CPL @1112 (62.3%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "production was down _" "return of about _" "increases have averaged _" "food prices rose by _" "average annual increase of _" "U.S. economy grew at _" "sales grew _" "revenue grew _" "sales increased by _" "retail sales were up _" "revenue was down _" "sales were down _" "rate was only _" "average annual growth of _" "economic growth rate of _" "pay rise of _" "growth of around _" "production rose _" "commission fee of _" "goods fell by _" "pay raise of _" "payment fee of _" "Food prices rose _" "growth reached _" "service charge of _" "income decreased _" "growth has averaged _" "_ annualized rate" "growth target of _" "growth averaging _" "prices were up _" "costs rose _" "consumption by about _" "store sales were up _" "shares dropped _" "rate increase of _" "accounts for about _" "average annual growth rate of _" "annual population growth rate of _" "annual rate of over _" "corporate tax rate of _" "state sales tax of _" "store sales increased _" "sales rose _" "annual rate of about _" "contribution equal to _" "wage increase of _" "GDP was estimated at _" "increases of over _" "sales dropped by _" "stock fell _" "rate of close to _" "population increased by _" "sales grew by _" "students increased by _" "house prices fell _" "volumes increased _" "_ working interest" "unemployment rate is around _" "Sales were up _" "fee equal to _" "spending fell _" "volume grew _" "increases averaging _" "p-value is _" "output rose _" "rates by about _" "amount to about _" "growth rate of about _" "interest rate of about _" "State sales tax is _" "price rose by _" "sales decreased by _" "rate of around _" "quarter increased _" "prices rose by _" "GDP growth of _" "profit rose _" "rate is around _" "DD-year average of _" "rate is approximately _" "industry average of _" "annual inflation rate of _" "accounts for around _" "rates of about _" "growth rate is about _" "negative growth of _" "growth rates of over _" "growth rates of around _" "economy grew at _" "decrease of about _" "shares fell _" "sales tax rate is _" "traffic was up _" "industry grew by _" "rate by about _" "current rate is _" "commission rate of _" "shares slid _" "shares were up _" "average fell _" "all-time low of _" "wage increases of _" "increases of about _" "store sales were down _" "survival rate was _" "rates are as low as _" "concessionary rate of _" "date was down _" "rate is under _" "gross domestic product growth of _" "goods fell _" "growth of over _" "inflation target of _" "current unemployment rate of _" "same-store sales rose _" "shares were down _" "revenues were down _" "economy contracted by _" "production dropped _" "production was up _" "GDP grew by _" "rate of below _" "stores increased _" "tax increase of _" "reduction of around _" "rates of around _" "net sales increased _" "volume was down _" "tax rate is _" "unemployment down to _" "income was up _" "Share prices closed _" "domestic product growth of _" "volume increased _" "accounting for about _" "revenues declined _" "savings of around _" "revenues increased _" "sales declined by _" "volume fell _" "Comparable store sales increased _" "GDP growth has averaged _" "volume was up _" "sales slipped _" "services increased by _" "production fell _" "reduction of up to _" "year-on-year growth of _" "state sales tax is _" "same-store sales increased _" "sales fell by _" "rate fell by _" "late payment fee of _" "reduction of about _" "average GDP growth of _" "GDP grew _" "rate reduction of _" "production increased by _" "retail sales rose _" "_ annualized decline" "orders were up _" "commission equal to _" "low unemployment rate of _" "jobless rate of _" "unemployment rate stood at _" "market share of over _" "store sales fell _" "increase of about _" "sales rose by _" "unemployment hovering around _" "volume declined _" "savings up to _" "revenue decreased by _" "unemployment rate was _" "rate about _" "average unemployment rate was _" "average annual rate of _" "tax equal to _" "economy grew _" "revenue was up _" "profit increased _" "sales were up _" "sales declined _" "income rose _" "growth rate was _" "index was down _" "pay increase of _" "revenues were up _" "real GDP growth of _" "tax rate is currently _" "rate dropped by _" "revenues grew by _" "prices rose _" "rate is about _" "rate of under _" "record low of _" "sales were down by _" "store sales dropped _" "population growth rate was _" "excise tax of _" "growth of about _" "national unemployment rate of _" "revenue increased _" "rate was around _" "relative humidity was _" "rate rose to _" "expenses decreased _" "sales fell _" "revenue fell _" "rate is currently _" "revenues increased by _" "economy grew by _" "gains of over _" "quarter , up _" "revenue rose _" "income fell _" "growth rate of over _" "shares rose _" "origination fee of _" "figure was up _" "unemployment rate fell to _" "savings of up to _" "revenues rose _" "revenues grew _" "revenue grew by _" "profit increased by _" "increase of around _" "sales increased _" "sales decreased _" "production declined by _" "employment grew by _" "_ compounded annual growth rate" "store sales rose _" "Index increased by _" "GDP growth rate of _" "levels of about _" "share increased by _" "rate was approximately _" ] using four_percent
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 share of the global arg1" "arg2 share of the local arg1" "arg2 share of the European arg1" ] using (market, four_percent)
CPL @1107 (93.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of their fair market arg1" "arg2 of the equalized assessed arg1" "arg2 of the current replacement arg1" "arg2 less than their face arg1" ] using (value, four_percent)