niaaa_publications (mediatype)
literal strings: NIAAA publications
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- mediatype(100.0%)
- CMC @1069 (84.1%) on 01-aug-2017 [ PREFIX=publi 0.93749 PREFIX=publ 0.93749 PREFIX=pub 0.93597 LAST_WORD=publications 0.90228 LASTPREFIX=pub 0.74910 LASTPREFIX=publi 0.73947 LASTPREFIX=publ 0.73947 LASTSUFFIX=ns -0.36070 CHARS -1.94927 WORDS -2.06979 ] using niaaa_publications
- CPL @1105 (70.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "access to full-text _" "Full text of many _" ] using niaaa_publications
- LE @1064 (99.6%) on 24-jun-2017