CPL @1094 (91.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "contributor to various _" "articles from peer-reviewed _" "articles in professional _" "publications in respected _" "He has contributed to numerous _" "She has been published in several _" "research has been published in top _" "_ have online editions" "_ including Journal" "variety of peer-reviewed _" "She has been published in various _" "advertisements in popular _" "pages of old _" "_ including JAMA" "_ including The Annals" "text , peer-reviewed _" "reviews in various _" "research has been published in major _" "data in peer-reviewed _" "_ including the International Journal" "articles published in several _" "articles in prominent _" "articles in reputable _" "publication in major _" "papers published in scientific _" "_ mention instances" "stories in national _" "publications in peer-reviewed _" "articles published in top _" "articles for major _" "articles in contemporary _" "editorial boards of major _" "publishing in peer-reviewed _" "_ including the Independent" "editorial boards of other _" "_ require authors" "abbreviated titles of _" "articles for peer-reviewed _" "editorial board for several _" "editors of peer-reviewed _" "articles published in prestigious _" "articles published in peer-reviewed _" "articles appear in various _" "_ including Nature Genetics" "_ including American Journal" "_ including European Journal" "studies published in respected _" "subscribes to many _" "_ including Nature" "editorial boards of several _" "papers in reputable _" "referee for various _" "research has appeared in numerous _" "reviewer for numerous _" "work has been published in top _" "peer reviewer for several _" "publications in prestigious _" "_ including the British Medical Journal" "_ including the Lancet" "hoc reviewer for numerous _" "reviewer for many _" "research in peer-reviewed _" "editorial board of several _" "He has published in numerous _" "_ including The Lancet" "publication in international _" "reviews in major _" "articles in peer-reviewed _" "studies published in reputable _" "work has been published in numerous _" "He has been published in numerous _" "She has been published in many _" "works have appeared in numerous _" "research has been published in several _" "numerous articles in peer-reviewed _" "_ including the New England Journal" "editors of major _" "editor of several _" "editors of prestigious _" "results have been published in peer-reviewed _" "_ including the Journal" "articles in national _" "editorial boards of numerous _" "Editorial Boards of several _" "articles in numerous _" "articles for several _" "_ including International Journal" "several publications in peer-reviewed _" "articles have been published in major _" "_ including Spine" "_ including Circulation" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "work has been featured in numerous _" "articles have been published in various _" "_ including British Journal" "editorial boards of various _" "listing of full-text _" "articles in obscure _" "_ including Fertility" "reports in peer-reviewed _" "_ including Nature Medicine" "_ including Cancer Research" "numerous articles in major _" "papers have been published in international _" "papers in peer-reviewed _" "_ including Annals" "He has published in peer-reviewed _" "articles published in major _" "_ including the Canadian Journal" "_ published every year" "_ including The Journal" "publication in peer-reviewed _" "editors of top _" "articles in such _" "articles have been published in numerous _" "many articles in various _" "work has been in several _" "articles appearing in major _" "scientific articles in peer-reviewed _" "results in peer-reviewed _" "work has appeared in many _" "She has been featured in several _" "evidence published in peer-reviewed _" "articles from general _" "Publication in peer-reviewed _" "research published in peer-reviewed _" "_ including the Annals" "articles in respected _" "list of electronic _" "_ including The American Journal" "publications in prominent _" "work has appeared in numerous _" "work has appeared in major _" "research articles published in peer-reviewed _" "work has been published in academic _" "editorial board member for several _" "covers of numerous _" "work has been published in major _" "_ are ghost-written" "_ including The New England Journal" "_ including Chest" "_ including Lancet" "work has been published in several _" "full text , peer-reviewed _" "papers published in peer-reviewed _" "research has been published in numerous _" "she has been published in several _" "reviewer for scientific _" "several articles in various _" "studies published in peer-reviewed _" "editor for numerous _" "I have read many _" "work has been published in professional _" "books , professional _" "articles published in numerous _" "research results in peer-reviewed _" "He has been published in several _" "results are published in peer-reviewed _" "publishers of several _" "manuscripts for several _" "editor of numerous _" "reviews in such _" "work is published in numerous _" "several articles in peer-reviewed _" "editors of scientific _" "research articles in peer-reviewed _" "_ now require authors" "pile of unread _" "ad hoc reviewer for numerous _" "_ including the American Journal" "articles in major _" "number of peer-reviewed _" "work in peer-reviewed _" "_ including New England Journal" "hundreds of glossy _" "publishers of academic _" "publication in prestigious _" "reviewer for several _" "stack of unread _" "work has appeared in such _" "studies in peer-reviewed _" "articles were published in various _" "articles in prestigious _" "studies have been published in peer-reviewed _" ] using medical_journals
SEAL @563 (75.0%) on 09-may-2012 [ 12 ] using medical_journals
CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ POS=NNS 2.18447 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.77426 LASTSUFFIX=ls 1.37160 SUFFIX=ls 1.34198 POS=JJ 1.06519 LASTSUFFIX=als 1.02342 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 0.93307 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.57405 CHARS -3.61334 WORDS -6.51470 ] using medical_journals