CPL @1108 (57.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "multiple tests including _" "other imaging modalities , such as _" "screening tests , such as _" "test , also called _" "ultrasound , diagnostic _" "age undergoing _" "scans , such as _" "_ has become the procedure" "_ revealed a cyst" "_ revealed the tumor" "medical imaging techniques such as _" "interventional procedures such as _" "_ showed cancer" "_ came back abnormal" "_ is usually performed if" "he 's scheduled for _" "_ is an x-ray" "implants during _" "common finding on _" "cancer patients undergoing _" "cancers detected by _" "cancer screening with _" "invasive tests , such as _" "medical tests like _" "medical tests , such as _" "He has undergone _" "_ is a diagnostic imaging technique" "imaging modalities such as _" "lesions detected by _" "_ is a noninvasive procedure" "patients undergoing _" "test , also known as _" "aspects of diagnostic _" "_ uses a powerful magnetic field" "_ is the preferred modality" "further testing such as _" "imaging procedures such as _" "imaging technique known as _" "patients undergoing cardiac _" "echocardiography , cardiac _" "certain procedures like _" "early detection through _" "diagnostic services include _" "diameter was measured by _" "screening tests such as _" "Diagnosis is confirmed by _" "interests include interventional _" "additional tests such as _" "scan is similar to _" "cancer detected by _" "_ guided injection" "She was sent for _" "_ comes back positive" "lesions detected on _" "Other tests such as _" "further investigations such as _" "breast cancer undergo _" "imaging methods , such as _" "hospital they did _" "surgical procedures such as _" "incidental finding on _" "_ directed biopsies" "diagnostic test such as _" "diagnosis is by _" "certain tests such as _" "_ is a non-invasive procedure" "colorectal cancer using _" "she went in for _" "experience in cardiac _" "I underwent _" "diagnostic role of _" "diagnostic procedures , such as _" "diagnostic imaging services , including _" "hospital tomorrow for _" "_ is the definitive test" "angiography , coronary _" "calcifications on _" "abnormalities are found on _" "medical technique of _" "man underwent _" "other imaging modalities such as _" "_ is a promising new technique" "_ came back NORMAL" "breast implants after _" "medical imaging , including _" "medical techniques such as _" "_ revealed a lesion" "imaging technologies such as _" "imaging , also called _" "She is scheduled for _" "Society recommends annual _" "Abnormal findings on _" "appropriateness criteria for _" "_ is an outpatient procedure" "_ directed biopsy" "laboratory tests , including _" "_ guided injections" "_ is a painless examination" "diagnostic procedures , including _" "_ is a specialized test" "_ does not use X-rays" "diagnostic modalities such as _" "diagnostic test called _" "_ require general anesthesia" "scans such as _" "trauma , recent _" "exam followed by _" "Diagnosis is made by _" "_ revealed severe" "typical findings on _" "suspicious finding on _" "imaging tests , such as _" "abnormal finding on _" "_ is a non-invasive test" "_ is the imaging modality" "abnormalities seen on _" "advanced imaging techniques such as _" "imaging techniques such as _" "diagnostic procedures like _" "diagnosis is confirmed with _" "diagnostic test , such as _" "several tests including _" "ischemic changes on _" "_ was performed the day" "boy undergoing _" "angiography , cardiac _" "imaging tests such as _" "imaging modalities , including _" "_ evaluates the heart" "_ is an imaging modality" "abnormalities found on _" "Additional tests such as _" "findings seen on _" "field of interventional _" "characteristic changes on _" "abnormal result on _" "imaging test called _" "imaging , cardiac _" "imaging services , including _" "negative predictive values of _" "leader in cardiac _" "radiology department for _" "people undergoing _" "indications for cardiac _" "_ is a scanning technique" "medical imaging such as _" "victim underwent _" "surgery such as _" "many procedures including _" "me go in for _" "radiology such as _" "radiology services including _" "diagnostic imaging such as _" "diagnostic equipment including _" "diagnostic procedures such as _" "diagnostic techniques such as _" "diagnostic techniques , such as _" "imaging technique called _" "leukemia after _" "medical procedure such as _" "less invasive procedures such as _" "modality , such as _" "expensive procedures like _" "imaging studies , such as _" "_ is considered a safe procedure" "screening methods , such as _" "imaging studies such as _" "radiologist read _" "new procedure called _" "she underwent _" "common findings on _" "diagnostic methods such as _" "other tests like _" "procedure such as _" "invasive procedure than _" "I 'm scheduled for _" "Diagnostic services include _" "_ is the preferred procedure" "abnormal results of _" "additional investigations such as _" "biopsy followed by _" "_ showed a lesion" "diagnostic tests such as _" "specific tests such as _" "test , called _" "cancer undergo _" "_ are performed each year" "_ showed a shadow" "animals underwent _" "_ is a novel technique" "multiple myeloma after _" "radiologist specializing in _" "benefits of cardiac _" "She was referred for _" "invasive techniques , such as _" "further testing , including _" "she undergo _" "routine screening with _" "Diagnostic procedures such as _" "CT scan , is _" "medical procedures , such as _" "additional tests , including _" "she was going in for _" "procedure , known as _" "procedure known as _" "She had undergone _" "patients scheduled for _" "radiologist recommended _" "patients referred for _" "diagnostic tests , including _" "course in clinical _" "contrast agents used in _" "development of coronary _" "_ revealed cancer" "_ is the medical use" "medical procedures like _" "abnormalities detected on _" "_ showed the lesion" "patient had undergone _" "characteristic findings on _" "diagnosis is established by _" "diagnostic services such as _" "diagnostic testing such as _" "diagnosis is made with _" "patients had undergone _" "surgery , interventional _" "he was scheduled for _" "_ is a medical test" "_ shows abnormalities" "_ was not performed until" "Diagnostic tests such as _" "she was referred for _" "diagnosis based upon _" "use in cardiac _" "radiology including _" "I was then sent for _" "X-ray , abdominal _" "diagnostic tests include _" "diagnostic imaging including _" "examination called _" "further tests such as _" "Diagnosis was made by _" "He was scheduled for _" "American Cancer Society recommends annual _" "_ is a non-invasive technique" "_ is an imaging procedure" "_ was not performed during" "research using functional _" "diagnostic tests , such as _" "_ was non-diagnostic" "diagnostic methods , such as _" "disease undergo _" "_ does not use ionizing radiation" "Procedures such as _" "_ showed the cancer" "medical treatments like _" "noninvasive procedures such as _" "He is scheduled for _" "imaging modalities including _" "blood test and/or _" "additional tests , such as _" "_ is an imaging study" "_ showed no cancer" "medical procedure like _" "therapeutic procedures such as _" "they had undergone _" "coronary angiography , coronary _" "diagnostic tests including _" "diagnostic studies such as _" "Additional tests , such as _" "diagnostic procedure such as _" "investigations such as _" "field of cardiac _" "him scheduled for _" "patients awaiting _" "_ revealed the fracture" "scan , is _" "surgery , advanced _" "imaging technologies , such as _" "imaging methods such as _" "_ is an imaging technique" "other procedures , like _" "practice of clinical _" "test called _" "plaintiff underwent _" "patient cannot undergo _" "me scheduled for _" "he underwent _" "certain procedures such as _" "biopsy guided by _" "patient was referred for _" "Other tests , such as _" "tumors detected by _" "_ is a diagnostic exam" "X-ray called _" "She went in for _" "Other tests like _" "medical imaging , such as _" "diagnostic procedures including _" "false-positive rate for _" "day he underwent _" "imaging test , such as _" "characteristic appearance on _" "doctor has scheduled _" "examination followed by _" "time I underwent _" "_ is an imaging test" "scan , called _" "other investigations such as _" "risks of cardiac _" "CT scan with _" "It is diagnosed by _" "scan is like _" "scan followed by _" "imaging techniques , such as _" "Ultrasound guided _" "medical imaging including _" "cancer screening by _" "medical procedures such as _" "Radiologist Explains _" "I recently underwent _" "Other procedures such as _" "_ is an effective screening tool" "procedure called _" "field of cardiovascular _" "test is called _" "hospital undergoing _" "_ is a safe test" "_ is the diagnostic tool" "chemotherapy after _" "children undergoing _" "imaging procedures , such as _" "_ revealed a spot" "_ is a diagnostic technique" "imaging , such as _" "Procedures performed include _" "Contrast enhanced _" "children underwent _" "further testing , such as _" "father recently had _" "specialized tests such as _" "diagnostic studies , such as _" "timely perform _" "_ revealed a growth" "image reconstruction in _" "implants after _" "diagnostic tools such as _" "technique , called _" "techniques such as functional _" "stent after _" "_ is a medical imaging technique" "lesions identified by _" "common indication for _" "cancer screening using _" "many tests , including _" "_ has a high diagnostic accuracy" "patient undergoes _" "imaging tests , including _" "_ is an excellent screening tool" "_ is the imaging method" "I have been scheduled for _" "_ is the diagnostic procedure" "_ is a diagnostic procedure" "specialized tests , such as _" "test known as _" "_ still remains the gold standard" "further tests , including _" "imaging modalities , such as _" "invasive procedures such as _" "She is undergoing _" ] using mri