CMC @1084 (92.9%) on 06-dec-2017 [ SUFFIX=rnals 1.01536 PREFIX=jou 0.94923 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 0.88211 PREFIX=jour 0.88177 PREFIX=journ 0.86321 POS=NNS 0.85771 LAST_WORD=journals 0.80697 SUFFIX=ic -0.27871 CHARS -3.42470 WORDS -3.90019 ] using peer_reviewed_scientific_journals
CPL @1094 (87.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "publications in prestigious _" "editorial boards of several _" "_ including Nature" "_ including The Journal" "_ including the European Journal" "research has been published in numerous _" "_ including American Journal" "_ including the Journal" "research has been published in several _" "He has been published in several _" "_ including the American Journal" "_ including Journal" "_ including International Journal" "research has been published in many _" "publications in prominent _" "_ including The New England Journal" "_ including Lancet" "publication in international _" "she has been published in several _" "articles in prestigious _" "He has published in numerous _" "_ do not publish papers" ] using peer_reviewed_scientific_journals