CPL @1105 (69.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "herds of black _" "herds of wild _" "free-roaming herds of _" "animal besides _" "days herding _" "_ breeding centre" "wolf , wild _" "antelope , wild _" "exotic animals including _" "hybridization with domestic _" "huge herds of _" "young / baby of _" "goat , wild _" "monkey , wild _" "wild animals such as wild _" "exotic animals like _" "black bear , wild _" "animals are wild _" "_ 's milk" "brown bear , wild _" "_ breeding center" "feed intake of _" "_ grazing beside" "mammals like _" "Livestock , such as _" "_ pulling a plow" "home of wild _" "great herds of _" "lowing of _" "breeding of _" "herd of _" "animals except _" "_ 's share" "_ grazing near" "mammal such as _" "_ grazing along" "bear , wild _" "_ is called a 'calf" "time herding _" "goats , domestic _" "few herds of _" "many herds of _" "animal called _" "home to wild _" "_ 's dung" "large herds of _" "breed of _" "fields of grazing _" "water buffalo , wild _" "_ grazing on" "livestock such as _" "fallow deer , wild _" "herds of _" "herd of angry _" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "small herds of _" "milk produced by _" "_ are slaughtered every year" "reproductive efficiency in _" "_ drawn carts" "_ grazed on" "herd of white _" "milk production of _" "big herds of _" "herds of domestic _" "different animals such as _" "deer , feral _" "wild animals like _" "/ baby of _" "herds of domesticated _" "small herds of wild _" "Large herds of _" "domestic animals such as _" "large herd of _" "_ pulling the sleigh" "tail hair of _" "population of domestic _" "gaur , wild _" "leopard , wild _" "nomads herding _" "livestock including _" "enormous herds of _" "tiger , wild _" "entire herd of _" "sheep , wild _" "knucklebones of _" "pasture grazed by _" "animals other than _" "animals such as _" "buffalo , wild _" "musk deer , wild _" "_ grazing in" "_ were first domesticated" "small zoo with _" "herd of wild _" "deer , wild _" "common animals such as _" "mix breed of _" "_ 's milk cheese" "slaughtering of _" "_ graze the grass" "antelopes , wild _" ] using yak
CPL @1111 (69.1%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "herds of wild _" "animal besides _" "wildlife such as _" "_ breeding centre" "wolf , wild _" "antelope , wild _" "exotic animals including _" "hybridization with domestic _" "huge herds of _" "young / baby of _" "goat , wild _" "exotic animals like _" "black bear , wild _" "_ 's milk" "_ breeding center" "mammals like _" "Livestock , such as _" "home of wild _" "great herds of _" "livestock , such as _" "breeding of _" "herd of _" "_ 's share" "_ 's piss" "bear , wild _" "_ is called a 'calf" "goats , domestic _" "few herds of _" "_ are raised in" "many herds of _" "animals including _" "large herds of _" "breed of _" "fields of grazing _" "water buffalo , wild _" "livestock such as _" "fallow deer , wild _" "herds of _" "herd of angry _" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "_ being slaughtered in" "look at wild _" "_ drawn carts" "different animals like _" "herd of white _" "big herds of _" "herds of domestic _" "deer , feral _" "wild animals like _" "/ baby of _" "herds of domesticated _" "numbers of wild _" "livestock like _" "Large herds of _" "domestic animals such as _" "large herd of _" "species , including _" "tail hair of _" "gaur , wild _" "leopard , wild _" "wildlife , including wild _" "livestock including _" "enormous herds of _" "tiger , wild _" "entire herd of _" "sheep , wild _" "animals other than _" "animals such as _" "buffalo , wild _" "fauna includes _" "musk deer , wild _" "animals , such as wild _" "herd of wild _" "flock of _" "deer , wild _" "common animals such as _" "_ 's milk cheese" "slaughtering of _" "_ graze the grass" "threats to wild _" "antelopes , wild _" ] using yak
CPL @1100 (66.3%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ are raised on" "herds of wild _" "animal besides _" "wildlife such as _" "food for wild _" "wolf , wild _" "antelope , wild _" "exotic animals including _" "hybridization with domestic _" "huge herds of _" "goat , wild _" "exotic animals like _" "black bear , wild _" "_ 's milk" "brown bear , wild _" "_ grazing beside" "mammals like _" "animals , such as _" "Livestock , such as _" "great herds of _" "breeding of _" "bear , wild _" "_ is called a 'calf" "goats , domestic _" "animals , including _" "many herds of _" "animals including _" "_ 's dung" "large herds of _" "creatures , half _" "water buffalo , wild _" "livestock such as _" "fallow deer , wild _" "herds of _" "animals such as wild _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "vast herds of wild _" "_ are slaughtered every year" "_ drawn carts" "different animals like _" "herd of white _" "big herds of _" "herds of domestic _" "many species of _" "different animals such as _" "deer , feral _" "wild animals like _" "herds of domesticated _" "species such as _" "Large herds of _" "domestic animals such as _" "large herd of _" "tail hair of _" "gaur , wild _" "leopard , wild _" "wildlife , including wild _" "enormous herds of _" "tiger , wild _" "entire herd of _" "sheep , wild _" "_ 's milk yogurt" "forage for _" "populations of wild _" "animals other than _" "animals such as _" "buffalo , wild _" "animals , such as wild _" "herd of wild _" "deer , wild _" "common animals such as _" "_ 's milk cheese" "_ 's milk products" "exotic meats such as _" "antelopes , wild _" ] using yak
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 of sheep and arg2" "arg1 of cattle and arg2" "arg1 of grazing arg2" "arg1 of sheep and of arg2" "arg1 of goats and arg2" ] using (herds, yak)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey