SEAL @538 (50.0%) on 24-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using mathematics_books
CPL @1103 (85.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "library of rare _" "author of several _" "author of numerous _" "lending library of _" "small library of _" "He wrote several _" "author of numerous popular _" "he has published numerous _" "author of many _" "co-author of several _" "special collection of rare _" "She has published several _" "small lending library of _" "book you 've read for _" "He has authored many _" "collection of rare _" "library of old _" "collections of rare _" "coauthor of several _" ] using mathematics_books
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ POS=NNS 4.61341 LASTSUFFIX=ooks 2.72912 LASTSUFFIX=oks 2.72912 PREFIX=boo 2.30318 SUFFIX=ooks 1.93085 SUFFIX=oks 1.93085 LASTSUFFIX=ks 1.79840 LAST_WORD=books -3.07964 CHARS -3.65986 WORDS -7.69261 ] using mathematics_books