass quality of _" "domestic animals , including _" "_ are naturally carnivorous" "boar , feral _" "_ naturally infected with" "livestock , such as _" "management of feral _" "ceca of _" "pasturing of _" "problems with feral _" "Internal organs of _" "_ 's tusks" "hunting of feral _" "humane care of _" "herd of hungry _" "feed consumed by _" "_ are frequently infected with" "other animals including _" "pure breeds of _" "_ fed high doses" "_ are raised in" "meat from infected _" "information on feral _" "meat of wild _" "Large animals such as _" "_ are eating everything" "humane handling of _" "edible tissues of _" "many herds of _" "external parasite of _" "_ fed the control" "_ are fed grains" "caging of _" "_ are primarily nocturnal" "_ feeding close by" "smaller animals such as _" "Humane treatment of _" "impact of feral _" "information about feral _" "_ consume a wide variety" "_ found running at" "breed of domestic _" "numbers of feral _" "respiratory disease in _" "blood serum of _" "damage caused by feral _" "_ feeding beside" "domestic breeds of _" "_ are adaptable animals" "environmental enrichment for _" "alternative food for _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "_ fed antibiotics" "numbers of wild _" "number of purebred _" "successful breeder of _" "exotic breeds of _" "Large herds of _" "large population of feral _" "larger animals , including _" "hog , wild _" "_ breeding center" "population of wild _" "health of domestic _" "great herd of _" "big herds of _" "small herd of _" "vitamin requirements for _" "_ were slaughtered for" "pigs , wild _" "_ were fed a diet" "herd of beautiful _" "_ s snout" "pregnancy diagnosis in _" "predators like _" "close contact with infected _" "feed intended for _" "Livestock such as _" "dewormer for _" "certain breeds of _" "uncooked edible tissues of _" "monkeys , wild _" "farm animals such as _" "large numbers of feral _" "antelopes , wild _" "popular breeds of _" "many different breeds of _" "livestock including _" "number of farmed _" "fox , feral _" "descendants of domesticated _" "thousands of feral _" "dogs , feral _" "milk of transgenic _" "transportation of live _" "Other animals like _" "mammals including _" "_ fed rations" "herd of domestic _" "feral animals such as _" "gastric ulcers in _" "feces from other _" "_ do n't have sweat glands" "acid requirements of _" "species , including _" "veterinary care for _" "_ were culled in" "contact with domestic _" "removal of feral _" "deers , wild _" "secretions from infected _" "food animals such as _" "farm animals , including _" "goats , feral _" "disposal of dead _" "_ 's trotters" "_ fed a diet" "breeding of _" "breed of miniature _" "entire herd of _" "descendants of domestic _" "_ are the primary reservoir" "herd of miniature _" "Other animals , including _" "Various breeds of _" ] using swine
SEAL @196 (50.0%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using swine
CPL @1096 (83.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "species including _" "Experimental infection of _" "herds of wild _" "breeding of domestic _" "ungulates such as _" "heritage breeds of _" "several animal species , including _" "imports of live _" "wolves , wild _" "pearls before _" "wild boar , feral _" "reproduction in female _" "trapping of feral _" "white muscle disease in _" "_ are fed a special diet" "herds of _" "white-tailed deer , wild _" "white-tailed deer , feral _" "_ infected experimentally with" "_ were domesticated before" "virus jumped from _" "mammals , including _" "livestock such as _" "men herding _" "_ 's dung" "feed fed to _" "_ named Wilbur" "presence of feral _" "contagious viral disease of _" "unusual breeds of _" "mammals such as _" "humane slaughter of _" "pressure in conscious _" "several herds of _" "other animals such as _" "many other breeds of _" "large animals such as _" "deer , wild _" "trade of live _" "large herds of _" "impacts of feral _" "vast herds of _" "nematode infections in _" "mammals , such as _" "other species , such as _" "sturdy breed of _" "_ are not ruminants" "vaccination of healthy _" "trap feral _" "many mammals including _" "_ were unclean animals" "forage for _" "intestinal tracts of _" "domestic animals , such as _" "great herds of _" "monogastric animals such as _" "breeds of domestic _" "_ experimentally infected with" "_ are raised on" "infection in newborn _" "subspecies of wild _" "_ slaughtered each year" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "_ reared for" "Internal parasites in _" "Animals such as _" "herd of wild _" "mammals like _" "farm animals like _" "large herd of _" "pack of hungry _" "large animals , like _" "laboratory