CPL @1097 (71.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "contributor to national _" "_ including Men’s Health" "professional journals , popular _" "journals to popular _" "work has also been featured in numerous _" "articles for major _" "articles for several national _" "_ carry a section" "articles appear in many _" "_ including the Journal" "_ including the British Journal" "articles for various _" "I have read many _" "numerous articles in popular _" "articles from general _" "monthly articles for _" "editor of various _" "columns for various _" "pages of national _" "I read many _" "contributor to popular _" "cover of numerous _" "you only read about in _" "articles in popular _" "journals , popular _" "articles for several _" "regular contributor to popular _" "_ including Prevention" "regular contributor to many _" ] using health_magazines
SEAL @520 (75.0%) on 26-feb-2012 [ 12 ] using health_magazines
CMC @1052 (99.9%) on 23-apr-2017 [ POS=NNS 2.71659 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.62353 PREFIX=mag 2.15550 SUFFIX=zines 1.97261 PREFIX=magaz 1.71678 PREFIX=maga 1.71549 LASTPREFIX=mag 1.61654 POS=NN -3.61989 CHARS -4.28463 WORDS -9.49396 ] using health_magazines