CPL @1097 (64.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "work has been published in top _" "articles published in various _" "work published in international _" "work has appeared in numerous _" "editor for numerous _" "_ including CIO Magazine" "He has been published in numerous _" "technical editor for several _" "advertisements in international _" "range of glossy _" "covers of numerous _" "regular contributor to popular _" "contributor to various _" "conferences , read _" "editor of major _" "contributor to several _" "We have been featured in several _" "books , subscribing to _" "small library of _" "coverage in national _" "contributor to numerous _" "regular contributor to various _" "work has been published in countless _" "I only read about in _" "work has been featured in many _" "Premier contains _" "information not found in other _" "He has also contributed to several _" "reviews in major _" "work has been published in various _" "articles in specialized _" "articles for professional _" "articles appear in numerous _" "articles in major _" "articles in legal _" "articles in relevant _" "articles in such _" "he has written for numerous _" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "shows , read _" "publication in national _" "feature articles in such _" "regular contributor to several _" "_ including Charisma" "many articles published in various _" "cover of numerous _" "articles have been published in numerous _" "columns for major _" "We have been featured in numerous _" "columnist in several _" "contributor to popular _" "She has been published in numerous _" "_ including New Media" "numerous articles in national _" "advertisements in popular _" "editor to many _" "frequent contributor to numerous _" "articles have appeared in major _" "articles have been published in several _" "work has been published in several _" "editor of several _" "articles for various _" "Academic Search Premier contains _" "He has been featured in numerous _" "articles for numerous _" "articles in national _" "He has been published in several _" "articles for national _" "trade shows , read _" "editors of key _" "writer to several _" "glossy ads in _" "_ including Vanity Fair" "Search Premier contains _" "columnist for various _" "frequent contributor to several _" "covers of many _" "clippings from various _" "work has been published in numerous _" "She has been featured in many _" "frequent contributor to many _" "articles have appeared in many _" ] using industry_magazines
SEAL @604 (50.0%) on 28-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using industry_magazines
CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.39869 POS=NNS 1.37223 PREFIX=mag 1.36909 SUFFIX=zines 1.29635 PREFIX=magaz 1.24851 PREFIX=maga 1.24841 LASTSUFFIX=zines 1.13312 POS=NN -1.73803 CHARS -3.27080 WORDS -4.46807 ] using industry_magazines