CPL @1116 (51.0%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "savings up to _" "average falls below _" "opacity to about _" "unemployment rate is over _" "payout ratio of _" "response rate was _" "reduction of around _" "ratio was about _" "fee equal to _" "MD-WV earned _" "level was set at _" "rate is around _" "profit rose _" "accounts for around _" "ratio is about _" "rates of up to _" "rate remained at _" "VA earned _" "growth rate of about _" "discounts up to _" "volume fell _" "sales surged _" "world , with over _" "Sales increased by _" "Discounts up to _" "pension is equal to _" "effective rate was _" "tax rate is _" "sector accounts for _" "minimum grade of _" "consumption by about _" "discounts of up to _" "rate about _" "figure is up _" "unemployment rate of about _" "consumer price index increased _" "precipitation observed during _" "reduction of up to _" "ratio is approximately _" "ratios up to _" "_ win rate" "average below _" "_ said faculty members" "market share of over _" "factor increased by _" "revenues were up _" "_ fail rate" "priori at _" "costs increased by _" "blood-alcohol level was _" "amount to about _" "CO earned _" "revenues increased by _" "efficiency of around _" "rate is about _" "jobless rate of _" "sales fell _" "accounts for over _" "savings of over _" "They constitute about _" "discount of over _" "sales rose _" "revenue increased by _" "quarter increased by _" "sales grew _" "sales increased by _" "revenue was up _" "predictive value was _" "rate decreased by _" "mortality rate was _" "level set at _" "studies , up to _" "revenues rose _" "Opacity to _" "levels of about _" "traffic fell _" "OH earned _" "average reduction of _" "_ participating interest" "severe precipitation observed during _" "profits fell _" "point average to _" "AK earned _" "growth of over _" "consumption by over _" "ratio below _" "relative humidity was _" "rate was around _" "SC earned _" "annual rate of _" "services increased by _" "share of about _" "GDP fell by _" "It accounts for about _" "minimum grade point average of _" "rate of close to _" "consumption increased by _" "accounts for about _" "exports grew _" "industry grew by _" "tax rate was _" "output increased by _" "sales were down _" "accounting for over _" "unemployment rate stands at _" "sales were up _" "profit fell _" "reduction of about _" "ratio of about _" "rate of around _" "prices rose by _" "comprise about _" "unemployment rate is around _" "LA earned _" "gross margin was _" "minimum cumulative average of _" "rate of below _" "services increased _" "stock has fallen _" "expenses increased by _" "ratio of over _" "percentage (up to _" "sales increased _" "school grade point average of _" "income increased by _" "minimum average of _" "rates of about _" "point average of _" "rate stands at _" "Sales were up _" "AL earned _" "IRR of _" "stock dropped _" "cumulative grade point average of _" "fatality rate was _" "savings of up to _" "_ working interest" "gains of over _" "growth of around _" "it accounts for about _" "value of around _" "efficiency up to _" "_ are lived in by" "rate is under _" "stock is down _" "grade point average of _" "rate is estimated at _" "sales decreased by _" "GPA is below _" "assignment is worth _" "average is below _" "correction factor of _" "shares are up _" "grade average of _" "grade point average to _" "increase of about _" "house prices rose by _" "load factor was _" "unemployment rate stood at _" "discount of up to _" "survival rate was _" "minimum score of _" "account for over _" "rate is approximately _" "overall mark of _" "credit equal to _" "price index increased _" "production increased by _" "rate was only _" "cumulative average of _" "revenues increased _" "overall response rate was _" "_ win ratio" "accounting for about _" "rate is set at _" "rate is only about _" "discount up to _" "DE earned _" "index increased _" "average savings of _" "ratio is around _" "high school grade point average of _" "average is only _" ] using n85__
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 share of the Japanese arg1" "arg2 share of the domestic arg1" "arg2 of the UK search arg1" "arg2 of the US search arg1" "arg2 share of the global arg1" "arg2 share of the search arg1" ] using (market, n85__)
CPL @1107 (96.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 of the total appraised arg1" "arg2 of its replacement arg1" "arg2 of their true market arg1" "arg2 of the appraised fair market arg1" "arg2 of the current appraised arg1" ] using (value, n85__)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" ] using (new, n85__)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Mexico is arg2" "arg1 Jersey is arg2" "arg1 Zealand is arg2" "arg1 York is arg2" "arg1 Brunswick is arg2" "arg1 Hampshire is arg2" ] using (new, n85__)