CPL @1103 (95.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "you read as many _" "author of numerous _" "editor of many _" "shelves lined with _" "library full of _" "shelf full of _" "_ have been written about" "dozens of non-fiction _" "I have n't read too many _" "_ are hitting shelves" "I have read many _" "bookshelf filled with _" "leaf through old _" "_ published each year" "shelves full of _" "author of several _" "author of many _" "library filled with _" "library of antique _" ] using baseball_books
CMC @1116 (96.1%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ooks 2.32801 LASTSUFFIX=oks 2.32796 PREFIX=boo 2.24356 SUFFIX=ooks 1.25173 SUFFIX=oks 1.25164 POS=NNS 1.21102 PREFIX=bo 1.16548 CHARS -0.89881 LAST_WORD=books -1.35110 WORDS -6.26416 ] using baseball_books