CPL @1094 (86.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "He has authored numerous _" "numerous peer reviewed _" "full text biomedical _" "co-author of several _" "He has contributed to many _" "author of many medical _" "hundreds of peer-reviewed _" "She has contributed to numerous _" "dozens of peer-reviewed _" "research has resulted in several _" "numerous refereed _" "dozen peer reviewed _" "dozen refereed _" "reviewer for scientific _" "author of many _" "He has written many _" "book chapters , refereed _" "articles in scholarly _" "chapters , refereed _" "_ have been published based on" "articles for peer-reviewed _" "_ including Physical Review Letters" "_ including International Journal" "author of numerous _" "He has authored many _" "many refereed _" "She has co-authored several _" "list of peer-reviewed _" "publications in peer-reviewed _" "many peer reviewed _" "author of many peer-reviewed _" "co-author of numerous _" "books , peer-reviewed _" "several well received _" "_ including The Antioch Review" "lead author on several _" "authorship of various _" "I have written several _" "He authored several _" "I have authored several _" "chapters , peer reviewed _" "manuscripts for peer-reviewed _" "authorship of scientific _" "reviewer for many _" "he has contributed to numerous _" "copies of peer-reviewed _" "number of peer-reviewed _" "addition to peer-reviewed _" "author of numerous professional _" "work has appeared in many _" "author of numerous scientific _" "He has authored several _" "series of peer-reviewed _" "dozen scholarly _" "_ including the Journal" "She has authored numerous _" "work has appeared in major _" "author of numerous academic _" "author of several _" "results in peer-reviewed _" "co-author of numerous scientific _" "reading medical _" "several referred _" "articles for professional _" "editorial board of various _" "text biomedical _" "reprints of relevant _" "articles in prestigious _" "several peer reviewed _" "public domain , through _" ] using journal_publications
CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ LAST_WORD=publications 1.53810 PREFIX=jou 1.35535 PREFIX=pub 1.28066 PREFIX=publi 1.27650 PREFIX=publ 1.27650 LASTPREFIX=publ 1.19758 LASTPREFIX=publi 1.19758 POS=NN -0.82059 WORDS -1.77035 CHARS -2.09882 ] using journal_publications