CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ POS=NNS 2.33534 PREFIX=jou 1.35535 SUFFIX=als 1.20145 SUFFIX=rnals 1.19593 PREFIX=journ 1.15655 PREFIX=jour 1.15630 LASTSUFFIX=als 1.14548 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.64018 WORDS -1.77035 CHARS -2.41365 ] using communications_journals
CPL @1094 (98.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "research has been published in numerous _" "articles in scholarly _" "editorial board of several _" "numerous articles in technical _" "work has been published in numerous _" "editorial board of various _" "work has been published in many _" "articles in technical _" "editorial boards of various _" ] using communications_journals