CPL @1094 (88.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "he has published numerous _" "_ including JAMA" "studies in peer-reviewed _" "publication of numerous _" "bookshelves overflowing with _" "He has published in various _" "papers published in scientific _" "editorial board of several other _" "editorial board for several _" "_ including Physical Review" "versions of scholarly _" "publication in top _" "articles in peer-reviewed _" "editors of national _" "studies published in peer-reviewed _" "He has published extensively in peer-reviewed _" "_ including The Accounting Review" "publications in scientific _" "articles for peer-reviewed _" "He has published in academic _" "collection of scholarly _" "publications in academic _" "publisher of peer-reviewed _" "_ including the Review" "articles in important _" "articles in prestigious _" "editorial board of several _" "reviewer for several other _" "He has published in peer-reviewed _" "subscriptions to foreign _" "_ including British Journal" "referee for numerous _" "results in peer-reviewed _" "publishing educational _" "small library of _" "Full-text collection of _" "numerous articles in academic _" "access to full-text electronic _" "articles in international _" "editorial boards of various _" "seminars , buying _" "publication in major _" "publication in scientific _" "publications in peer-reviewed _" "contributor to various _" "_ including Management Science" "publishing in academic _" "number of peer-reviewed _" "_ including Administrative Science Quarterly" "articles in academic _" "articles in contemporary _" "editorial boards for several _" "articles in professional _" "boards of several major _" "publication in prestigious _" "articles in major _" "many articles in various _" "editorial boards of numerous _" "articles in obscure _" "articles in prominent _" "boards of international _" "I read numerous _" "referee for various _" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "board of several other _" "articles published in academic _" "editorial boards of international _" "articles published in peer-reviewed _" "articles published in prestigious _" "numerous articles in major _" "chapters in professional _" "numerous peer reviewed _" "editorial board of various _" "editorial boards of several _" "_ including the Proceedings" "research papers in peer-reviewed _" "hoc reviewer for several _" "editor for numerous _" "resources , such as electronic _" "editorial boards of major _" "editorial boards of several international _" "regular contributor to various _" "Source documents include _" "_ including the International Journal" "publishing in scholarly _" "referee for international _" "subscriptions to scientific _" "_ including Information Systems Research" "_ including Cell" "editor of several international _" "articles in medical _" "work has been published in several _" "editors of several _" "workshops , reading _" "publication in international _" "work has appeared in top _" "He has published extensively in academic _" "numerous publications in scientific _" "articles published in medical _" "work has been published in various _" "_ including the New England Journal" "_ including the American Journal" "reviewer for many _" "research in top-tier _" "work has been published in major _" "hoc reviewer for numerous _" "electronic versions of scholarly _" "electronic versions of many _" "_ including The New England Journal" "articles in prestigious medical _" "ad hoc reviewer for numerous _" "papers in academic _" "articles published in professional _" "articles for various _" "papers in peer-reviewed _" "publication of several _" "submission to peer-reviewed _" "articles from medical _" "_ including the Journal" "reviewer for numerous _" "work in peer-reviewed _" "articles published in major _" "editor of major _" "work has appeared in various _" "publishers of several _" "Editorial Boards of several _" "articles in numerous _" "_ published each year" "books , reviewed _" "studies published in reputable _" "publication of many _" "ad hoc reviewer for several _" "publisher of scientific _" "publication in professional _" "boards of several international _" "It has published several _" "subscriptions to academic _" "editor of several _" "_ including Nature" "She has been published in numerous _" "subscriptions to several _" "articles in respected _" "publication in peer-reviewed _" "publications in high-impact _" "editorial boards of many _" "papers have been published in international _" "_ including IEEE Transactions" "research has been published in top-tier _" "numerous articles in peer-reviewed _" "articles from academic _" "Nature family of _" "papers published in international _" "reviewer for several _" "editorial boards of several other _" "publishing in peer-reviewed _" "database of full-text _" "editor of numerous _" "editorial consultant for several _" "editorial board member for several _" "editor of various _" ] using research_journals
CMC @1098 (98.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ SUFFIX=rnals 1.01536 PREFIX=jou 0.94923 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 0.88211 PREFIX=jour 0.88177 PREFIX=journ 0.86321 POS=NNS 0.85771 LAST_WORD=journals 0.80697 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.34400 CHARS -1.76424 WORDS -1.95010 ] using research_journals