CPL @1115 (79.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "sausages , fried _" "_ stuffed with" "foods such as _" "_ served with" "dishes like _" "pepper stuffed with _" "_ topped with" "_ marinated in" "soup with _" "foods like _" "pork , black _" "_ sautéed with" ] using blood_sausage
CPL @1116 (69.5%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "potatoes fried with _" "ham , Italian _" "foods , such as _" "foods such as _" "pepper stuffed with _" "dishes such as _" "_ topped with" "_ marinated in" "foods like _" "_ seasoned with" "_ tastes like" "rice pudding with _" "pork , black _" ] using blood_sausage
CPL @1112 (97.5%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "potato soup with _" "risotto with _" "foods , such as _" "meats like _" "_ topped with" "_ marinated in" "pudding with _" "I was eating _" "tender , add _" "_ sautéed with" "we ate _" ] using blood_sausage