animals such as _" "larger animals such as _" "humans , domestic _" "_ are unclean animals" "_ fed diets" "food source for _" "herd of feral _" "lions , wild _" "number of feral _" "intestinal parasites of _" "issue of feral _" "large populations of feral _" "diseases of domestic _" "huge herds of _" "infection in domestic _" "milking cows , feeding _" "tail docking of _" "few head of _" "exports of live _" "carcass characteristics of _" "animals , like _" "specific breeds of _" "_ are fed grain" "enormous herd of _" "enormous herds of _" "herpesvirus of _" "several animal species including _" "other livestock such as _" "immense herds of _" "breeder of purebred _" "excellent feed for _" "pigs , feral _" "species , feral _" "pets including _" "deer , feral _" "_ are fascinating animals" "_ are naturally clean animals" "species such as _" "cows , feeding _" "carcasses of infected _" "infections in domestic _" "rabbits , feral _" "_ fed diets deficient" "lymphosarcoma in _" "animals , such as _" "many species of _" "_ are the intermediate host" "Livestock , such as _" "animals , including _" "commercial breeds of _" "animals including _" "glands of transgenic _" "family raised _" "domestic animals such as _" "herd of red _" "antelope , wild _" "population of feral _" "_ are called sows" "nutritional requirements of _" "price of live _" "respiratory disease of _" "domesticated animals such as _" "target species include _" "breeders of purebred _" "different breeds of _" "other breeds of _" "populations of feral _" "single herd of _" "coccidiosis in _" "shipments of live _" "boar , feral _" "_ naturally infected with" "pasturing of _" "problems with feral _" "domestic livestock such as _" "hunting of feral _" "feed consumed by _" "_ are frequently infected with" "diarrhea in young _" "other animals including _" "nutritional needs of _" "_ fed high doses" "meat from infected _" "Large animals such as _" "many herds of _" "_ fed the control" "_ are primarily nocturnal" "smaller animals such as _" "impact of feral _" "_ consume a wide variety" "breed of domestic _" "food for wild _" "_ feeding beside" "domestic breeds of _" "_ are adaptable animals" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "number of purebred _" "exotic breeds of _" "Large herds of _" "large population of feral _" "hog , wild _" "_ are an adaptable species" "great herd of _" "diets for _" "big herds of _" "small herd of _" "vitamin requirements for _" "pigs , wild _" "disease to domestic _" "colibacillosis in _" "herd of beautiful _" "predators like _" "close contact with infected _" "Livestock such as _" "certain breeds of _" "uncooked edible tissues of _" "monkeys , wild _" "farm animals such as _" "large numbers of feral _" "antelopes , wild _" "many different breeds of _" "fox , feral _" "livestock except _" "descendants of domesticated _" "dogs , feral _" "milk of transgenic _" "mammals including _" "herd of domestic _" "feral animals such as _" "_ were culled in" "removal of feral _" "deers , wild _" "food animals such as _" "goats , feral _" "_ 's trotters" "_ fed a diet" "breeding of _" "entire herd of _" "herd of miniature _" "Other animals , including _" "_ 's diet" ] using swine
SEAL @811 (57.6%) on 07-feb-2014 [ 1 ] using swine
LE @1049 (69.1%) on 14-apr-2017
MBL @1093 (100.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ Promotion of animal:swine animalistypeofanimal animal:animals ]
CPL @1096 (86.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "fine breed of _" "herds of wild _" "breeding of domestic _" "ungulates such as _" "coyotes , feral _" "herd of black _" "wolves , wild _" "pearls before _" "Clinical signs in _" "various breeds of _" "reproduction in female _" "animal species including _" "trapping of feral _" "white muscle disease in _" "_ become feral" "herds of _" "welfare of domestic _" "whole herds of _" "ungulates , such as _" "white-tailed deer , feral _" "use in pregnant _" "trade in live _" "_ roamed at" "_ infected experimentally with" "herds of feral _" "_ were domesticated before" "mammals , including _" "mammals other than _" "insemination of _" "livestock such as _" "_ 's dung" "transport of live _" "feed fed to _" "_ named Wilbur" "reproductive efficiency of _" "presence of feral _" "contagious viral disease of _" "wild herd of _" "Respiratory disease in _" "unusual breeds of _" "_ immunized with" "mammals such as _" "herd of several _" "humane slaughter of _" "pressure in conscious _" "reproductive performance in _" "production of purebred _" "particular breeds of _" "several herds of _" "mals such as _" "whole herd of _" "whip worms in _" "other animals such as _" "indigenous breeds of _" "many other breeds of _" "sheep among _" "large animals such as _" "white breed of _" "protein transgenic _" "clinical signs in _" "deer , wild _" "internal parasites in _" "pasture for _" "trade of live _" "large herds of _" "impacts of feral _" "vast herds of _" "upper respiratory tract of _" "large droves of _" "mammals , such as _" "American breeds of _" "sturdy breed of _" "_ are not ruminants" "favorite breed of _" "huge herd of _" "vaccination of healthy _" "trap feral _" "tusks of _" "band of feral _" "new herd of _" "many mammals including _" "popular breed of _" "heards of _" "slaughtering of _" "_ were unclean animals" "intestinal tracts of _" "domestic animals , such as _" "great herds of _" "breeds of domestic _" "_ experimentally infected with" "_ are dirty animals" "_ are slaughtered for" "infection in newborn _" "_ are raised under" "parasite control for _" "_ slaughtered each year" "animals such as _" "animals other than _" "Internal parasites in _" "cats , miniature _" "Animals such as _" "individual breed of _" "herd of wild _" "humans than in _" "mammals except _" "mammals like _" "Great herds of _" "farm animals like _" "large herd of _" "pack of hungry _" "laboratory animals such as _" "raccoons , feral _" "larger animals such as _" "humans , domestic _" "intelligent breed of _" "_ are unclean animals" "_ fed diets" "herd of feral _" "nearby herd of _" "lions , wild _" "other breed of _" "killing of wild _" "number of feral _" "intestinal parasites of _" "issue of feral _" "large populations of feral _" "higher producing _" "feed supplement for _" "numerous herds of _" "big herd of _" "experimental infection of _" "local breed of _" "large heard of _" "diseases of domestic _" "huge herds of _" "infection for other _" "infection in domestic _" "problem of feral _" "milking cows , feeding _" "herd of giant _" "several breeds of _" "tail docking of _" "enteropathy in _" "gastrointestinal tracts of _" "few head of _" "animals except _" "exports of live _" "carcass characteristics of _" "specific breeds of _" "_ are fed grain" "external parasites of _" "enormous herd of _" "enormous herds of _" "other livestock such as _" "_ were domesticated about" "humane euthanasia of _" "immense herds of _" "breeder of purebred _" "_ fed a normal diet" "excellent feed for _" "estrus in _" "pigs , feral _" "large intestine of _" "spread of feral _" "deer , feral _" "_ are naturally clean animals" "artificial insemination of _" "American breed of _" "Artificial insemination of _" "cows , feeding _" "_ roaming free" "_ pastured on" "_ grazing on" "pigs are called _" "superior breeds of _" "conception rates in _" "reproductive efficiency in _" "factory farming of _" "soybean meal for _" "rabbits , feral _" "pasturage for _" "herd of domesticated _" "_ fed diets deficient" "men herded _" "normal body temperature for _" "lymphosarcoma in _" "quality nutrition for _" "_ are not cats" "Livestock , such as _" "feed supplements for _" "_ immunized by" "herd of _" "domestic animals such as _" "herd of red _" "antelope , wild _" "ovulation rate in _" "population of feral _" "animals , feral _" "_ are called sows" "abortion in pregnant _" "domesticated animals such as _" "millions of feral _" "breeders of purebred _" "distribution of feral _" "different breeds of _" "group housed _" "_ are not an animal" "other breeds of _" "populations of feral _" "single herd of _" "infectious viral disease of _" "gastric ulceration in _" "breed of _" "_ were anesthetized with" "carcass quality of _" "feed rations for _" "animal means _" "domestic animals , including _" "_ are naturally carnivorous" "_ naturally infected with" "management of feral _" "active breed of _" "artificial insemination for _" "pasturing of _" "domestic livestock such as _" "_ 's tusks" "hunting of feral _" "humane care of _" "herd of hungry _" "feed consumed by _" "_ are frequently infected with" "diarrhea in young _" "_ were pastured" "other animals including _" "pure breeds of _" "_ fed high doses" "U.S. bred _" "meat from infected _" "information on feral _" "meat of wild _" "Large animals such as _" "_ are eating everything" "humane handling of _" "control of feral _" "_ roam free" "many herds of _" "muscle disease in _" "external parasite of _" "_ became feral" "_ are fed grains" "_ are primarily nocturnal" "smaller animals such as _" "Humane treatment of _" "impact of feral _" "information about feral _" "_ found running at" "breed of domestic _" "numbers of feral _" "blood serum of _" "_ feeding beside" "_ are bred in" "_ are adaptable animals" "astray like _" "environmental enrichment for _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "breeder