CMC @1116 (95.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=jou 0.87787 PREFIX=journ 0.82437 PREFIX=jour 0.82437 PREFIX=re 0.76589 POS=NNS 0.60551 PREFIX=artic 0.55595 LASTPREFIX=artic 0.54273 POS=NN -0.40750 CHARS -0.80250 WORDS -4.69812 ] using refereed_journal_articles
CPL @1094 (99.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "I have published several _" "She has also published several _" "He has published numerous _" "She has published multiple _" "co-author of numerous _" "coauthor of numerous _" "_ including MIS Quarterly" "she has published several _" "He has also published several _" "publications in scholarly _" "Author of numerous _" "co-author of many _" "author of numerous _" "He has published several _" "She has also published numerous _" "author of many _" "publication of numerous _" "_ including Management Science" "He published several _" "He has authored numerous _" ] using refereed_journal_articles