pork_sauce (meat)
literal strings: pork sauce, Pork Sauce
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- visualizableobject(99.4%)
- food(99.4%)
- meat(98.7%)
- CMC @1115 (90.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ PREFIX=por 2.87515 SUFFIX=ork 2.79773 SUFFIX=rk 2.06298 FIRST_WORD=pork 1.90386 PREFIX=sau 1.83476 PREFIX=po 1.66426 PREFIX=sa 1.64324 SUFFIX=ce -1.29332 WORDS -2.86354 CHARS -3.48580 ] using pork_sauce
- CPL @1107 (86.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "Carolina pulled _" "spicy minced _" "Carolina-style pulled _" "baked beans with _" "layer of minced _" "BBQ pulled _" "noodles with minced _" "leftover pulled _" ] using pork_sauce
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- agriculturalproduct
- CPL @1107 (60.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "spicy minced _" "_ drizzled on" ] using pork_sauce