of registered _" "_ fed antibiotics" "number of purebred _" "successful breeder of _" "cross , kill _" "lactation in _" "Large herds of _" "large population of feral _" "_ breeding center" "population of wild _" "great herd of _" "excellent breed of _" "animals , in particular _" "big herds of _" "E deficiency in _" "small herd of _" "_ were slaughtered for" "programs for feral _" "pigs , wild _" "_ were fed a diet" "many head of _" "mammal , including _" "herd of beautiful _" "feral pigs , feral _" "pregnancy diagnosis in _" "predators like _" "_ running loose on" "Livestock such as _" "dewormer for _" "certain breeds of _" "nutrient digestibility in _" "monkeys , wild _" "farm animals such as _" "antelopes , wild _" "popular breeds of _" "many different breeds of _" "massive herd of _" "livestock including _" "fox , feral _" "reproductive management of _" "feed intake of _" "exposure of pregnant _" "mange mites in _" "livestock except _" "descendants of domesticated _" "thousands of feral _" "dogs , feral _" "days herding _" "milk of transgenic _" "Other animals like _" "small breed of _" "mammals including _" "herd of domestic _" "feral animals such as _" "gastric ulcers in _" "animal called _" "veterinary care for _" "pure bred _" "euthanasia of _" "removal of feral _" "rare breeds of _" "deers , wild _" "food animals such as _" "hemorrhagic shock in _" "goats , feral _" "disposal of dead _" "endometritis in _" "critters including _" "_ 's trotters" "_ fed a diet" "population of domestic _" "breeding of _" "breed of miniature _" "entire herd of _" "descendants of domestic _" "intestinal parasites in _" "herd of miniature _" "internal parasites of _" "Other animals , including _" "Various breeds of _" ] using swine
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are naturally clean arg1" "arg2 and other monogastric arg1" ] using (animals, swine)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (swine, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, swine)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~_X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:relatedto,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:relatedto,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:relatedto,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (animals, swine)
OE @820 (95.1%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (animals, swine)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 were unclean arg1" "arg2 are adaptable arg1" "arg2 are naturally clean arg1" "arg2 and other domestic arg1" "arg2 and other monogastric arg1" "arg2 are unclean arg1" "arg2 or other domestic arg1" "arg2 and other farm arg1" "arg2 and other unclean arg1" "arg2 or other farm arg1" ] using (animals, swine)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:relatedto,concept:ismultipleof,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~_X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~_X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:ismultipleof,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~_z-concept:vertebrate:herds~concept:ismultipleof" "Y~_X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (herds, swine)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of wild cattle and arg2" ] using (herds, swine)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of dairy cows and arg2" "arg1 of purebred arg2" "arg1 of sheep and arg2" "arg1 of deer and arg2" "arg1 of cattle or arg2" "arg1 of beef cattle and arg2" "arg1 of goats and arg2" "arg1 of wild cattle and arg2" "arg1 of cattle and arg2" ] using (herds, swine)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
SEAL @148 (50.0%) on 08-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using (swine, animals)
OE @802 (91.8%) on 09-jan-2014 [ ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 are fascinating arg2" "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are adaptable arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" "arg1 or other domestic arg2" "arg1 and other farm arg2" "arg1 and zoo arg2" "arg1 are classified as game arg2" "arg1 and other unclean arg2" "arg1 or other farm arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 were unclean arg2" "arg1 are naturally clean arg2" "arg1 and other monogastric arg2" "arg1 are unclean arg2" ] using (swine, animals)
CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are naturally clean arg1" "arg2 and other monogastric arg1" ] using (animals, swine)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (swine, animals)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:animaltypehasanimal,concept:animalistypeofanimal" ] using (animals, swine)