pork_butt (meat)
literal strings: pork butt, Pork Butt
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- visualizableobject(95.8%)
- CPL @1113 (82.1%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "BBQ pulled _" "_ marinated in" "lb boneless _" "fresh smoked _" "foods like _" "pasta , whole _" "delicious smoked _" "_ served with" ] using pork_butt
- food(95.8%)
- CPL @1108 (78.3%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "BBQ pulled _" "_ marinated in" "lb boneless _" "ingredients except _" "_ simmered in" "dogs , smoked _" "foods like _" "pounds boneless _" "fries , roasted _" ] using pork_butt
- visualizablething(95.8%)
- meat(91.6%)
- CPL @1104 (91.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "meat like _" "other meats such as _" "leftover barbecued _" "cold smoked _" "BBQ pulled _" "Dry rub recipe for _" "ribs cut from _" "lbs boneless _" "_ is the only meat" "carolina-style pulled _" "dry rub recipe for _" "fatty meats like _" "good cut of _" "piece of boneless _" "recipes braised _" "spicy smoked _" "fat trimmed from _" "meats such as _" "_ piled high on" "_ is fork tender" "I use boneless _" "lb boneless _" "I marinate _" "_ was tender" "spice mixture onto _" "marinade over _" "_ is smoked for" "rub recipe for _" "leaner cut of _" "meat is usually _" "_ simmered in" "pork boneless _" "dogs , smoked _" "_ are braised in" "skewered chunks of _" "good smoked _" "smoky barbecued _" "sauce , pulled _" "rub recipes for _" "meat , shredded _" "hot dogs , smoked _" "fatty piece of _" "meats like _" "pound boneless _" "pounds boneless _" "great pulled _" "butt smoked _" "cheap cut of _" ] using pork_butt