CMC @1075 (76.0%) on 01-sep-2017 [ SUFFIX=rnals 1.01536 PREFIX=jou 0.94923 LASTSUFFIX=rnals 0.88211 PREFIX=jour 0.88177 PREFIX=journ 0.86321 POS=NNS 0.85771 LAST_WORD=journals 0.80697 PREFIX=tr -0.43798 CHARS -1.45290 WORDS -1.95010 ] using trade_journals
CPL @1097 (76.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "articles in legal _" "reviews in various _" "He has published in various _" "frequent contributor to numerous _" "articles in scientific _" "subscriptions to professional _" "textbooks , medical _" "contributor to various _" "publicity in major _" "articles for international _" "Library’s collection of _" "friends , read _" "articles for legal _" "advertisements in national _" "full text of numerous _" "_ including Journal" "articles in such _" "articles published in national _" "shows , read _" "regular contributor to various _" "articles appear in various _" "magazines / _" "ads in relevant _" "error , reading _" "classes , reading _" "_ including the Toronto Star" "articles appear in several _" "advertising in targeted _" "author to various _" "regular contributor to numerous _" "publisher of several _" "numerous articles published in various _" "articles to national _" "many articles for national _" "_ including The Wall Street Journal" "She has written for national _" "seminars , read _" "columnist for numerous _" "I have read so many _" "articles in major international _" "periodicals , professional _" "articles for professional _" "articles in respected _" "_ covering management" "_ including Time Magazine" "local newspapers , national _" "courses , reading _" "Publishing has been publishing _" "writings have been published in numerous _" "work has appeared in numerous _" "columnist for various _" "classes , read _" "articles in national _" "_ including the British Medical Journal" "numerous articles for professional _" "_ including The Journal" "editor to several _" "editor of several _" "numerous articles for national _" "manuals , reading _" "columnist in various _" "articles from relevant _" "conferences , read _" "art director for several _" "newspapers , national _" "Information has been sourced from _" "He has written for many _" "newspapers , professional _" "publication in professional _" "magazines , professional _" "articles in major _" "blogs , reading _" "numerous articles published in national _" "workshops , reading _" "articles for national _" "work has been published in numerous _" "many articles in various _" "several articles in various _" "seminars , reading _" "trade shows , read _" "advertising in national _" "contributor to numerous _" "volumes of bound _" "writer for major _" "advertising in professional _" "several articles for national _" "ads in national _" "business cartoons for _" "several articles in national _" "editor for numerous _" "work has appeared in various _" "we read numerous _" "writings have appeared in several _" "articles in well-known _" "articles published in numerous _" "He has been published in numerous _" "medical textbooks , medical _" "media such as printed _" "He has been published in several _" "_ including the Journal" "articles in medical _" "articles to several _" "stacks of old _" "work has also been published in numerous _" "courses , read _" "_ including the Wall Street Journal" "newspapers / _" "articles have been published in several _" "articles in prestigious _" "stacks of unread _" "publication in appropriate _" "articles have appeared in various _" "articles for popular _" "newspapers , major _" "work has been published in major _" "articles published in different _" "advertising in international _" "articles published in major _" "numerous articles in such _" "publishers of several _" "ads in professional _" "articles in numerous _" "articles for several _" "work has appeared in several _" "contributor to professional _" "articles for various _" "reviews in major _" "regular contributor to professional _" "He has been quoted in several _" "writing has appeared in numerous _" "numerous articles in major _" "numerous articles in technical _" "accolades from national _" "journals , specialized _" "He has been published in various _" "editor of various _" "editors of top _" "articles in professional _" "articles published in various _" "articles in technical _" "ads in printed _" "subscriptions to popular _" "several articles published in various _" "_ including the Harvard Business Review" "articles have appeared in numerous _" "articles for numerous _" "articles published in international _" "rave reviews in many _" "articles have been published in various _" "articles in relevant _" ] using trade_journals