SEAL @244 (67.0%) on 25-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using injection
CPL @1107 (61.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "consecutive patients undergoing _" "normal results of _" "_ moulding techniques" "_ moulded part" "endoscopy with _" "only treatment option is _" "methods of cosmetic _" "Sterile water for _" "liposuction , fat _" "nodes after _" "medical procedures such as _" "therapy , spinal _" "I 'm scheduled for _" "breast feed after _" "glaucoma following _" "CT scan with _" "therapeutic procedures such as _" "arteriogram is _" "Ultrasound guided _" "_ molded ABS plastic" "_ moulding machines" "common indication for _" "indication for therapeutic _" "compression following _" "cancer patients following _" "_ molded ABS" "cystoscopy with _" "sterile water for _" "_ molded thermoplastic parts" "results of endoscopic _" "_ is a non-surgical treatment" "certain procedures , such as _" "_ molded plastic components" "_ is an outpatient procedure" "_ is a medical procedure" "patients were referred for _" "weight loss via _" "intraocular pressure during _" "invasive procedures such as _" "cancer is with _" "surgical alternative to _" "analgesia after _" "radiation following _" "tumor before _" "exam followed by _" "chemotherapy followed by _" "blood cells following _" "surgical procedures such as _" "lung problems after _" "_ is a therapeutic procedure" "surgical techniques like _" "_ molded polycarbonate" "treatment is known as _" "vitro before _" "tumor cells after _" "invasive procedures , such as _" "carcinoma following _" "premedication before _" "_ moulded parts" "nodules by _" "invasive procedure , such as _" "arthrogram is _" "vein thrombosis after _" "_ is not a surgical procedure" "survival rate following _" "floaters after _" "Barium enema is _" "surgical procedure , such as _" "Diagnosis is made by _" "cosmetic procedures , such as _" "lymph nodes following _" "_ is a cosmetic procedure" "_ moulding company" "patient required _" "CT guided _" "_ is an x-ray procedure" "surgical procedures like _" "use of percutaneous _" "ultrasound guided _" "technique following _" "graft failure after _" "implants after _" "complication after _" "different types of cosmetic _" "tumor growth after _" "complications after _" "certain procedures such as _" "Physical therapy after _" "cosmetic procedures such as _" "me scheduled for _" "technique of percutaneous _" "surgery combined with _" "_ is an office procedure" "immune responses following _" "diagnosis is by _" "_ molded kit" "medical procedure like _" "death by lethal _" "MRI guided _" "_ molded nylon" "Dr did _" "patency after _" "minor procedures such as _" "metastases after _" "patients undergoing _" "patients had undergone _" "_ using saline" "apnea after _" "_ molded plastic parts" "_ moulding components" "_ molded housing" "_ molded magnets" "_ is a less invasive procedure" "expertise in facial _" "_ molded polypropylene" "_ is a simple outpatient procedure" "diagnostic tests , such as _" "_ was performed as soon as" "tumor followed by _" "Surgical options include _" "_ moulded components" "_ often allows patients" "radiation after _" "cosmetic procedure , such as _" "complicated procedure than _" "_ molded EVA" "_ molded plastic products" "_ moulded novelty food containers" "metastases following _" "_ revealed normal" "_ moulded plastic components" "surgeons also offer _" "surgery versus _" "deep vein thrombosis after _" "chemotherapy , followed by _" "She is currently undergoing _" "_ moulding parts" "lymph nodes after _" "spasms after _" "types of cosmetic _" "hemolysis after _" "diagnosis is confirmed by _" "Image guided _" "abscesses after _" "plications after _" "immune system after _" "patient was submitted to _" "antigens after _" "arteriography is _" "astigmatism after _" "cavernosum after _" "_ is a non-surgical procedure" "procedure such as _" "_ molded plastics" "_ molded polystyrene" "_ molded components" "further tests such as _" "_ molded tracking collar housings" "surgical procedure such as _" "Other procedures such as _" "non-invasive alternative to _" "noninvasive alternative to _" "anesthetic used for _" "patient underwent _" "result of cosmetic _" "postoperative complications after _" "definitive treatment by _" "cells prior to _" "rail direct _" "_ molded plastic" "_ molded kits" "_ molded thermoplastic" "plastic surgery such as _" "common side effects following _" "surgery such as _" "thrombosis after _" "procedure is often combined with _" "thrombocytopenia after _" "_ moulded plastic parts" "injury required _" "Possible complications after _" "biopsy involves _" "trauma , previous _" "_ moulded kits" "_ is a serious surgical procedure" "irradiation following _" "_ molded parts" ] using injection
CMC @1080 (100.0%) on 30-nov-2017 [ CHARS 3.13026 SUFFIX=ction 2.77039 LASTSUFFIX=ction 2.43709 LASTSUFFIX=ion 2.41146 PREFIX=inj 2.10832 PREFIX=injec 1.93662 PREFIX=inje 1.93655 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.19082 FULL_POS=NN -3.52577 WORDS -5.24354 ] using injection
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey