CPL @1094 (86.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "articles have appeared in such _" "columnist for various _" "_ include The Age" "short stories have appeared in such _" "stories have appeared in numerous _" "stories have appeared in such _" "_ including The Age" "work has been published in major _" "features in numerous _" "writer for major _" ] using australian_publications
CMC @1078 (64.1%) on 20-sep-2017 [ LAST_WORD=publications 1.06847 PREFIX=publi 0.86756 PREFIX=publ 0.86756 PREFIX=pub 0.86634 POS=NNS 0.85771 LASTPREFIX=publi 0.81778 LASTPREFIX=publ 0.81778 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaaaaaa -0.64662 WORDS -1.95010 CHARS -2.38691 ] using australian_publications