SEAL @535 (75.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ 12 ] using gardening_magazines
CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=mag 1.90032 SUFFIX=zines 1.86984 PREFIX=magaz 1.68279 PREFIX=maga 1.67619 LASTSUFFIX=zines 1.62763 LAST_WORD=magazines 1.62763 POS=NNS 1.61485 POS=NN -2.48468 CHARS -3.61230 WORDS -6.28075 ] using gardening_magazines
CPL @1107 (57.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "contributor to popular _" "numerous articles in national _" "back issues of many _" "articles have appeared in numerous national _" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "photographs have appeared in numerous _" "He has been published in numerous _" "cutouts from _" "articles published in many _" "articles for national _" "old stack of _" "advertising in regional _" "articles in national _" "shelf full of _" "articles for numerous _" "pictures you see in _" "He has also written for several _" "stack of unread _" "contributor to several _" "photos you see in _" "work is often seen in _" "articles appear in national _" ] using gardening_magazines