CPL @1107 (55.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "bookshelves filled with _" "_ lining the shelves" "hand bound _" "print materials such as _" "dust jackets on _" "_ have been written on" "library stocked with _" "I only ever buy _" "bookcase filled with _" "Examination copies of _" "dustjackets of _" "pages of old _" "perfect bound _" "pages from old _" "sales of physical _" "heavy boxes of _" "On-line versions of _" "small library of _" "shelves lined with _" "bookshelves full of _" "press runs of _" "stacks of old _" "bookcase full of _" ] using hardcover_books
CMC @1112 (97.8%) on 19-jul-2018 [ PREFIX=boo 1.90929 POS=NNS 1.66771 SUFFIX=oks 1.56662 SUFFIX=ooks 1.56662 LASTSUFFIX=oks 1.50439 LASTSUFFIX=ooks 1.50439 LASTSUFFIX=ks 1.42680 LAST_WORD=books -1.33569 CHARS -2.33935 WORDS -4.93526 ] using hardcover_books