CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ POS=NNS 2.35555 SUFFIX=zines 2.32269 PREFIX=mag 2.28367 LASTPREFIX=mag 1.92588 LASTSUFFIX=zines 1.92057 LAST_WORD=magazines 1.92057 PREFIX=magaz 1.78632 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.49213 CHARS -3.72101 WORDS -8.57176 ] using business_magazines
CPL @1107 (57.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "newspapers , general _" "articles from general _" "newspaper , national _" "articles published in various _" "advertising in national _" "articles in national _" "periodicals , general _" "pages of glossy _" "conferences , read _" "_ including the Economist" "covers of major _" "covers of national _" "full page ads in major _" "articles to national _" "articles published in popular _" "She has been published in various _" "editors of small _" "articles for local _" "articles published in numerous _" "cover of major _" "library subscribes to many _" "editors of international _" "_ including The New York Times" "stories for national _" "He writes for several _" "articles published in major _" "glossy ads in _" "magazines , regional _" "he has written for many _" "books , subscribing to _" "articles for various _" "articles in numerous _" "writings have appeared in many _" "writings have been published in numerous _" "articles in popular _" "publisher of numerous _" "articles from popular _" "writing has appeared in many _" "He has written for numerous _" "_ including The Wall Street Journal" "work has been published in various _" "_ including Forbes" "stack of unread _" "subscriptions to popular _" "She has written for national _" "print ads in local _" "work has been published in national _" "_ including Inc." "articles published in regional _" "ads in national _" "journals , popular _" "I do n't read as many _" "Magazines Find _" "articles for national _" "He has edited several _" "articles for major _" "reviews in international _" "_ including the Wall Street Journal" "regular contributor to many _" "page ads in major _" "_ including Business Week" "numerous articles in national _" "magazines , free _" "He has been featured in many _" "access to full-text _" "newspapers , national _" "articles in major _" "columnist in several _" "ads in major _" "covers of top _" "_ including Smart Money" "work has been featured in many _" "seminars , reading _" "articles for international _" "movies , read _" ] using business_magazines
SEAL @520 (87.5%) on 26-feb-2012 [ 123 ] using business_magazines
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey