CPL @1103 (70.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ I’ve read in" "best-selling author of many _" "contributing author of several _" "I have read several _" "author of several _" "_ have been written on" "review copies of new _" "I have read many _" "author of multiple _" "shelf full of _" "several bestselling _" "weights , reading _" "_ ever written on" "book different from other _" "author of many _" "I have read countless _" "I have read many other _" "shelves filled with _" ] using leadership_books
CMC @1109 (98.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ooks 1.77598 LASTSUFFIX=oks 1.77598 PREFIX=boo 1.76241 POS=NNS 1.71541 SUFFIX=ooks 1.56343 SUFFIX=oks 1.56343 LASTPREFIX=book 1.40718 LAST_WORD=books -1.86839 CHARS -3.32092 WORDS -3.90019 ] using leadership_books