CMC @266 (100.0%) on 23-may-2011 [ POS=NNS 1.62996 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.57412 PREFIX=mag 1.29330 SUFFIX=zines 1.18357 PREFIX=magaz 1.03007 PREFIX=maga 1.02930 LASTPREFIX=mag 0.96992 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.53295 CHARS -2.89212 WORDS -5.69637 ] using literary_magazines
SEAL @535 (50.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using literary_magazines
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "poetry have appeared in numerous _" "_ including Ploughshares" "regular contributor to several _" "work has been published in countless _" "She has been published in numerous _" "stories in various _" "stories in small _" "_ including The Paris Review" "_ including Grain" "_ including the American Poetry Review" "_ including Gulf Coast" "stories have appeared in various _" "short stories have appeared in such _" "stories have appeared in many _" "He has published in many _" "fiction has been published in numerous _" "short stories in several _" "_ including Beyond" "_ including Descant" "_ including The American Poetry Review" "_ including the TLS" "_ including Boston Review" "stories have appeared in several _" "_ including Poet Lore" "_ including New England Review" "contributor to several _" "essays have appeared in numerous _" "_ including North American Review" "writing has been published in numerous _" "essays have appeared in many _" "fiction has appeared in numerous _" "former editor of several _" "publication in prestigious _" "short stories have been published in numerous _" "_ including Ambit" "_ including Southern Poetry Review" "essays have appeared in national _" "_ including Geist" "poems published in small _" "fiction has appeared in many _" "_ including Tin House" "short stories in numerous _" "stories in numerous _" "work has appeared in such _" "work has been published in several _" "work has been published in numerous _" "poems published in various _" "poems have been published in various _" "articles from popular _" "small print runs of _" "He has been published in numerous _" "_ including Glimmer Train" "poems have appeared in various _" "poems published in many _" "short stories in such _" "short stories in various _" "work has appeared in various _" "editors of prestigious _" "writing has appeared in several _" "He contributed to many _" "poems in several _" "work has been published in major _" "_ including Rattle" "essays have appeared in several _" "work has appeared in major _" "poetry published in various _" "poems have appeared in several _" "poems have appeared in numerous _" "short stories have appeared in many _" "work appears in such _" "work has been published in such _" "editors from national _" "writings have appeared in many _" "editor of various _" "work has been published in many _" "work has been published in various _" "works have appeared in various _" "short fiction has been published in numerous _" "short stories in small _" "work published in several _" "work has appeared in numerous _" "work has appeared in many _" "stories published in such _" "editor of many _" "short stories have been published in various _" "_ including The Iowa Review" "_ including Other Voices" "stories have been published in numerous _" "writing has appeared in many _" "publication in numerous _" "publication of several _" "poetry has appeared in such _" "poetry have appeared in many _" "writing has appeared in numerous _" "articles have appeared in many _" "writing has appeared in various _" "_ including Denver Quarterly" "work has appeared in several _" "work has also appeared in many _" "work published in national _" "translations have appeared in many _" "_ including The Fiddlehead" "She has published in many _" "stories have been published in many _" "_ including The Georgia Review" "_ including the Chicken Soup" "short fiction has appeared in such _" "He has been published in several _" "short fiction has appeared in numerous _" "stories published in various _" "poems in such _" "poems have appeared in many _" "poems have appeared in such _" "short fiction has appeared in various _" "poetry has been published in various _" "fiction in numerous _" "editor of numerous _" "poems in many _" "_ including Granta" "_ including The Antioch Review" "_ including American Poetry Review" "fiction has appeared in several _" "_ including The New Yorker" "fiction has appeared in such _" "_ including The Truth" "_ including Fiction" "short stories have appeared in various _" "translations have appeared in numerous _" "_ including The North American Review" "_ including TriQuarterly" "poems have been published in several _" "poetry in small _" "poetry have appeared in such _" "poems published in several _" "fiction has appeared in various _" "poems have been published in many _" "he has been published in several _" "fiction have appeared in numerous _" "short fiction has appeared in many _" "short stories have appeared in numerous _" "poetry has appeared in numerous _" "_ including Meanjin" "he has contributed to several _" "He has edited several _" "stories have been published in various _" "_ including Boulevard" "_ including Prairie Schooner" "_ including the Times Literary Supplement" "She has been published in several _" "She has been published in various _" "_ including The Antigonish Review" "_ including Shenandoah" "_ including Story Quarterly" "_ including Harper’s" "poetry has been published in numerous _" "editor of several _" "poetry has appeared in various _" "stories have appeared in such _" "stories have appeared in numerous _" "short stories have been published in many _" "short fiction has appeared in several _" "poems have been published in numerous _" "poetry has appeared in many _" "several poems published in _" "essays have appeared in various _" "_ including The Atlantic Monthly" "_ including American Journal" "poems have been published in such _" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "_ including McSweeney" "_ including Harper" "_ including AGNI" "_ including New Letters" "poetry has been published in several _" "poetry has been published in many _" "short stories have appeared in several _" ] using literary_magazines
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey