pork_barbecue (meat)
literal strings: pork barbecue
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- visualizableobject(97.3%)
- CPL @1115 (77.2%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "shrimp , chopped _" "chicken , pulled _" "_ served with" "foods such as _" "_ marinated in" "delicious pulled _" "style pulled _" "ribs , pulled _" "ham , smoked _" ] using pork_barbecue
- food(97.3%)
- CPL @1109 (73.1%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "succulent pulled _" "Carolina style pulled _" "chicken , pulled _" "foods such as _" "_ marinated in" "sauce is great on _" "delicious pulled _" "Carolina pulled _" "wings , pulled _" "ribs , pulled _" ] using pork_barbecue
- visualizablething(97.3%)
- CPL @1113 (97.2%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "restaurants serving _" "I cooked _" "hickory smoked _" "bun with _" "_ marinated in" "meats like _" "we ate _" "ham , smoked _" ] using pork_barbecue
- meat(94.7%)
- SEAL @211 (50.0%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using pork_barbecue
- CPL @1105 (89.4%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "succulent pulled _" "_ was tender" "tasty pulled _" "Carolina style pulled _" "carolina-style pulled _" "tender slices of _" "chicken , pulled _" "beef brisket , pulled _" "bread , shredded _" "burgers , pulled _" "turkey , pulled _" "classic pulled _" "leftover pulled _" "plate of succulent _" "Carolina-style pulled _" "North Carolina pulled _" "Hickory smoked _" "great pulled _" "steak , pulled _" "hickory smoked _" "tangy pulled _" "sauce is great on _" "burger topped with _" "tender pulled _" "I made pulled _" "features pulled _" "perfect pulled _" "ribs cut from _" "Carolina pulled _" "meats like _" "grilled foods such as _" "wings , pulled _" "ribs , pulled _" "brisket , pulled _" "ham , smoked _" ] using pork_barbecue