CPL @1105 (71.1%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ make good family pets" "_ love playing with" "breed of _" "certain breeds of _" "different breeds of _" "shoes , stuffed _" "herd of _" "_ are cherished members" "home raised _" "_ were bred at" "suitable homes for _" "_ are mammals" "breeding of _" "pack of angry _" "_ love the snow" "breed of white _" "teams are known as _" "_ roaming free" "smaller breeds such as _" "_ barking in" "_ were originally bred for" "popular breeds of _" "I foster _" "sports teams are known as _" "_ are show dogs" "_ are hunting dogs" "_ requiring homes" "_ are wonderful animals" "few breeds of _" "many breeds of _" "breed of medium-sized _" "_ are family pets" "first breed of _" "dogs , working _" "hunters such as _" "breeds of British _" "pure breeds of _" "AKC registered _" "pure bred _" "_ are guaranteed healthy" "_ love this toy" "various breeds of _" "modern breeds of _" "_ are highly trainable" "other breeds of _" "_ are diggers" "small breeds of _" "_ reach adolescence" "small dogs such as _" "_ are not pets" "several rescued _" "_ puppies for" "_ needing homes" "breeds of small _" "_ are born black" "breeds of _" "dog names for _" "_ grooming brushes" "fights with other _" "adventure playground for _" "_ roam the park" "_ ' tails" "many different breeds of _" "_ ' coats" "_ running loose with" "glen of imaal _" "other breed of _" "_ are extremely affectionate" "_ form packs" "smaller breeds of _" "_ love adventure" "small breeds such as _" "_ have short legs" "breed dogs such as _" "breeder of purebred _" "fox hunting with _" "several breeds of _" "_ are extremely intelligent" "_ needing new homes" "_ are pack hunters" "_ have a double coat" "_ make loyal" "_ make great family pets" "Different breeds of _" "_ have high energy levels" "_ were bred with" ] using terriers
CPL @1112 (67.5%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "_ love playing with" "_ are selectively bred for" "breed of _" "certain breeds of _" "different breeds of _" "herd of _" "_ are cherished members" "home raised _" "suitable homes for _" "breeding of _" "teams are known as _" "_ roaming free" "_ barking in" "_ were originally bred for" "popular breeds of _" "I foster _" "animals including _" "_ are hunting dogs" "_ are wonderful animals" "_ are raised in" "few breeds of _" "many breeds of _" "_ are family pets" "dogs , working _" "_ grooming service" "_ require regular exercise" "_ make great pets" "breeds of British _" "pure breeds of _" "AKC registered _" "_ are guaranteed healthy" "_ love this toy" "various breeds of _" "other breeds of _" "_ are diggers" "small breeds of _" "_ make excellent pets" "_ reach adolescence" "_ are not pets" "several rescued _" "_ puppies for" "breeds of small _" "breeds of _" "fights with other _" "many different breeds of _" "_ ' coats" "other breed of _" "_ form packs" "smaller breeds of _" "_ have short legs" "breeder of purebred _" "fox hunting with _" "several breeds of _" "_ needing new homes" "_ make great family pets" "Different breeds of _" "_ were bred with" ] using terriers
CPL @1109 (59.2%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "certain breeds of _" "different breeds of _" "_ are cherished members" "breeding of _" "rehabilitation of abused _" "_ were originally bred for" "animals including _" "sports teams are known as _" "_ are wonderful animals" "many breeds of _" "animals , including other _" "breeds of British _" "other breeds of _" "small breeds of _" "small game , such as _" "breeds of _" "_ roam the park" "many different breeds of _" "smaller breeds of _" "_ have short legs" "breeder of purebred _" "fox hunting with _" "_ are pack hunters" "Different breeds of _" ] using terriers
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 have won their last four arg1" "arg2 have dropped their last two arg1" "arg2 took two out of three arg1" "arg2 have won their last three arg1" "arg2 play their home arg1" "arg2 have now won DD straight arg1" "arg2 lost all four arg1" "arg2 won their first three arg1" "arg2 have won three straight arg1" "arg2 have won four straight arg1" "arg2 took two of three arg1" "arg2 have won seven straight arg1" "arg2 have lost their last three arg1" "arg2 have won five straight arg1" "arg2 have now won four straight arg1" ] using (games, terriers)