CPL @1094 (88.7%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "articles in major _" "articles for major _" "subscribes to many _" "_ including Wired" "he has been featured in many _" "regular contributor to various _" "she has been published in several _" "advertising in major _" "articles have been published in numerous _" "editorial boards of several _" "newspapers , major _" "articles for relevant _" "_ including Journal" "articles published in many _" "articles published in various _" "articles published in several _" "columnist for such _" "publication in top _" "subscribes to numerous _" "articles have been published in many _" "He has been published in various _" "He has been quoted in numerous _" "editor to several _" "articles have appeared in major _" "contributor to various _" "talk , read _" "regular contributor to several _" "classes , read _" "regular contributor to many _" "_ including Forbes" "articles to numerous _" "She has been published in various _" "articles for technical _" "articles have been published in several _" "articles to national _" "courses , read _" "contributor to several _" "research has been published in several _" "articles for various _" "research has been published in numerous _" "work has been published in numerous _" "articles for several _" "articles in numerous _" "work has been featured in such _" "frequent contributor to many _" "work has been published in several _" "_ including the Journal" "He has been published in numerous _" ] using industry_journals
CMC @1098 (98.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=rnals 1.01536 PREFIX=jou 0.94923 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 0.88211 PREFIX=jour 0.88177 PREFIX=journ 0.86321 POS=NNS 0.85771 LAST_WORD=journals 0.80697 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.34400 CHARS -1.76424 WORDS -1.95010 ] using industry_journals